Số: 78/2006/QĐ-BTC |
CỘNG HOÀ XÃ HỘI CHỦ NGHĨA VIỆT NAM Độc lập - Tự do - Hạnh phúc
Hà nội, ngày 29 tháng 12 năm 2006 |
Căn cứ Luật thuế xuất khẩu, thuế nhập khẩu số
45/2005/QH11 ngày 14 tháng 06 năm 2005;
Căn cứ Nghị quyết số 977/2005/NQ-UBTVQH11 ngày 13 tháng 12 năm 2005 của Ủy ban
Thường vụ Quốc hội về việc ban hành biểu thuế xuất khẩu theo danh mục nhóm hàng
chịu thuế và khung thuế suất đối với từng nhóm hàng, biểu thuế nhập khẩu ưu đãi
theo danh mục nhóm hàng chịu thuế và khung thuế suất ưu đãi đối với từng nhóm
Căn cứ Nghị Quyết 71/2006/QH11 về việc phê chuẩn Nghị định thư gia nhập Hiệp
định thành lập Tổ chức thương mại thế giới của Cộng hoà xã hội chủ nghĩa Việt
Căn cứ Nghị định số 77/2003/NĐ-CP ngày 01 tháng 7 năm 2003 của Chính phủ quy
định chức năng, nhiệm vụ, quyền hạn và cơ cấu tổ chức của Bộ Tài chính;
Căn cứ Điều 11 Nghị định số 149/2005/NĐ-CP ngày 08 tháng 12 năm 2005 của Chính
phủ quy định chi tiết thi hành Luật thuế xuất khẩu, thuế nhập khẩu;
Theo đề nghị của Vụ trưởng Vụ Chính sách thuế;
Điều 1: Sửa đổi thuế suất thuế nhập khẩu ưu đãi một số nhóm mặt hàng quy định tại Quyết định số 39/2006/QĐ-BTC ngày 28/07/2006 của Bộ trưởng Bộ Tài chính về việc ban hành Biểu thuế xuất khẩu, Biểu thuế nhập khẩu ưu đãi thành các mức thuế suất thuế nhập khẩu ưu đãi mới quy định tại Danh mục sửa đổi mức thuế suất thuế nhập khẩu ưu đãi ban hành kèm theo Quyết định này để thực hiện Nghị định thư gia nhập Hiệp định thành lập Tổ chức thương mại thế giới (WTO) của Việt Nam, áp dụng cho các Tờ khai hàng hoá nhập khẩu đăng ký với cơ quan Hải quan kể từ ngày 11/01/2007.
Điều 2. Quyết định này có hiệu lực thi hành sau 15 ngày kể từ ngày đăng Công báo/.
Nơi nhận: -
Thủ tướng và các Phó Thủ tướng Chính phủ; |
No. 78/2006/QD-BTC |
Hanoi, December 29, 2006 |
Pursuant to June 14, 2005 Law No.
45/2005/QH11 on Import Tax and Export Tax;
Pursuant to the National Assembly Standing Committee’s Resolution No.
977/2005/NQ-UBTVQH11 of December 13, 2005, promulgating the Export Tariff
according to the List of taxable commodity groups and the tax rate bracket of
each commodity group, and the Preferential Import Tariff according to the List of
taxable commodity groups and the preferential tax rate bracket for each
commodity group;
Pursuant to Resolution No. 71/2006/QH11 ratifying the Protocol on Accession of
the Socialist Republic of Vietnam to the Agreement Establishing the World Trade
Pursuant to the Government’s Decree No. 77/2003/ND-CP of July 1, 2003, defining
the functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of the Finance
Pursuant to Article 11 of the Government’s Decree No. 149/2005/ND-CP of
December 8, 2005, detailing the implementation of the Law on Import Tax and
Export Tax;
At the proposal of the director of the Tax Policy Department,
Article 1.- To amend preferential import tax rates of a number of commodity groups promulgated together with the Finance Minister’s Decision No. 39/2006/QD-BTC of July 28, 2006, promulgating the Export Tariff and the Preferential Import Tariff, into new ones specified in the List of amended preferential import tax rates promulgated together with this Decision, for implementation of the Protocol on Accession of Vietnam to the Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization. These new tax rates shall apply to declarations of imports registered with customs offices as from January 11, 2007.
Article 2.- This Decision takes effect 15 days after its publication in “CONG BAO.”
Truong Chi Trung
(Promulgated together with the Finance Minister’s Decision No.
78/2006/QD-BTC of December 29, 2006)
Tax rate (%)
Meat of horses, asses, mules or hinnies, fresh, chilled or frozen
0301 Live fish
0301 10 - Ornamental fish:
0301 10 10 00 - - Fish fry 20
0301 10 20 00 - - Other, marine fish 30
0301 10 30 00 - - Other, freshwater fish 30
‑ Other live fish:
0301 92 00 00 - - Eels (Anguilla spp.) 30
0301 93 - - Carp:
0301 93 10 00 - - - For breeding 0
0301 93 90 00 - - - Other 30
0301 99 - - Other:
- - - Milkfish or lapu lapu fry:
0301 99 11 00 - - - - For breeding 0
0301 99 19 00 - - - - Other 30
- - - Other fish fry:
0301 99 29 00 - - - - Other 30
0301 99 30 00 - - - Other marine fish 30
0301 99 40 00 - - - Other fresh water fish 30
0511 Animal
products not elsewhere specified or included; dead
animals of Chapter 1 or 3, unfit for human
0511 10 00 00 - Bovine semen 0
‑ Other:
0511 91 -
- Products of fish or crustaceans, mollusks or other aquatic
invertebrates; dead animals of Chapter 3:
0511 91 10 00 - - - Dead animals of Chapter 3 5
0511 91 20 00 - - - Roes 5
0511 91 40 00 - - - Fish bladders 5
0511 91 90 00 - - - Other 5
0511 99 - - Other:
- - - Domestic animal semen:
0511 99 11 00 - - - - Of swine, sheep or goats 0
0511 99 19 00 - - - - Other 0
0511 99 20 00 - - - Silk worm eggs 0
0511 99 90 00 - - - Other 5
0603 Cut
flowers and flower buds of a kind suitable for bouquets or for
ornamental purposes, fresh, dried, dyed,
bleached, impregnated
or otherwise prepared
0603 10 10 00 - - Orchids 30
0603 10 90 00 - - Other 30
0603 90 00 00 - Other 30
0604 Foliage,
branches and other parts of plants, without flowers or
flower buds, and grasses, mosses and
lichens, of a kind suitable
for bouquets or ornamental purposes, fresh,
dried, dyed, bleached,
impregnated or otherwise prepared
0604 10 00 00 - Mosses and lichens 30
‑ Other:
0604 91 00 00 - Fresh 30
0604 99 00 00 - - Other 30
0709 Other vegetables, fresh or chilled
0709 20 00 00 - Asparagus 15
0709 30 00 00 - Aubergines (egg‑plants) 15
0709 40 00 00 - Celery other than celeriac 15
‑ Mushrooms and truffles:
0709 51 00 00 - - Mushrooms of the genus Agaricus 15
0709 52 00 00 - - Truffles 15
0709 59 00 00 - - Other 15
0709 60 - Fruits of the genus Capsicum or of the genus Pimenta:
0709 60 10 00 - - Chillies, other than giant chillies 15
0709 70 00 00 - Spinach, New Zealand spinach and orache spinach (garden spinach) 15
0709 90 00 00 - Other 15
0710 Vegetables
(uncooked or cooked by steaming or boiling in water),
0710 10 00 00 - Potatoes 20
‑ Leguminous vegetables, shelled or unshelled:
0710 21 00 00 - - Peas (Pisum sativum) 25
0710 22 00 00 - - Beans (Vigna spp., Phaseolus spp.) 25
0710 29 00 00 - - Other 25
0710 30 00 00 - Spinach, New Zealand spinach and orache spinach (garden spinach) 15
0710 80 00 00 - Other vegetables 25
0710 90 00 00 - Mixtures of vegetables 25
0712 Dried
vegetables, whole, cut, sliced, broken or in powder, but
not further prepared
0712 20 00 00 - Onions 30
Mushrooms, wood ears (Auricularia spp.), jelly fungi (Tremella
spp.) and truffles:
0712 31 00 00 - - Mushrooms of the genus Agaricus 30
0712 32 00 00 - - Wood ears (Auricularia spp.) 30
0712 33 00 00 - - Jelly fungi (Tremella spp.) 30
0712 39 - - Other:
0712 39 20 00 - - - Shiitake (dong-gu) 30
0712 39 90 00 - - - Other 30
0712 90 00 00 - Other vegetables; mixture of vegetables 25
0713 Dried
leguminous vegetables, shelled, whether or not skinned
or split
0713 10 - Peas (Pisum sativum):
0713 10 10 00 - - For sowing 0
0713 10 90 00 - - Other 25
0713 20 - Chickpeas (garbanzos):
0713 20 10 00 - - For sowing 0
‑ Beans (Vigna spp., Phaseolus spp.):
0713 31 -
- Beans of the species Vigna mungo (L.) Hepper or Vigna radiata (L.)
0713 31 10 00 - - - For sowing 0
0713 31 90 00 - - - Other 25
0713 32 - - Small red (Adzuki) beans (Phaseolus or Vigna angularis):
0713 32 10 00 - - - For sowing 0
0713 32 90 00 - - - Other 25
0713 33 - - Kidney beans, including white pea beans (Phaseolus vulgaris):
0713 33 10 00 - - - For sowing 0
0713 39 - - Other:
0713 39 10 00 - - - For sowing 0
0713 39 90 00 - - - Other 25
0713 40 - - Lentils:
0713 40 10 00 - - For sowing 0
0713 40 90 00 - - Other 25
0713 50 -
Broad beans (Vicia faba var. major) and horse beans (Vicia faba
var. equina, Vicia faba var. minor):
0713 50 10 00 - - For sowing 0
0713 50 90 00 - - Other 25
0713 90 10 00 - - For sowing 0
0713 90 90 00 - - Other 25
0801 Coconuts,
Brazil nuts and cashew nuts, fresh or dried, whether or
not shelled or peeled
‑ Coconuts:
0801 11 00 00 - - Desiccated 40
0801 19 00 00 - - Other 40
- Brazil nuts:
0801 21 00 00 - - In shell 30
0801 22 00 00 - - Shelled 30
0801 31 00 00 - - In shell 5
0801 32 00 00 - - Shelled 40
0804 Dates,
figs, pineapples, avocados, guavas, mangoes and
mangosteens, fresh or dried
0804 10 00 00 - Dates 40
0804 20 00 00 - Figs 40
0804 30 00 00 - Pineapples 40
0804 40 00 00 - Avocados 30
0804 50 00 00 - Guavas, mangoes and mangosteens 40
0808 Apples, pears and quinces, fresh
0808 20 00 00 - Pears and quinces 25
0809 fresh
Apricots, cherries, peaches (including nectarines), plums
and sloes,
0809 10 00 00 - Apricots 35
0809 20 00 00 - Cherries 35
0809 30 00 00 - Peaches, including nectarines 40
0809 40 00 00 - Plums and sloes 40
0810 Other fruit, fresh
0810 10 00 00 - Strawberries 15
0810 20 00 00 - Raspberries, blackberries, mulberries and loganberries 15
0810 40 00 00 - Cranberries, bilberries and other fruits of the genus Vaccinium 15
0810 50 00 00 - Kiwifruit 10
0810 60 00 00 - Durians 40
0810 90 - Other:
0810 90 10 00 - - Longans 40
0810 90 20 00 - - Lychees 40
0810 90 90 00 - - Other 40
0901 Coffee,
whether or not roasted or decaffeinated; coffee husks
and skins; coffee substitutes containing
coffee in any proportion
‑ Coffee, not roasted:
0901 11 10 00 - - - Arabica WIB or Robusta OIB 20
0901 11 90 00 - - - Other 20
0901 12 - - Decaffeinated:
0901 12 10 00 - - - Arabica WIB or Robusta OIB 20
0901 12 90 00 - - - Other 20
‑ Coffee, roasted:
0901 21 - - Not decaffeinated:
0901 21 10 00 - - - Unground 40
0901 21 20 00 - - - Ground 40
0901 22 10 00 - - - Unground 40
0901 22 20 00 - - - Ground 40
0901 90 00 00 - Other 40
0902 Tea, whether or not flavored
0902 10 -
Green tea (not fermented) in immediate packings of a content not
exceeding 3 kg:
0902 10 10 00 - - Leaf 40
0902 10 90 00 - - Other 40
0902 20 - Other green tea (not fermented):
0902 20 10 00 - - Leaf 40
0902 30 -
Black tea (fermented) and partly fermented tea, in immediate
packings of a content not exceeding 3 kg:
0902 30 10 00 - - Leaf 40
0902 30 90 00 - - Other 40
0902 40 - Other black tea (fermented) and other partly fermented tea:
0902 40 10 00 - - Leaf 40
0902 40 90 00 - - Other 40
0903 00 00 00 Maté 30
1005 Maize (corn)
1005 10 00 00 - Seed 0
1005 90 10 00 - - Popcorn 30
1005 90 90 00 - - Other 5
1507 Soya‑bean
oil and its fractions, whether or not refined, but not
chemically modified
1507 10 00 00 - Crude oil, whether or not degummed 5
1507 90 - Other:
1507 90 10 00 - - Refined oil 30
1507 90 20 00 - - Fractions of unrefined soya-bean oil 5
1507 90 90 00 - - Other 30
1508 Ground‑nut
oil and its fractions, whether or not refined, but not
chemically modified
1508 90 - Other:
1508 90 10 00 - - Refined oil 30
1508 90 20 00 - - Fractions of unrefined ground-nut oil 5
1508 90 90 00 - - Other 30
1509 Olive
oil and its fractions, whether or not refined but not
chemically modified
1509 10 - Virgin:
1509 10 10 00 - - In packing of net weight not exceeding 30 kg 5
1509 10 90 00 - - Other 5
1509 90 - Other:
1509 90 11 00 - - - In packing of net weight not exceeding 30 kg 30
1509 90 19 00 - - - Other 30
- - Fractions of unrefined oil:
1509 90 21 00 - - - In packing of net weight not exceeding 30 kg 5
1509 90 29 00 - - - Other 5
- - Other:
1509 90 91 00 - - - In packing of net weight not exceeding 30 kg 30
1509 90 99 00 - - - Other 30
1510 Other
oils and their fractions, obtained solely from olives, whether
or not refined, but not chemically
modified, including blends
of these oils or fractions with oils or
fractions of heading 15.09
- Other:
1510 00 91 00 - - Refined oil 30
1510 00 92 00 - - Fractions of unrefined oil 5
1510 00 99 00 - - Other 30
1512 Sunflower‑seed,
safflower or cotton‑seed oil and fractions thereof,
whether or not refined, but not chemically
‑ Sunflower‑seed or safflower oil and fractions thereof:
1512 11 00 00 - - Crude oil 5
1512 19 - - Other:
1512 19 10 00 - - - Refined oil 30
1512 19 90 00 - - - Other 30
‑ Cotton‑seed oil and its fractions:
1512 21 00 00 - - Crude oil, whether or not gossypol has been removed 5
1512 29 - - Other:
1512 29 10 00 - - - Refined oil 30
1512 29 20 00 - - - Fractions of unrefined cotton-seed oil 5
1512 29 90 00 - - - Other 30
1513 Coconut
(copra), palm kernel or babassu oil and fractions
thereof, whether or not refined, but not
chemically modified
‑ Coconut (copra) oil and its fractions:
1513 19 - - Other:
1513 19 10 00 - - - Refined oil 30
1513 19 20 00 - - - Fractions of unrefined coconut oil 5
1513 19 90 00 - - - Other 30
- Palm kernel or babassu oil and fractions thereof:
1513 21 00 00 - - Crude oil 5
1513 29 - - Other:
1513 29 10 00 - - - Refined oil 30
1513 29 20 00 - - - Fractions of unrefined plam kernel and babassu oil 5
1514 Rape,
colza or mustard oil and fractions thereof, whether or
not refined, but not chemically modified
- Low erucic acid rape or colza oil and its fractions:
1514 11 00 00 - - Crude oil 5
1514 19 - - Other:
1514 19 10 00 - - - Refined oil 5
1514 19 20 00 - - - Fractions of unrefined oil 5
1514 19 90 00 - - - Other 5
- Other:
1514 91 - - Crude oil:
1514 91 90 00 - - - Other 5
1514 99 - - Other:
1514 99 10 00 - - - Refined oil 30
1514 99 20 00 - - - Fractions of unrefined oil 5
- - - Other:
1514 99 91 00 - - - - Rape or colza oil and its fractions 30
1514 99 99 00 - - - - Other 30
1517 Margarine,
edible mixtures or preparations of animal or vegetable
fat or oils or of fractions of different
fats or oils of this Chapter,
other than edible fats or oils or their
fractions of heading 15.16
1517 10 00 00 - Margarine, excluding liquid margarine 25
1517 90 10 00 - - Imitation ghee 40
1517 90 20 00 - - Liquid margarine 40
1517 90 30 00 - - Mould release preparation 40
- - Imitation lard; shortening:
1517 90 41 00 - - - Imitation lard of animal origin 40
1517 90 42 00 - - - Imitation lard of vegetable origin 40
1517 90 43 00 - - - Shortening 30
- Of mixtures or preparations of vegetable fats or oils or of their
1517 90 51 00 - - - Solid mixtures or preparations 40
1517 90 61 00 - - - - In which ground-nut oil predominates 40
- - - - In which palm oil predominates:
1517 90 71 00 - - - - - Crude 40
1517 90 72 00 - - - - - Other, in packings of net weight not exceeding 20 kg 40
1517 90 79 00 - - - - - Other 40
1517 90 81 00 - - - - In which crude palm kernel oil predominates 40
1517 90 82 00 -
- - - In which refined, bleached and deodorized (RBD) palm kernel
oil predominates 40
1517 90 83 00 - - - - In which crude palm kernel olein predominates 40
1517 90 84 00 -
- - - In which refined, bleached and deodorized (RBD) palm kernel
olein predominates 40
1517 90 86 00 - - - - In which illipenut oil predominates 40
1517 90 89 00 - - - - Other 40
1517 90 90 00 - - Other 40
1601 Sausages
and similar products, of meat, meat offal or blood; food
preparations based on these products
- Sausages:
1601 00 11 00 - - Containing pork 40
1601 00 12 00 - - Containing beef 40
1601 00 13 00 - - Containing both pork and beef 40
1601 00 19 00 - - Other 40
1602 Other prepared or preserved meat, meat offal or blood
1602 10 00 00 - Homogenized preparations 40
1602 20 00 00 - Of liver of any animal 40
‑ Of poultry of heading 01.05:
1602 31 00 00 - - Of turkeys 40
1602 32 - - Of fowls of the species Gallus domesticus:
1602 32 10 00 - - - Canned chicken curry 40
1602 32 90 00 - - - Other 40
1602 39 00 00 - - Other 40
1602 41 00 00 - - Hams and cuts thereof 40
1602 42 00 00 - - Shoulders and cuts thereof 40
1602 49 - - Other, including mixtures:
1602 49 10 00 - - - Luncheon meat 40
1602 49 90 00 - - - Other 40
1602 50 - Of bovine animals:
1602 50 10 00 - - Corned beef 40
1602 50 90 00 - - Other 40
1602 90 - Other, including preparations of blood of any animal:
1602 90 90 00 - - Other 40
1704 Sugar
confectionery (including white chocolate), not containing
1704 10 00 00 - Chewing gum, whether or not sugar‑coated 40
1704 90 - Other:
1704 90 10 00 - - Medicated sweets 20
1704 90 20 00 - - White chocolate 40
1704 90 90 00 - - Other 40
1806 Chocolate and other food preparations containing cocoa
1806 10 00 00 -
Cocoa powder, containing added sugar or other sweetening
matter 20
1806 20 10 00 - - Chocolate confectionery in blocks, slabs or bars 20
1806 20 90 00 - - Other 20
‑ Other, in blocks, slabs or bars:
1806 31 - - Filled:
1806 31 10 00 - - - Chocolate confectionery in blocks, slabs or bars 35
1806 31 90 00 - - - Other 35
1806 32 - - Not filled:
1806 32 10 00 - - - Chocolate confectionery in blocks, slabs or bars 35
1806 32 90 00 - - - Other 35
1806 90 10 00 - - Chocolate confectionery in tablets or pastilles 35
1806 90 20 00 -
- Food preparations of flour, meal, starch or malt extract, containing
40% or more but less than 50% by weight of
cocoa and food
preparations of goods of headings 04.01 to
04.04, containing 5% or more
but less than 10% by weight of cocoa, specially prepared for
infant use, not put up for retail sale 35
1806 90 30 00 -
- Other food preparations of flour, meal, starch or malt extract,
containing 40% or more but less than 50% by
weight of cocoa; other
food preparations of goods of headings
04.01 to 04.04, containing 5%
or more but less than 10% by weight of
cocoa; preparations of cereals
containing 6% but not more than 8% by
weight of cocoa 35
1806 90 90 00 - - Other 35
1901 Malt
extract; food preparations of flour, groats, meal, starch
or malt extract, not containing cocoa or
containing less than 40%
by weight of cocoa calculated on a totally
defatted basis, not
elsewhere specified or included; food
preparations of goods
of headings 04.01 to 04.04, not containing
cocoa or containing
less than 5% by weight of cocoa calculated
on a totally defatted
basis,not elsewhere specified or included
1901 10 - Preparations for infant use, put up for retail sale:
1901 10 10 00 - - Of malt extract 30
- - Of goods of headings 04.01 to 04.04:
1901 10 21 00 - - - Medical food 15
1901 10 30 00 - - Of soy bean powder 40
- - Other:
1901 10 91 00 - - - For lactase deficiency infants 30
1901 10 92 00 - - - Other medical foods 15
1901 10 93 00 - - - Other, containing cocoa 35
1901 10 99 00 - - - Other 40
1901 20 -
Mixes and doughs for the preparation of bakers’ wares of heading
1901 20 10 00 - - Of flour, groats, meal, starch or malt extract, not containing cocoa 35
1901 20 20 00 - - Of flour, groats, meal, starch or malt extract, containing cocoa 35
1901 20 40 00 - - Other, containing cocoa 35
1901 90 - Other:
- - Infant food, not put up for retail sale:
1901 90 11 00 - - - Of goods of heading 04.01 to 04.04 30
1901 90 12 00 - - - For lactase deficient infants 30
1901 90 13 00 - - - Other medical food 15
1901 90 19 00 - - - Other 40
1901 90 20 00 - - Malt extract 30
- - Other, of goods of heading 04.01 to 04.04:
1901 90 32 00 - - - Medical food 15
1901 90 33 00 - - - Other, not containing cocoa 25
1901 90 34 00 - - - Other, containing cocoa 25
- - Other soy based preparations:
1901 90 41 00 - - - In powder form 40
1901 90 49 00 - - - In other form 40
- - Other:
1901 90 51 00 - - - Medical foods 15
1901 90 52 00 - - - Other, not containing cocoa 40
1902 Pasta,
whether or not cooked or stuffed (with meat or other
substances) or otherwise prepared, such as
spaghetti, macaroni,
noodles, lasagne, gnocchi, ravioli,
cannelloni; couscous,
whether or not prepared
‑ Uncooked pasta, not stuffed or otherwise prepared:
1902 11 00 00 - - Containing eggs 40
1902 19 - - Other:
1902 19 10 00 - - - Bean vermicelli (tang hoon) 40
1902 19 20 00 - - - Rice vermicelli (bee hoon) 40
1902 19 90 00 - - - Other 40
1902 20 00 00 - Stuffed pasta, whether or not cooked or otherwise prepared 40
1902 30 - Other pasta:
1902 30 90 00 - - Other 40
1902 40 00 00 - Couscous 40
1904 Prepared
food obtained by the swelling or roasting of cereals
or cereal products (for example, corn
flakes); cereals
(other than maize (corn)), in grain form or
in the form of flakes
or other worked grains (except flour, groats and meal),
pre‑cooked or otherwise prepared, not
elsewhere specified
or included
1904 10 00 00 -
Prepared foods obtained by the swelling or roasting of cereals or
cereal products 45
1904 20 -
Prepared foods obtained from unroasted cereal flakes or from
mixtures of unroasted cereal flakes and
roasted cereal flakes or
swelled cereals:
1904 20 10 00 - - Mixtures of roasted or unroasted cereal flakes 45
1904 20 90 00 - - Other 45
1904 30 00 00 - Bulgur wheat 45
1904 90 - Other:
1904 90 90 00 - - Other 45
1905 Bread,
pastry, cakes, biscuits and other bakers’ wares, whether
or not containing cocoa; communion wafers,
empty cachets of
a kind suitable for pharmaceutical use,
sealing wafers, rice paper and
similar products
1905 10 00 00 - Crispbread 40
1905 20 00 00 - Gingerbread and the like 40
‑ Sweet biscuits; waffles and wafers:
1905 31 - - Sweet biscuits:
1905 31 10 00 - - - Not containing cocoa 40
1905 31 20 00 - - - Containing cocoa 40
1905 32 - - Waffles and wafers:
1905 32 20 00 - - - Wafers 40
1905 40 00 00 - Rusks, toasted bread and similar toasted products 40
1905 90 - Other:
1905 90 10 00 - - Unsweetened teething biscuits 40
1905 90 20 00 - - Other unsweetened biscuits 40
1905 90 30 00 - - Cakes 40
1905 90 40 00 - - Pastries 40
1905 90 50 00 - - Bakery products made without flour 40
1905 90 60 00 - - Empty cachets of a kind suitable for pharmaceutical use 5
1905 90 80 00 - - Other crisp savoury food products 40
1905 90 90 00 - - Other 40
2004 Other
vegetables prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar
or acetic acid, frozen, other than products
of heading 20.06
2004 10 00 00 - Potatoes 35
2004 90 - Other vegetables and mixtures of vegetables:
2004 90 10 00 - - Infant food 40
2004 90 20 00 - - Other preparations of sweet corn 40
2004 90 90 00 - - Other 40
2005 Other
vegetables prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar
or acetic acid, not frozen, other than
products of heading 20.06
2005 20 - Potatoes:
2005 20 10 00 - - Chips and sticks 40
2005 20 90 00 - - Other 40
2005 40 00 00 - Peas (Pisum sativum) 40
‑ Beans (Vigna spp., Phaseolus spp.):
2005 51 00 00 - - Beans, shelled 40
2005 59 00 00 - - Other 40
2005 60 00 00 - Asparagus 40
2005 70 00 00 - Olives 40
2005 90 - Other vegetables and mixtures of vegetables:
2005 90 10 00 - - Smoked garlic 40
2005 90 90 00 - - Other 40
2008 Fruit,
nuts and other edible parts of plants, otherwise prepared
or preserved, whether or not containing
added sugar or other sweetening
matter or spirit, not elsewhere specified or included
‑ Nuts, ground‑nuts and other seeds, whether or not mixed together:
2008 11 - - Ground‑nuts:
2008 11 10 00 - - - Roasted nuts 40
2008 11 20 00 - - - Peanut butter 40
2008 11 90 00 - - - Other 40
2008 19 10 00 - - - Cashew 40
2008 19 90 00 - - - Other 40
2008 20 00 00 - Pineapples 40
2008 30 - Citrus fruit:
- - Containing added sugar or other sweetening matter or spirits:
2008 30 11 00 - - - In airtight containers 40
2008 30 19 00 - - - Other 40
- - Other:
2008 30 91 00 - - - In airtight containers 40
2008 40 - Pears:
- - Containing added sugar or other sweetening matter or spirits:
2008 40 11 00 - - - In airtight containers 40
2008 40 19 00 - - - Other 40
- - Other:
2008 40 91 00 - - - In airtight containers 40
2008 40 99 00 - - - Other 40
2008 50 - Apricots:
- - Containing added sugar or other sweetening matter or spirits:
2008 50 19 00 - - - Other 40
- - Other:
2008 50 91 00 - - - In airtight containers 40
2008 50 99 00 - - - Other 40
2008 60 - Cherries:
- - Containing added sugar or other sweetening matter or spirits:
2008 60 11 00 - - - In airtight containers 40
2008 60 19 00 - - - Other 40
- - Other:
2008 60 99 00 - - - Other 40
2008 70 - Peaches, including nectarines:
- - Containing added sugar or other sweetening matter or spirits:
2008 70 11 00 - - - In airtight containers 40
2008 70 19 00 - - - Other 40
- - Other:
2008 70 91 00 - - - In airtight containers 40
2008 70 99 00 - - - Other 40
2008 80 - Strawberries:
2008 80 11 00 - - - In airtight containers 40
2008 80 19 00 - - - Other 40
- - Other:
2008 80 91 00 - - - In airtight containers 40
2008 80 99 00 - - - Other 40
‑ Other, including mixtures other than those of subheading 2008.19:
2008 91 00 00 - - Palm hearts 40
2008 92 - - Mixtures:
2008 92 10 00 - - - of stems, roots and other edible parts of plants 40
2008 92 21 00 - - - - In airtight containers 40
2008 92 29 00 - - - - Other 40
- - - Other:
2008 92 91 00 - - - - In airtight containers 40
2008 92 99 00 - - - - Other 40
2008 99 - - Other:
2008 99 10 00 - - - Lychees 40
2008 99 20 00 - - - Longans 40
2008 99 30 00 - - - Of stems, roots and other edible parts of plants 40
2008 99 41 00 - - - - In airtight containers 35
2008 99 49 00 - - - - Other 35
- - - Other:
2008 99 91 00 - - - - In airtight containers 35
2008 99 99 00 - - - - Other 35
2009 Fruit
juices (including grape must) and vegetable juices,
unfermented and not containing added
spirit, whether or not
containing added sugar or other sweetening
‑ Orange juice:
2009 11 00 00 - - Frozen 35
2009 12 00 00 - - Not frozen, of a Brix value not exceeding 20 35
- Grapefruit juice:
2009 21 00 00 - - Of a Brix value not exceeding 20 35
2009 29 00 00 - - Other 35
- Juice of any other single citrus fruit:
2009 31 00 00 - - Of a Brix value not exceeding 20 35
2009 39 00 00 - - Other 35
- Pineapple juice:
2009 41 00 00 - - Of a Brix value not exceeding 20 35
2009 49 00 00 - - Other 35
- Grape juice (including grape must):
2009 61 00 00 - - Of a Brix value not exceeding 20 35
2009 69 00 00 - - Other 35
- Apple juice:
2009 71 00 00 - - Of a Brix value not exceeding 20 35
2009 79 00 00 - - Other 35
2009 80 - - Juice of any other single fruit or vegetable:
2009 80 10 00 - - Blackcurrant juice 35
2009 80 90 00 - - Other 35
2101 Extracts,
essences and concentrates, of coffee, tea or maté and
preparations with a basis of these products
or with a basis of
coffee, tea or maté; roasted chicory and
other roasted coffee
substitutes, and extracts, essences and
concentrates thereof
Extracts, essences and concentrates, of coffee, and preparations
with a basis of these extracts, essences or
concentrates or with
a basis of coffee:
2101 11 - - Extracts, essences and concentrates:
2101 11 10 00 - - - Instant coffee 50
2101 11 90 00 - - - Other 50
2101 12 00 00 -
- Preparations with a basis of extracts, essences or concentrates or
with a basis of coffee 50
2101 20 00 00 -
Extracts, essences and concentrates, of tea or maté, and preparations
with a basis of these extracts, essences or
concentrates or with a basis
of tea or maté 50
2101 30 00 00 -
Roasted chicory and other roasted coffee substitutes, and extracts,
essences and concentrates thereof 50
2103 Sauces
and preparations therefor; mixed condiments and mixed
seasonings; mustard flour and meal and
prepared mustard
2103 20 00 00 - Tomato ketchup and other tomato sauces 45
2103 30 00 00 - Mustard flour and meal and prepared mustard 45
2103 90 - Other:
2103 90 10 00 - - Chilli sauce 45
2103 90 20 00 - - Mixed condiments and mixed seasonings, including belachan 45
2103 90 30 00 - - Fish sauce 45
2103 90 90 00 - - Other 45
2105 00 00 00 Ice cream and other edible ice, whether or not containing cocoa 45
2106 Food preparations not elsewhere specified or included
2106 90 - Other:
2106 90 10 00 - - Dried bean curd and bean curd sticks 30
2106 90 20 00 - - Flavored or colored syrups 30
2106 90 30 00 - - Non-dairy creamer 30
2106 90 40 00 - - Autolyzed yeast preparations 20
- - Preparations of a kind used in the manufacture of beverages:
- - - Non-alcoholic preparations:
2106 90 51 00 -
- - - Preparations to be used as raw material in preparing composite
concentrates 30
2106 90 52 00 -
- - - Composite concentrates for simple dilution with water to make
beverages 30
2106 90 54 00 -
- - - Other mixtures of chemical with foodstuffs or other substances
with nutritive value of a kind used for
food processing 20
2106 90 59 00 - - - - Other 30
- - - Alcoholic preparations:
- - - Preparations to be used as raw material in preparing composite
2106 90 61 00 -
- - - - Of a kind used for the manufacture of alcoholic beverages,
in liquid form 30
2106 90 62 00 -
- - - - Of a kind used for the manufacture of alcoholic beverages,
in other form 30
2106 90 63 00 - - - - - Other 30
- - - Composite concentrates for simple dilution with water to make
2106 90 64 00 -
- - - - Of a kind used for the manufacture of alcoholic beverages,
in liquid form 30
2106 90 66 00 - - - - - Other 30
2106 90 67 00 -
- - - Other mixtures of chemicals with foodstuffs or other substances
with nutritive value, of a kind used for
food processing 20
2106 90 69 00 - - - - Other 30
- Sweetening preparations consisting of artificial sweeteners and
2106 90 71 00 - - - Containing saccharin or aspartame as a sweetener 30
2106 90 79 00 - - - Other 30
- - Flavoring preparations:
2106 90 81 00 - - - Cheese flavoring powder 18
2106 90 82 00 - - - Other 18
2106 90 83 00 - - - Preparations containing vitamins or minerals 10
2106 90 84 00 - - - Medical food 15
2106 90 89 00 - - - Other 20
- - Other:
2106 90 91 00 - - - Food preparations for lactase deficient infants 25
2106 90 92 00 - - - Medical food 15
2106 90 93 00 - - - Other preparations for infant use 25
2106 90 94 00 - - - Ice cream powder 25
2106 90 95 00 - - - Fortificant premixes 10
2106 90 99 00 - - - Other 25
2203 Beer made from malt
2203 00 10 00 - Stout and porter 65
2203 00 90 00 - Other, including ale 65
2301 Flours,
meals and pellets, of meat or meat offal, of fish or of
crustaceans, mollusks or other aquatic
invertebrates, unfit for human
consumption; greaves
2301 10 00 00 - Flours, meals and pellets, of meat or meat offal; greaves 8
2301 20 00 00 -
Flours, meals and pellets, of fish or of crustaceans, mollusks or
other aquatic invertebrates 8
2402 Cigars,
cheroots, cigarillos and cigarettes, of tobacco or tobacco
2402 10 00 00 - Cigars, cheroots and cigarillos, containing tobacco 150
2402 20 10 00 - - Beedies 150
2402 20 90 00 - - Other 150
2402 90 - Other:
2402 90 10 00 - - Cigars, cheroots and cigarillos of tobacco substitutes 150
2402 90 20 00 - - Cigarettes of tobacco substitutes 150
2522 Quicklime,
slaked lime and hydraulic lime, other than calcium
oxide and hydroxide of heading 28.25
2522 10 00 00 - Quicklime 5
2522 20 00 00 - Slaked lime 5
2522 30 00 00 - Hydraulic lime 5
Amino‑alcohols, other than those containing more than one kind of
oxygen function, their ethers and esters;
salts thereof:
2922 11 00 00 - - Monoethanolamine and its salts 3
2922 12 00 00 - - Diethanolamine and its salts 3
2922 13 00 00 - - Triethanolamine and its salts 3
2922 14 00 00 - - Dextropropoxyphene (INN) and its salts 0
2922 19 - - Other:
2922 19 10 00 -
- - Ethambutol and its salts, esters and other derivatives suitable
for the production of antituberculosis
preparations 3
2922 19 20 00 - - - D-2-Amino-Normal-Butyl-Alcohol 3
2922 19 90 00 - - - Other 3
2922 21 00 00 - - Aminohydroxynaphthalenesulphonic acids and their salts 3
2922 22 00 00 - - Anisidines, dianisidines, phenetidines, and their salts 3
2922 29 00 00 - - Other 3
Amino‑aldehydes, amino‑ketones and amino‑quinones, other than
those containing more than one kind of
oxygen function; salts thereof:
2922 31 00 00 -
- Amfepramone (INN), methadone (INN) and normethadone (INN);
salts thereof 3
2922 39 00 00 - - Other 3
Amino‑acids, other than those containing more than one kind of
oxygen function, and their esters; salts
2922 41 00 00 - - Lysine and its esters; salts thereof 10
2922 42 - - Glutamic acid and its salts:
2922 42 20 00 - - - Monosodium glutamate 40
2922 42 90 00 - - - Other salts 40
2922 43 00 00 - - Anthranilic acid and its salts 3
2922 44 00 00 - - Tilidine (INN) and its salts 3
2922 49 - - Other:
2922 49 10 00 - - - Mefenamic acid and its salts 0
2922 49 90 00 - - - Other 3
2922 50 -
Amino‑alcohol‑phenols, amino‑acid‑phenols and other amino‑
compounds with oxygen function:
2922 50 10 00 - - p-Aminosalicylic acid and its salts, ester and other derivatives 0
2934 Nucleic
acids and their salts; whether or not chemically defined;
other heterocyclic compounds
2934 10 00 00 -
Compounds containing an unfused thiazole ring (whether or not
hydrogenated) in the structure 0
2934 20 00 00 -
Compounds containing in the structure a benzothiazole ring‑system
(whether or not hydrogenated), not further
fused 0
2934 30 00 00 -
Compounds containing in the structure a phenothiazine ring‑system
(whether or not hydrogenated), not further
fused 0
- Other:
2934 91 00 00 -
- Aminorex (INN), brotizolam (INN), clotiazepam (INN), cloxazolam
(INN), dextromoramide (INN), haloxazolam
(INN), ketazolam (INN),
mesocarb (INN), oxazolam (INN), pemoline
(INN), phendimetrazine
(INN), phenmetrazine (INN) and sufentanil
(INN); salts thereof 5
2934 99 - - Other:
2934 99 10 00 - - - Nucleic acid and its salts 10
2934 99 20 00 - - - Sultones; sultams; diltiazem 5
2934 99 90 00 - - - Other 5
3004 Medicaments
(excluding goods of heading 30.02, 30.05 or 30.06)
consisting of mixed or unmixed products for
therapeutic or prophylatic
uses, put up in measured doses (including those in
the form of transdermal administration
system) or in forms or
packings for retail sale
3004 10 -
Containing penicillins or derivatives thereof, with a penicillanic
acid structure, orstreptomycins or their
- - Containing penicillins or derivatives thereof:
3004 10 11 00 -
- - Containing penicillin G or its salts (excluding penicillin G
benzathin) 10
3004 10 12 00 - - - Containing phenoxymethyl penicillin or its salts 10
3004 10 13 00 - - - Containing ampicillin or its salts, for taking orally 15
3004 10 14 00 - - - Containing amoxycillin or its salts, for taking orally 10
3004 10 19 00 - - - Other 0
3004 10 21 00 - - - Ointment 0
3004 10 29 00 - - - Other 0
3004 20 ‑ Containing other antibiotics:
- - Containing tetracyclines or derivatives thereof:
3004 20 11 00 - - - For taking orally 10
3004 20 12 00 - - - Ointment 10
3004 20 19 00 - - - Other 0
- - Containing chloramphenicols or derivatives thereof:
3004 20 21 00 - - - For taking orally 10
3004 20 29 00 - - - Other 0
- - Containing erythromycin or derivatives thereof:
3004 20 31 00 - - - For taking orally 10
3004 20 32 00 - - - Ointment 10
3004 20 39 00 - - - Other 0
- - Containing gentamycines, lincomycins or derivatives thereof:
3004 20 41 00 - - - Containing gentamycines or derivatives thereof, for injection 10
3004 20 42 00 - - - Containing lincomycins or derivatives thereof, for taking orally 10
3004 20 43 00 - - - Ointments 10
- - Containing sulfamethoxazols and derivatives thereof:
3004 20 51 00 - - - For taking orally 10
3004 20 52 00 - - - Ointments 10
3004 20 59 00 - - - Other 0
3004 20 60 00 -
- Containing isoniazide, pyrazinamide or derivatives thereof,
for taking orally 10
3004 20 90 00 - - Other 0
Containing hormones or other products of heading 29.37 but not
containing antibiotics:
3004 31 00 00 - - Containing insulin 0
3004 32 -
- Containing corticosteroid hormones, their derivatives and structural
3004 32 20 00 - - - Containing dexamethasone or its derivatives 5
3004 32 30 00 - - - Containing fluocinolone acetonide 10
3004 32 90 00 - - - Other 0
‑ ‑ Other:
3004 39 10 00 - - - Containing adrenaline 5
3004 39 90 00 - - - Other 0
3004 40 -
Containing alkaloids or derivatives thereof but not containing
hormones, other products of heading 29.37
or antibiotics:
3004 40 10 00 - - Containing morphine or its derivatives, for injection 0
3004 40 20 00 - - Containing quinine hydrochloride or dihydrochloride, for injection 5
3004 40 40 00 -
- Containing quinine or its salts and anti-malarial substances, other
than goods of subheadings 3004.10 to 30 0
3004 40 50 00 - - Containing papaverine or berberine 5
3004 40 60 00 - - Containing theophylline 5
3004 40 70 00 - - Containing atropin sulphate 5
3004 40 90 00 - - Other 0
3004 50 -
Other medicaments containing vitamins or other products of
heading 29.36:
3004 50 10 00 - - Syrups and drops of vitamins, of a kind suitable for children 0
3004 50 20 00 -
- Containing vitamins A, other than goods of subheading
3004.50.10 and 3004.50.79 10
3004 50 30 00 -
- Containing vitamins B1, B2, B6 or B12, other than goods of
subheadings 3004.50.10, 3004.50.71 and
3004.50.79 10
3004 50 50 00 -
- Containing vitamins PP, other than goods of subheadings
3004.50.10 and 3004.50.79 5
3004 50 60 00 -
- Containing other vitamins, other than goods of subheadings
3004.50.10 and 3004.50.79 0
- - Containing other complex vitamins:
3004 50 71 00 - - - Containing B complex vitamins 5
3004 50 79 00 - - - Other 10
3004 50 90 00 - - Other 0
3004 90 - Other:
3004 90 10 00 - - Specialized medicines for cancer, AIDS or other intractable diseases 0
- Infusion fluids; nutritional or electrolytic solutions for intravenous
3004 90 22 00 - - - 5% glucose solution 10
3004 90 23 00 - - - 30% glucose solution 10
3004 90 29 00 - - - Other 0
3004 90 30 00 - - Antiseptics 0
- - Anesthetics:
3004 90 41 00 - - - Containing procaine hydrochloride 5
3004 90 49 00 - - - Other 0
- Analgesics, antipyretics and other medicaments for the treatment
of coughs or colds whether or not
containing antihistamines:
3004 90 51 00 - - - Containing acetylsalicylic acid, paracetamol or dipyrone (INN) 10
3004 90 53 - - - Containing diclofenac:
3004 90 53 10 - - - - For injection 5
3004 90 53 90 - - - - Other 10
3004 90 54 00 - - - Analgesic balm oil, solid or liquid 10
3004 90 59 00 - - - Other 0
- - Antimalarials:
3004 90 61 00 - - - Containing artemisinin, artesunate or chloroquine (INN) 5
3004 90 62 00 - - - Containing primaquine 10
3004 90 69 - - - Other:
3004 90 69 90 - - - - Other 0
- - Antihelmintic:
3004 90 71 00 - - - Containing piperazine or mebendazole (INN) 10
3004 90 72 00 - - - Containing dichlorophen (INN) 0
3004 90 79 - - - Other:
3004 90 79 10 - - - - Oriental medicines 10
3004 90 79 90 - - - - Other 0
3004 90 80 00 -
- Transdermal therapeutic systems (TTS) patches for cancer or
heart diseases 0
- - Other:
3004 90 92 - - - Containing piroxicam (INN) or ibuprofen (INN):
3004 90 92 10 - - - - For injection 0
3004 90 92 90 - - - - Other 10
3004 90 93 00 - - - Containing phenobarbital, diazepam, chlorpromazine 5
3004 90 94 00 - - - Containing salbutamol (INN) 5
3004 90 95 00 - - - Closed sterile water for inhalation, pharmaceutical grade 0
3004 90 96 00 - - - Containing o-methoxyphenyl glyceryl ether (Guaifenesin) 0
3004 90 97 00 -
- - Nose-drop medicaments containing naphazoline, xylometazoline
or oxymetazoline 10
3004 90 98 00 - - - Sorbitol 5
3004 90 99 10 - - - - Oriental medicines 10
3004 90 99 20 - - - - Pharmaceuticals of cosmetic nature 15
3004 90 99 90 - - - - Other 0
3006 Pharmaceutical goods specified in Note 4 to this Chapter
3006 10 00 00 -
Sterile surgical catgut, similar sterile suture materials and sterile
tissue adhesivesfor surgical wound closure;
sterile laminaria and
sterile laminaria tents; sterile absorbable
surgical or dental
haemostatics 0
3006 20 00 00 - Blood‑grouping reagents 0
3006 30 -
Opacifying preparations for X‑ray examinations; diagnostic
reagents designed to be administered to the
3006 30 10 00 - - Barium sulfate (for taking orally) 10
3006 30 20 00 - - Reagents of microbial origin for veterinary biological diagnosis 0
3006 30 90 00 - - Other 0
3006 40 - Dental cements and other dental fillings; bone reconstruction cements:
3006 40 10 00 - - Dental cements and other dental fillings 0
3006 40 20 00 - - Bone reconstruction cements 0
3006 50 00 00 - First‑aid boxes and kits 0
3006 60 00 00 -
Chemical contraceptive preparations based on hormones, on other
products of heading 29.37 or on spermicides 0
3006 70 00 00 -
Gel preparations designed to be used in human or veterinary
medicine as a lubricant for parts of the
body for surgical operations
or physical examinations or as a coupling
agent between the body
and medical instruments 0
3006 80 00 00 - Waste pharmaceuticals 15
3304 Beauty
or make‑up preparations and preparations for the care
of the skin (other than medicaments),
including sunscreen or
suntan preparations; manicure or pedicure
3304 20 00 00 - Eye make‑up preparations 40
3304 30 00 00 - Manicure or pedicure preparations 30
‑ Other:
3304 91 00 00 - - Powders, whether or not compressed 40
3304 99 - - Other:
3304 99 10 00 - - - Face and skin creams and lotions 30
3304 99 20 00 - - - Anti-acne creams 20
3304 99 90 00 - - - Other 30
3305 Preparations for use on the hair
3305 10 10 00 - - Anti-mycosis shampoos 20
3305 10 90 00 - - Other 35
3305 20 00 00 - Preparations for permanent waving or straightening 30
3305 30 00 00 - Hair lacquers 30
3305 90 - Other:
3305 90 10 00 - - Brilliantines and other hair oils 30
3305 90 90 00 - - Other 30
3307 Pre‑shave,
shaving or after‑shave preparations, personal
deodorants, bath preparations, depilatories
and other perfumery,
cosmetic or toilet preparations, not
elsewhere specified or
included; prepared room deodorisers,
whether or not perfumed
or having disinfectant properties
3307 10 00 00 - Pre‑shave, shaving or after‑shave preparations 40
3307 30 00 00 - Perfumed bath salts and other bath preparations 40
Preparations for perfuming or deodorizing rooms, including
odoriferous reparations used during
religious rites:
3307 41 -
- “Agarbatti” and other odoriferous preparations which operate
by burning:
3307 41 10 00 - - - Scented joss sticks 40
3307 41 90 00 - - - Other 40
3307 49 - - Other:
3307 49 10 00 - - - Room perfuming preparations 40
3307 49 90 00 - - - Other 40
3307 90 - Other:
3307 90 20 00 - - Contact lens solution 40
3307 90 30 00 -
- Papers and tissues, impregnated or coated with perfume or
cosmetics 40
3307 90 90 00 - - Other 40
3401 Soap;
organic surface‑active products and preparations for use
as soap, in the form of bars, cakes, molded
pieces or shapes,
whether or not containing soap; organic
surface; active products
and preparations for washing the skin, in
the form of liquid or
cream and put up for retail sale, whether
or not containing soap;
paper, wadding, felt and nonwovens,
impregnated, coated or
covered with soap or detergent
Soap and organic surface‑active products and preparations, in the
form of bars, cakes, molded pieces or
shapes, and paper, wadding,
felt and nonwovens, impregnated, coated or
covered with soap
or detergent:
3401 11 - - For toilet use, (including medicated products):
3401 11 10 00 - - - Medicated products 40
3401 11 20 00 - - - Bath soap 40
3401 11 30 00 -
- - Other, of felt or nonwovens, impregnated, coated or covered
with soap or detergent 40
3401 19 - - Other:
3401 19 10 00 -
- - Of felt or nonwovens, impregnated, coated or covered with soap
or detergent 40
3401 19 90 00 - - - Other 40
3401 20 - Soap in other forms:
3401 20 10 00 - - For flotation de-inking of recycled paper 30
3401 20 20 00 - - Soap chips 20
3401 20 90 00 - - Other 30
3401 30 00 00 -
Organic surface-active products and preparations for washing
the skin, in the form of liquid or cream
and put up for retail sale,
whether or not containing soap 40
3605 Matches, other than pyrotechnic articles of heading 36.04
3605 00 20 00 - In packings of 25 or more but less than 50 matches 30
3605 00 30 00 - In packings of 50 or more but less than 100 matches 30
3605 00 40 00 - In packings of 100 or more matches 30
3825 Residual
products of the chemical or allied industries, not
elsewhere specified or included; municipal
waste; sewage
sludge; other wastes specified in Note 6 to
this Chapter
3825 10 00 00 - Municipal waste 30
3825 20 00 00 - Sewage sludge 30
3825 30 00 00 - Clinical waste 30
- Waste organic solvents:
3825 41 00 00 - - Halogenated 30
3825 50 00 00 -
Wastes of metal pickling liquors, hydraulic fluids, brake fluids and
anti-freeze fluids 30
- Other wastes from chemical or allied industries:
3825 61 00 00 - - Mainly containing organic constituents 30
3825 69 00 00 - - Other 30
3825 90 00 00 - Other 30
3922 Baths,
shower‑baths, sinks, wash‑basins, bidets, lavatory pans,
seats and covers, flushing cisterns and
similar sanitary ware,
of plastics
3922 10 00 00 - Baths, shower-baths, sinks and wash-basins 40
3922 20 - Lavatory seats and covers:
3922 20 10 00 - - Covers 40
3922 90 - Other:
3922 90 10 00 - - Flushing water closets (lavatory pans) and urinals 40
3922 90 20 00 - - Parts of flushing cisterns 40
3922 90 90 00 - - Other 40
3924 Tableware,
kitchenware, other household articles and toilet
articles, of plastics
3924 10 00 00 - Tableware and kitchenware 40
3924 90 - Other:
3924 90 10 00 - - Bed pans, urinals (portable type) and chamber-pots 40
3924 90 90 00 - - Other 40
3926 10 - Office or school supplies:
3926 10 10 00 - - School supplies 40
3926 10 20 00 - - Office supplies 40
3926 20 -
Articles of apparel and clothing accessories (including gloves,
mittens and mitts):
3926 20 10 00 - - Raincoats 40
3926 20 20 00 - - Gloves 40
3926 20 30 00 - - Babies’ bib, shoulder pads or shields 40
3926 20 40 00 - - Aprons and other articles of apparel 40
3926 20 50 00 -
- Articles of apparel used for the protection from chemical
substances, radiation and fire 20
3926 30 00 00 - Fittings for furniture, coachwork or the like 35
3926 40 00 00 - Statuettes and other ornamental articles 40
3926 90 - Other:
3926 90 10 00 - - Floats for fishing nets 30
3926 90 20 00 -
- Fans and handscreens, frames and handles therefor, and parts
thereof 30
- - Hygienic, medical and surgical articles:
3926 90 31 00 - - - Colostomy, ileostomy and urine bags 20
3926 90 32 00 - - - Plastic moulds with denture prints 20
3926 90 33 00 - - - Poison mosquito nets 20
- - Safety and protective devices:
3926 90 41 00 - - - Police shields 5
3926 90 42 00 -
- - Protective masks and similar articles for use in welding and
similar work 20
3926 90 43 00 -
- - Noise reducing devices and covers for the ears; apparatus for
measuring vapor of organic substances or of
mercury 20
3926 90 44 00 -
- - Life saving cushions for protection of persons falling from
heights 20
3926 90 49 00 - - - Other 20
- - Industrial articles:
3926 90 51 00 - - - Oil spill booms 20
3926 90 52 00 - - - Pipe or thread sealing tape 20
3926 90 54 00 - - - Other articles used in machinery 20
3926 90 55 00 - - - Plastic J-hooks and bunch blocks for detonators 20
3926 90 59 00 - - - Other 20
3926 90 60 00 -
- Nipple former, breastshells, nipple shields, hand expression
funnel, supplement nursing system, feeder
(Haberman type) 20
3926 90 70 00 -
- Corset busks and similar supports for articles of apparel or
clothing accessories 20
- - Other:
3926 90 91 00 - - - Poultry feeders 20
3926 90 92 -
- - Cards for jewellery or small objects of personal adornment;
beads; shoe lasts:
3926 90 92 10 - - - - Shoe forms 0
3926 90 93 00 - - - Racket strings of a length not exceeding 15 m put up for retail sale 20
3926 90 94 00 - - - Reflected light nails 5
3926 90 95 00 - - - Other articles of non-rigid cellular products 30
3926 90 96 00 - - - Prayer beads 30
3926 90 99 00 - - - Other 30
4011 New pneumatic tires, of rubber
4011 10 00 00 -
Of a kind used on motor cars (including station wagons and racing
cars) 30
4011 20 - Of a kind used on buses or lorries:
4011 20 10 00 - - Of a width not exceeding 450 mm 30
4011 30 00 00 - Of a kind used on aircraft 0
4011 40 00 00 - Of a kind used on motorcycles 40
4011 50 00 00 - Of a kind used on bicycles 40
‑ Other, having a “herring‑bone” or similar tread:
4011 61 - - Of a kind used on agricultural or forestry vehicles and machines:
4011 61 10 00 - - - Of a kind used on agricultural vehicles and machines 20
4011 61 20 00 - - - Of a kind used on earth moving machinery 10
4011 61 90 00 - - - Other 20
4011 62 -
- Of a kind used on construction or industrial handling vehicles and
machines and having a rim size not
exceeding 61 cm:
4011 62 20 00 - - - Of a kind used on earth moving machinery 10
4011 62 90 00 - - - Other 20
4011 63 -
- Of a kind used on construction or industrial handling vehicles and
machines and having a rim size exceeding 61
4011 63 10 00 - - - Of a kind used on earth moving machinery 10
4011 63 90 00 - - - Other 20
4011 69 - - Other:
4011 69 10 00 - - - Of a kind used on vehicles of Chapter 87 20
4011 69 20 00 - - - Of a kind used on earth moving machinery 10
4011 69 90 00 - - - Other 20
4011 92 - - Of a kind used on agricultural or forestry vehicles and machines:
4011 92 10 00 - - - Of a kind used on agricultural vehicles and machines 20
4011 92 20 00 - - - Of a kind used on earth moving machinery 10
4011 92 90 00 - - - Other 20
4011 93 -
- Of a kind used on construction or industrial handling vehicles and
machines and having a rim size not
exceeding 61 cm:
4011 93 10 00 - - - Of a kind used on construction or industrial handling vehicles 20
4011 93 20 00 - - - Of a kind used on earth moving machinery 10
4011 93 90 00 - - - Other 20
4011 94 -
- Of a kind used on construction or industrial handling vehicles and
machines and having a rim size exceeding 61
4011 94 90 00 - - - Other 20
4011 99 - - Other:
4011 99 10 00 - - - Of a kind used on vehicles of Chapter 87 20
4011 99 20 00 - - - Of a kind used on earth moving machinery 10
4011 99 90 00 - - - Other, of a width exceeding 450 mm 10
4013 Inner tubes, of rubber
4013 10 -
Of a kind used on motor cars (including station wagons and racing
cars), buses or lorries:
- - Of a kind used on motor cars:
4013 10 11 00 - - - Suitable for fitting to tires of width not exceeding 450 mm 30
- - Of a kind used on buses or lorries:
4013 10 21 00 - - - Suitable for fitting to tires of width not exceeding 450 mm 30
4013 10 29 00 - - - Suitable for fitting to tires of width exceeding 450 mm 10
4013 20 00 00 - Of a kind used on bicycles 40
4013 90 - Other:
- - Of a kind used on earth moving machinery:
4013 90 11 00 - - - Suitable for fitting to tires of width not exceeding 450 mm 30
4013 90 19 00 - - - Suitable for fitting to tires of width exceeding 450 mm 5
4013 90 20 00 - - Of a kind used on motorcycles or motor scooters 40
4013 90 31 00 - - - Suitable for fitting to tires of width not exceeding 450 mm 30
4013 90 39 00 - - - Suitable for fitting to tires of width exceeding 450 mm 5
4013 90 40 00 - - Of a kind used on aircraft 0
- - Other:
4013 90 91 00 - - - Suitable for fitting to tires of width not exceeding 450 mm 30
4013 90 99 00 - - - Suitable for fitting to tires of width exceeding 450 mm 5
4016 Other articles of vulcanized rubber other than hard rubber
4016 10 00 00 - Of cellular rubber 20
‑ Other:
4016 91 10 00 - - - Mats 40
4016 91 90 00 - - - Other 40
4016 92 00 00 - - Erasers 20
4016 93 - - Gaskets, washers and other seals:
4016 93 10 00 - - - Packing for electrolytic capacitors 3
4016 93 90 00 - - - Other 3
4016 94 00 00 - - Boat or dock fenders, whether or not inflatable 5
4016 95 00 00 - - Other inflatable articles 5
4016 99 - - Other:
4016 99 11 00 -
- - - For motor vehicles of headings 87.02, 87.03, 87.04, 87.05
and 87.11 10
4016 99 12 00 - - - - For motor vehicles of headings 87.09, 87.13, 87.15 and 87.16 10
4016 99 13 00 - - - - Mudguards for bicycles 40
4016 99 14 00 - - - - Other bicycle parts 40
4016 99 15 00 - - - - Accessories for bicycles 40
4016 99 16 00 - - - - For carriages for disabled persons 10
4016 99 19 00 - - - - Other 5
4016 99 20 00 - - - Parts and accessories of rotochutes of heading 88.04 5
4016 99 30 00 - - - Rubber bands 5
4016 99 50 00 -
- - Other articles of a kind used in machinery or mechanical or
electrical appliances, or for other
technical uses 3
- - - Other:
4016 99 91 00 - - - - Rail pad 5
4016 99 92 00 - - - - Structural bearings including bridge bearings, other than rail pad 5
4016 99 93 00 -
- - - Rubber grommets and rubber covers for automative wiring
harness 5
4016 99 94 00 - - - - Table mats and table covers 20
4016 99 95 00 - - - - Stoppers for pharmaceutical use 3
4016 99 99 00 - - - - Other 5
4203 Articles
of apparel and clothing accessories, of leather or of
composition leather
‑ Gloves, mittens and mitts:
4203 21 00 00 - - Specially designed for use in sports 20
4203 29 - - Other gloves, mittens and mitts:
4203 29 10 00 - - - Protective work gloves 40
4203 29 90 00 - - - Other 40
4203 30 00 00 - Belts and bandoliers 40
4203 40 00 00 - Other clothing accessories 40
4303 Articles
of apparel, clothing accessories and other articles of
4303 10 - Articles of apparel and clothing accessories:
4303 10 20 00 - - Articles of apparel 40
4303 90 - Other:
4303 90 10 00 - - Sports bags 40
4303 90 20 00 - - Articles for industrial purposes 40
4303 90 90 00 - - Other 40
4304 Artificial fur and articles thereof
4304 00 10 00 - Artificial fur 30
4304 00 20 00 - Articles for industrial purposes 40
- Other:
4304 00 99 00 - - Other 40
4601 Plaits
and similar products of plaiting materials, whether or
not assembled into strips; plaiting
materials, plaits and similar
products of plaiting materials, bound
together in parallel
strands or woven, in sheet form, whether or
not being finished
articles (for example, mats, matting,
4601 20 - Mats, matting and screens of vegetable materials:
4601 20 10 00 - - Mats and matting 30
4601 20 20 00 - - Screens 30
‑ Other:
4601 91 - - Of vegetable materials:
4601 91 10 00 -
- - Plaits and similar products of plaiting materials, whether or not
assembled or not assembled into strips 30
4601 91 90 00 - - - Other 30
4601 99 10 00 - - - Mats and matting 30
4601 99 20 00 -
- - Plaits and similar products of plaiting materials, whether or not
assembled or not assembled into strips 30
4601 99 90 00 - - - Other 30
4602 Basketwork,
wickerwork and other articles, made directly to
shape from plaiting materials or made up
from goods of heading
46.01; articles of loofah
4602 10 - Of vegetable materials:
4602 10 10 00 - - Of rattan 30
4602 10 20 00 - - Of bamboo 30
4602 10 90 00 - - Other 30
4602 90 00 00 - Of other materials 30
4801 00 10 00 - Weighing not more than 55 g/m2 35
4801 00 90 00 - Other 35
4802 Uncoated
paper and paperboard, of a kind used for writing,
printing or other graphic purposes, and non
punch-cards and punch tape paper, in rolls
or rectangular
(including square) sheets, of any size,
other than of heading 48.01
or 48.03; hand‑made paper and paperboard
4802 10 00 00 - Hand‑made paper and paperboard 35
4802 20 00 00 -
Paper and paperboard of a kind used as a base for photo‑sensitive,
heat‑sensitive or electro‑sensitive paper
or paperboard 5
4802 30 - Carbonizing paper base:
4802 30 10 00 - - Weighing less than 20 g/m2 5
4802 30 90 00 - - Other 5
4802 40 00 00 - Wallpaper base 10
4802 54 - - Weighing less than 40 g/m2:
4802 54 10 00 -
- - Used in the manufacture of gypsum boards and computer cards
or paper 35
4802 54 20 00 - - - Aluminum paper base 5
4802 54 30 00 -
- - Other printing, writing or photocopy papers and of a kind used
for graphic purposes 35
4802 54 90 00 - - - Other 35
4802 55 - - Weighing 40 g/m2 or more but not more than 150 g/m2, in rolls:
4802 55 10 00 -
- - For printing banknotes; used in the manufacture of gypsum
boards and computer cards or paper 35
4802 55 20 00 -
- - Fancy paper and paperboard including with watermarks,
granitized felt finish, fibers or blend of
specks and vellum antique
finish 35
4802 55 30 00 - - - Aluminum paper base 5
4802 55 90 - - - Other
4802 55 90 10 - - - - Anti-adhesive paper base 5
4802 55 90 90 - - - - Other 35
4802 56 -
- Weighing 40 g/m2 or more but not more than 150 g/m2, in
with one side not exceeding 435 mm and the
other side not exceeding
297 mm in the unfolded state:
4802 56 10 00 -
- - For printing banknotes; used in the manufacture of gypsum
boards and computer cards or paper 35
4802 56 20 00 -
- - Fancy paper and paperboard including with watermarks,
granitized felt finish, fibers or blend of
specks and vellum antique
finish 35
4802 56 30 00 -
- - Other printing, writing or photocopy papers and of a kind used
for graphic purposes 35
4802 56 90 00 - - - Other 35
4802 57 - - Other, weighing 40 g/m2 or more but not more than 150 g/m2:
4802 57 20 00 -
- - Fancy paper and paperboard including with watermarks,
granitized felt finish, fibers or blend of
specks and vellum antique
finish 35
4802 57 30 00 -
- - Other printing, writing or photocopy papers and of a kind used
for graphic purposes 35
4802 57 90 00 - - - Other 35
4802 58 - - Weighing more than 150 g/m2:
4802 58 10 00 -
- - Used in the manufacture of gypsum boards and computer cards
or paper 35
4802 58 20 00 -
- - Fancy paper and paperboard including with watermarks,
granitized felt finish, fibers or blend of
specks and vellum antique
finish 35
4802 58 30 00 -
- - Other printing, writing or photocopy papers and of a kind used
for graphic purposes 35
4802 58 90 00 - - - Other 35
Other paper and paperboard, of which more than 10% by weight of
the total fiber content consists of fibers
obtained by a mechanical
or chemi-mechanical process:
4802 61 10 00 - - - Aluminum paper base 5
4802 61 20 00 -
- - For printing banknotes; manufacture of gypsum boards and
computer cards or paper 35
4802 61 30 00 -
- - Other printing, writing or photocopy papers and of a kind used
for graphic purposes 35
4802 61 90 00 - - - Other 35
4802 62 -
- In sheets with one side not exceeding 435 mm and the other side
not exceeding 297 mm in the unfolded
4802 62 10 00 - - - Aluminum paper base 5
4802 62 20 00 -
- - For printing banknotes; manufacture of gypsum boards and
computer cards or paper 35
4802 62 30 00 -
- - Other printing, writing or photocopy papers and of a kind used
for graphic purposes 35
4802 62 90 00 - - - Other 35
4802 69 10 00 - - - Aluminum paper base 5
4802 69 20 00 -
- - For printing banknotes; manufacture of gypsum boards and
computer cards or paper 35
4802 69 30 00 -
- - Other printing, writing or photocopy papers and of a kind used
for graphic purposes 35
4802 69 90 00 - - - Other 35
4804 Uncoated
kraft paper and paperboard, in rolls or sheets, other
than that of heading 48.02 or 48.03
‑ Kraftliner:
4804 11 00 00 - - Unbleached 18
4804 19 00 00 - - Other 20
‑ Sack kraft paper:
4804 21 10 00 - - - For making cement bags 3
4804 21 90 00 - - - Other 30
4804 29 - - Other:
4804 29 10 00 - - - Composite papers 20
4804 29 90 00 - - - Other 20
‑ Other kraft paper and paperboard weighing 150 g/m2 or less:
4804 31 - - Unbleached:
4804 31 10 00 - - - Electrical grade insulating Kraft paper 5
4804 31 20 00 -
- - Kraft paper in rolls of a width of 209 mm for use as wrapper
in dynamite sticks 10
4804 31 90 - - - Other
4804 31 90 10 - - - - Emery paper base 5
4804 31 90 90 - - - - Other 20
4804 39 - - Other:
4804 39 10 00 - - - Of a wet strength 40 g to 60 g, for plywood adhesive tape 10
4804 39 90 00 - - - Other 20
Other kraft paper and paperboard weighing more than 150 g/m2
but less than 225 g/m2:
4804 41 - - Unbleached:
4804 41 10 00 - - - Electrical grade insulating kraft paper 5
4804 42 00 00 -
- Bleached uniformly throughout the mass and of which more than
95% by weight of the total fiber content
consists of wood fibers
obtained by a chemical process 25
4804 49 00 00 - - Other 25
‑ Other kraft paper and paperboard weighing 225 g/m2 or more:
4804 51 - - Unbleached:
4804 51 10 00 -
- - Electrical grade insulating Kraft paper; pressboard weighing
600 g/m2 or more 5
4804 51 20 00 -
- - Kraft paper in rolls of a width of 209 mm for use as wrapper
in dynamite sticks 25
4804 51 30 00 - - - Of a wet strength 40 g to 60 g, for plywood adhesive tape 10
4804 51 90 00 - - - Other 25
4804 52 00 00 -
- Bleached uniformly throughout the mass and of which more than
95% by weight of the total fiber content
consists of wood fibers
obtained by a chemical process 25
4805 Other
uncoated paper and paperboard, in rolls or sheets,
not further worked or processed than as
specified in Note 3 to
this Chapter
- Fluting paper:
4805 11 00 00 - - Semi-chemical fluting paper 10
4805 12 00 00 - - Straw fluting paper 10
4805 19 00 00 - - Other 10
- Testliner (recycled liner board):
4805 24 00 00 - - Weighing 150 g/m2 or less 10
4805 25 00 00 - - Weighing more than 150 g/m2 10
4805 30 - Sulfite wrapping paper:
4805 30 90 00 - - Other 10
4805 40 00 - Filter paper and paperboard:
4805 40 00 10 - - Filter paper base 5
4805 40 00 90 - - Other 10
4805 50 00 00 - Felt paper and paperboard 10
- Other:
4805 91 - - Weighing 150 g/m2 or less:
4805 91 10 00 -
- - Paper used as interleaf material for the packing of flat glass
products, with a resin content of not more
than 0.6% 5
4805 91 20 00 - - - Blotting paper 20
4805 91 90 00 - - - Other 5
4805 92 00 00 - - Weighing more than 150 g/m2 but less than 225g/m2 10
4805 93 00 00 - - Weighing 225 g/m2 or more 10
4807 00 00 00 Composite
paper or paperboard (made by sticking flat layers of
paper or paperboard together with an
adhesive), not surface‑coated
or impregnated, whether or not internally
reinforced, in rolls or sheets 20
4814 Wallpaper
and similar wall coverings; window transparencies
of paper
4814 10 00 00 - “Ingrain” paper 35
4814 20 00 00 -
Wallpaper and similar wall coverings, consisting of paper coated or,
covered on the face side, with a grained,
embossed, colored, design‑
printed or otherwise decorated layer of
plastics 35
4814 30 00 00 -
Wallpaper and similar wall coverings, consisting of paper covered,
on the face side, with plaiting material,
whether or not bound together
in parallel strands or woven 35
4814 90 - Other:
4814 90 90 00 - - Other 30
4815 00 00 00 Floor
coverings on a base of paper or of paperboard, whether or
not cut to size 35
4817 Envelopes,
letter cards, plain postcards and correspondence
cards, of paper or paperboard; boxes,
pouches, wallets and
writing compendiums, of paper or
paperboard, containing
an assortment of paper stationery
4817 10 00 00 - Envelopes 35
4817 20 00 00 - Letter cards, plain postcards and correspondence cards 35
4817 30 00 00 -
Boxes, pouches, wallets and writing compendiums, of paper or
paperboard, containing an assortment of
paper stationery 35
4818 Toilet
paper and similar paper, cellulose wadding or webs of
cellulose fibers, of a kind used for
household or sanitary
purposes, in rolls of a width not exceeding
16 cm, or cut to size
or shape; napkins for babies, tampons,
handkerchiefs, cleansing
tissues, towels, tablecloths, serviettes,
bed sheets and similar
household, sanitary or hospital articles,
articles of apparel and
clothing accessories, of paper pulp, paper,
cellulose wadding or
webs of cellulose fibers
4818 10 00 00 - Toilet paper 30
4818 20 00 00 - Handkerchiefs, cleansing or facial tissues and towels 30
4818 40 -
Sanitary towels and tampons, napkins and napkin liners for babies
and similar sanitary articles:
4818 40 10 00 - - Napkins and napkin liners for babies and similar sanitary articles 30
4818 40 20 00 - - Sanitary towels, tampons and similar articles 30
4818 50 - Articles of apparel and clothing accessories:
4818 50 10 00 - - Surgical face masks 30
4818 50 90 00 - - Other 30
4818 90 00 00 - Other 30
4819 Cartons,
boxes, cases, bags and other packing containers, of
paper, paperboard, cellulose wadding or
webs of cellulose
fibers; box files, letter trays, and
similar articles, of paper or
paperboard, of a kind used in offices, shops or the like
4819 10 00 00 - Cartons, boxes and cases, of corrugated paper or paperboard 20
4819 20 10 00 - - Boxes 20
4819 20 90 00 - - Other 20
4819 30 00 00 - Sacks and bags having a base of a width of 40cm or more 30
4819 40 00 00 - Other sacks and bags, including cones 30
4819 50 00 00 - Other packing containers, including record sleeves 30
4819 60 00 00 -
Box files, letter trays, storage boxes and similar articles, of a kind
used in offices, shops or the like 30
4820 Registers,
account books, note books, order books, receipt books,
letter pads, memorandum pads, diaries and
similar articles,
exercise books, blotting‑pads, binders
(loose‑leaf or other),
folders, file covers, manifold business
forms, interleaved carbon
sets and other articles of stationery, of
paper or paperboard;
albums for samples or for collections and
book covers, of paper
or paperboard
4820 10 00 00 -
Registers, account books, note books, order books, receipt books,
letter pads, memorandum pads, diaries and
similar articles 35
4820 20 00 00 - Exercise books 35
4820 40 00 00 - Manifold business forms and interleaved carbon sets 35
4820 50 00 00 - Albums for samples or for collections 35
4820 90 00 00 - Other 35
4823 Other
paper, paperboard, cellulose wadding and webs or
cellulose fibers, cut to size or shape;
other articles of paper
pulp, paper, paperboard, cellulose wadding
or webs of
cellulose fibers
- Gummed or adhesive paper, in strips or rolls:
4823 12 - - Self‑adhesive:
4823 12 10 00 - - - Gummed sterilization indicators (autoclave tapes) 20
4823 12 90 00 - - - Other 20
4823 19 00 00 - - Other 20
4823 20 10 00 - - Filter paper weighing less than 150 g/m2 10
4823 20 90 00 - - Other 10
4823 40 - Rolls, sheets and dials, printed for self‑recording apparatus:
- - For electro-medical apparatus:
4823 40 11 00 - - - Cardiograph recording paper 0
4823 40 19 00 - - - Other 0
4823 40 90 00 - - Other 0
4823 60 00 00 - Trays, dishes, plates, cups and the like, of paper or paperboard 35
4823 70 - Molded or pressed articles of paper pulp:
4823 70 90 00 - - Other 10
4823 90 - Other:
4823 90 10 00 - - Joss paper 30
4823 90 20 00 -
- Sterilization indicators, not gummed; cocooning frames for
silk-worms 20
- - Cards for office machines:
4823 90 31 00 -
- - Unpunched cards for office punched card machines, whether or
not in strips 30
4823 90 39 00 - - - Other 30
4823 90 40 00 - - Telegraph or teleprinter paper in strips or rolls 20
4823 90 50 00 -
- Display cards for jewelry or for small objects of personal
adornment or for articles of personal use
normally carried in the
pocket, in the handbag or on the person 30
4823 90 70 00 - - Paper tube set for the manufacture of fireworks 30
4823 90 80 00 -
- Paper used as interleaf material for separating in-process battery
plates 20
- - Other:
4823 90 91 00 - - - Base paper of printed cork tipping for cigarettes industry 20
4823 90 92 00 - - - Silicone paper 30
4823 90 93 00 - - - Punched jacquard cards 30
4823 90 94 00 -
- - Fans and handscreens, with paper mounts or leaves and frames
of any materials, and separately imported
mounts 30
4823 90 95 00 - - - Other, cut to size or shape, in strips, rolls or sheets 30
4823 90 96 00 -
- - Cellulose wadding and webs of cellulose fiber, colored or
marbled throughout the mask 30
4823 90 98 00 - - - Other, cut to size or shape, other than in strips, rolls or sheets 30
4823 90 99 00 - - - Other 30
4909 00 00 00 Printed
or illustrated postcards; printed cards bearing personal
greetings, messages or announcements,
whether or not illustrated,
with or without envelopes or trimmings 35
4910 00 00 00 Calendars of any kind, printed, including calendar blocks 35
5004 00 00 00 Silk
yarn (other than yarn spun from silk waste) not put up for retail
sale 5
5005 00 00 00 Yarn spun from silk waste, not put up for retail sale 5
5006 00 00 00 Silk
yarn and yarn spun from silk waste, put up for retail sale;
silk‑worm gut 5
5007 Woven fabrics of silk or of silk waste
5007 10 - Fabrics of noil silk:
5007 10 90 00 - - Other 12
5007 20 -
Other fabrics, containing 85% or more by weight of silk or of silk
waste other than noil silk:
5007 20 10 00 - - Bleached or unbleached 12
5007 20 90 00 - - Other 12
5007 90 - Other fabrics:
5007 90 10 00 - - Bleached or unbleached 12
5007 90 90 00 - - Other 12
5106 Yarn of carded wool, not put up for retail sale
5106 10 00 00 - Containing 85% or more by weight of wool 5
5107 Yarn of combed wool, not put up for retail sale
5107 10 00 00 - Containing 85% or more by weight of wool 5
5107 20 00 00 - Containing less than 85% by weight of wool 5
5108 Yarn
of fine animal hair (carded or combed), not put up for
retail sale
5108 10 00 00 - Carded 5
5108 20 00 00 - Combed 5
5109 Yarn of wool or of fine animal hair, put up for retail sale
5109 10 00 00 - Containing 85% or more by weight of wool or fine animal hair 5
5109 90 00 00 - Other 5
5111 Woven fabrics of carded wool or of carded fine animal hair
‑ Containing 85% or more by weight of wool or of fine animal hair:
5111 11 - - Of a weight not exceeding 300 g/m2:
5111 11 10 00 - - - Unbleached 12
5111 11 90 00 - - - Other 12
5111 19 - - Other:
5111 19 10 00 - - - Unbleached 12
5111 19 90 00 - - - Other 12
5111 20 - Other, mixed mainly or solely with man‑made filaments:
5111 20 90 00 - - Other 12
5111 30 - Other, mixed mainly or solely with man‑made staple fibers:
5111 30 10 00 - - Unbleached 12
5111 30 90 00 - - Other 12
5111 90 - Other:
5111 90 10 00 - - Unbleached 12
5111 90 90 00 - - Other 12
5112 Woven fabrics of combed wool or of combed fine animal hair
‑ Containing 85% or more by weight of wool or of fine animal hair:
5112 11 10 00 - - - Unbleached 12
5112 11 90 00 - - - Other 12
5112 19 - - Other:
5112 19 10 00 - - - Unbleached 12
5112 19 90 00 - - - Other 12
5112 20 - Other, mixed mainly or solely with man‑made filaments:
5112 20 10 00 - - Unbleached 12
5112 20 90 00 - - Other 12
5112 30 - Other, mixed mainly or solely with man‑made staple fibers:
5112 30 90 00 - - Other 12
5112 90 - Other:
5112 90 10 00 - - Unbleached 12
5112 90 90 00 - - Other 12
5113 00 00 00 Woven fabrics of coarse animal hair or of horsehair 12
5202 Cotton waste (including yarn waste and garnetted stock)
5202 10 00 00 - Yarn waste (including thread waste) 10
‑ Other:
5202 91 00 00 - - Garnetted stock 10
5204 Cotton sewing thread, whether or not put up for retail sale
‑ Not put up for retail sale:
5204 11 00 00 - - Containing 85% or more by weight of cotton 5
5204 19 00 00 - - Other 5
5204 20 00 00 - Put up for retail sale 5
5205 Cotton
yarn (other than sewing thread), containing 85% or
more by weight of cotton, not put up for
retail sale
‑ Single yarn, of uncombed fibers:
5205 11 00 00 - - Measuring 714.29 decitex or more (not exceeding 14 metric number) 5
5205 12 00 00 -
- Measuring less than 714.29 decitex but not less than 232.56 decitex
(exceeding 14 metric number but not
exceeding 43 metric number) 5
5205 14 00 00 -
- Measuring less than 192.31 decitex but not less than 125 decitex
exceeding 52 metric (number but not
exceeding 80 metric number) 5
5205 15 00 00 - - Measuring less than 125 decitex (exceeding 80 metric number) 5
‑ Single yarn, of combed fibers:
5205 21 00 00 - - Measuring 714.29 decitex or more (not exceeding 14 metric number) 5
5205 22 00 00 -
- Measuring less than 714.29 decitex but not less than 232.56 decitex
(exceeding 14 metric number but not
exceeding 43 metric number) 5
5205 23 00 00 -
- Measuring less than 232.56 decitex but not less than 192.31 decitex
(exceeding 43 metric number but not
exceeding 52 metric number) 5
5205 24 00 00 -
- Measuring less than 192.31 decitex but not less than 125 decitex
(exceeding 52 metric number but not
exceeding 80 metric number) 5
5205 26 00 00 -
- Measuring less than 125 decitex but not less than 106.38 decitex
(exceeding 80 metric number but not
exceeding 94 metric number) 5
5205 27 00 00 -
- Measuring less than 106.38 decitex but not less than 83.33 decitex
(exceeding 94 metric number but not
exceeding 120 metric number) 5
‑ Multiple (folded) or cabled yarn, of uncombed fibers:
5205 31 00 00 -
- Measuring per single yarn 714.29 decitex or more (not exceeding
14 metric number per single yarn) 5
5205 32 00 00 -
- Measuring per single yarn less than 714.29 decitex but not less
than 232.56 decitex (exceeding 14 metric
number but not exceeding
43 metric number per single yarn) 5
5205 33 00 00 -
- Measuring per single yarn less than 232.56 decitex but not less
than 192.31 decitex (exceeding 43 metric
number but not exceeding
52 metric number per single yarn) 5
5205 34 00 00 -
- Measuring per single yarn less than 192.31 decitex but not less
than 125 decitex (exceeding 52 metric
number but not exceeding 80
metric number per single yarn) 5
5205 35 00 00 -
- Measuring per single yarn less than 125 decitex (exceeding 80
metric number per single yarn) 5
‑ Multiple (folded) or cabled yarn, of combed fibers:
5205 41 00 00 -
- Measuring per single yarn 714.29 decitex or more (not exceeding
14 metric number per single yarn) 5
5205 42 00 00 -
- Measuring per single yarn less than 714.29 decitex but not less
than 232.56 decitex (exceeding 14 metric
number but not exceeding
43 metric number per single yarn) 5
5205 44 00 00 -
- Measuring per single yarn less than 192.31 decitex but not less
than 125 decitex (exceeding 52 metric
number but not exceeding 80
metric number per single yarn) 5
5205 46 00 00 -
- Measuring per single yarn less than 125 decitex but not less than
106.38 decitex (exceeding 80 metric number
but not exceeding 94
metric number per single yarn) 5
5205 47 00 00 -
- Measuring per single yarn less than 106.38 decitex but not less
than 83.33 decitex (exceeding 94 metric
number but not exceeding
120 metric number per single yarn) 5
5205 48 00 00 -
- Measuring per single yarn less than 83.33 decitex (exceeding 120
metric number per single yarn) 5
5206 Cotton
yarn (other than sewing thread), containing less than 85%
by weight of cotton, not put up for retail
‑ Single yarn, of uncombed fibers:
5206 11 00 00 - - Measuring 714.29 decitex or more (not exceeding 14 metric number) 5
5206 12 00 00 -
- Measuring less than 714.29 decitex but not less than 232.56 decitex
(exceeding 14 metric number but not
exceeding 43 metric number) 5
5206 13 00 00 -
- Measuring less than 232.56 decitex but not less than 192.31 decitex
(exceeding 43 metric number but not
exceeding 52 metric number) 5
5206 15 00 00 - - Measuring less than 125 decitex (exceeding 80 metric number) 5
‑ Single yarn, of combed fibers:
5206 21 00 00 - - Measuring 714.29 decitex or more (not exceeding 14 metric number) 5
5206 22 00 00 -
- Measuring less than 714.29 decitex but not less than 232.56 decitex
(exceeding 14 metric number but not
exceeding 43 metric number) 5
5206 23 00 00 -
- Measuring less than 232.56 decitex but not less than 192.31 decitex
(exceeding 43 metric number but not
exceeding 52 metric number) 5
5206 24 00 00 -
- Measuring less than 192.31 decitex but not less than 125 decitex
(exceeding 52 metric number but not
exceeding 80 metric number) 5
5206 25 00 00 - - Measuring less than 125 decitex (exceeding 80 metric number) 5
‑ Multiple (folded) or cabled yarn, of uncombed fibers:
5206 31 00 00 -
- Measuring per single yarn 714.29 decitex or more (not exceeding
14 metric number per single yarn) 5
5206 33 00 00 -
- Measuring per single yarn less than 232.56 decitex but not less than
192.31 decitex (exceeding 43 metric number
but not exceeding 52
metric number per single yarn) 5
5206 34 00 00 -
- Measuring per single yarn less than 192.31 decitex but not less
than 125 decitex (exceeding 52 metric
number but not exceeding 80
metric number per single yarn) 5
5206 35 00 00 -
- Measuring per single yarn less than 125 decitex (exceeding 80
metric number per single yarn) 5
‑ Multiple (folded) or cabled yarn, of combed fibers:
5206 41 00 00 -
- Measuring per single yarn 714.29 decitex or more (not exceeding
14 metric number per single yarn) 5
5206 42 00 00 -
- Measuring per single yarn less than 714.29 decitex but not less
than 232.56 decitex (exceeding 14 metric
number but not exceeding
43 metric number per single yarn) 5
5206 43 00 00 -
- Measuring per single yarn less than 232.56 decitex but not less
than 192.31 decitex (exceeding 43 metric
number but not exceeding
52 metric number per single yarn) 5
5206 44 00 00 -
- Measuring per single yarn less than 192.31 decitex but not less
than 125 decitex (exceeding 52 metric
number but not exceeding 80
metric number per single yarn 5
5206 45 00 00 -
- Measuring per single yarn less than 125 decitex (exceeding 80
metric number per single yarn) 5
5207 10 00 00 - Containing 85% or more by weight of cotton 5
5207 90 00 00 - Other 5
5208 Woven
fabrics of cotton, containing 85% or more by weight of
cotton, weighing not more than 200g/m2
‑ Unbleached:
5208 11 00 00 - - Plain weave, weighing not more than 100g/m2 12
5208 12 00 00 - - Plain weave, weighing more than 100g/m2 12
5208 13 00 00 - - 3‑thread or 4‑thread twill, including cross twill 12
5208 19 00 00 - - Other fabrics 12
‑ Bleached:
5208 21 10 00 - - - Absorbent fabric for surgical use 12
5208 21 90 00 - - - Other 12
5208 22 00 00 - - Plain weave, weighing more than 100g/m2 12
5208 23 00 00 - - 3‑thread or 4‑thread twill, including cross twill 12
5208 29 00 00 - - Other fabrics 12
‑ Dyed:
5208 31 00 00 - - Plain weave, weighing not more than 100g/m2 12
5208 32 00 00 - - Plain weave, weighing more than 100g/m2 12
5208 33 00 00 - - 3‑thread or 4‑thread twill, including cross twill 12
‑ Of yarns of different colors:
5208 41 00 00 - - Plain weave, weighing not more than 100g/m2 12
5208 42 00 00 - - Plain weave, weighing more than 100g/m2 12
5208 43 00 00 - - 3‑thread or 4‑thread twill, including cross twill 12
5208 49 00 00 - - Other fabrics 12
‑ Printed:
5208 51 00 00 - - Plain weave, weighing not more than 100g/m2 12
5208 52 00 00 - - Plain weave, weighing more than 100g/m2 12
5208 53 00 00 - - 3‑thread or 4‑thread twill, including cross twill 12
5209 Woven
fabrics of cotton, containing 85% or more by weight of
cotton, weighing more than 200g/m2
‑ Unbleached:
5209 11 00 00 - - Plain weave 12
5209 12 00 00 - - 3‑thread or 4‑thread twill, including cross twill 12
5209 19 00 00 - - Other fabrics 12
‑ Bleached:
5209 21 00 00 - - Plain weave 12
5209 22 00 00 - - 3‑thread or 4‑thread twill, including cross twill 12
5209 29 00 00 - - Other fabrics 12
5209 31 00 00 - - Plain weave 12
5209 32 00 00 - - 3‑thread or 4‑thread twill, including cross twill 12
5209 39 00 00 - - Other fabrics 12
‑ Of yarns of different colors:
5209 41 00 00 - - Plain weave 12
5209 42 00 00 - - Denim 12
5209 43 00 00 - - Other fabrics of 3‑thread or 4‑thread twill, including cross twill 12
5209 49 00 00 - - Other fabrics 12
‑ Printed:
5209 52 00 00 - - 3‑thread or 4‑thread twill, including cross twill 12
5209 59 00 00 - - Other fabrics 12
5210 Woven
fabrics of cotton, containing less than 85% by weight of
cotton, mixed mainly or solely with man‑made
fibers, weighing
not more than 200g/m2
‑ Unbleached:
5210 11 00 00 - - Plain weave 12
5210 12 00 00 - - 3‑thread or 4‑thread twill, including cross twill 12
5210 19 00 00 - - Other fabrics 12
‑ Bleached:
5210 21 00 00 - - Plain weave 12
5210 29 00 00 - - Other fabrics 12
‑ Dyed:
5210 31 00 00 - - Plain weave 12
5210 32 00 00 - - 3‑thread or 4‑thread twill, including cross twill 12
5210 39 00 00 - - Other fabrics 12
‑ Of yarns of different colors:
5210 41 00 00 - - Plain weave 12
5210 42 00 00 - - 3‑thread or 4‑thread twill, including cross twill 12
5210 49 00 00 - - Other fabrics 12
5210 51 00 00 - - Plain weave 12
5210 52 00 00 - - 3‑thread or 4‑thread twill, including cross twill 12
5210 59 00 00 - - Other fabrics 12
5211 Woven
fabrics of cotton, containing less than 85% by weight of
cotton, mixed mainly or solely with man‑made
fibers, weighing
more than 200g/m2
‑ Unbleached:
5211 11 00 00 - - Plain weave 12
5211 12 00 00 - - 3‑thread or 4‑thread twill, including cross twill 12
5211 19 00 00 - - Other fabrics 12
‑ Bleached:
5211 22 00 00 - - 3‑thread or 4‑thread twill, including cross twill 12
5211 29 00 00 - - Other fabrics 12
‑ Dyed:
5211 31 00 00 - - Plain weave 12
5211 32 00 00 - - 3‑thread or 4‑thread twill, including cross twill 12
5211 39 00 00 - - Other fabrics 12
‑ Of yarns of different colors:
5211 41 - - Plain weave:
5211 41 10 00 - - - Ikat fabrics 12
5211 42 00 00 - - Denim 12
5211 43 00 00 - - Other fabrics of 3‑thread or 4‑thread twill, including cross twill 12
5211 49 00 00 - - Other fabrics 12
‑ Printed:
5211 51 00 00 - - Plain weave 12
5211 52 00 00 - - 3‑thread or 4‑thread twill, including cross twill 12
5211 59 00 00 - - Other fabrics 12
5212 Other woven fabrics of cotton
‑ Weighing not more than 200g/m2:
5212 12 00 00 - - Bleached 12
5212 13 00 00 - - Dyed 12
5212 14 00 00 - - Of yarns of different colors 12
5212 15 00 00 - - Printed 12
‑ Weighing more than 200g/m2:
5212 21 00 00 - - Unbleached 12
5212 22 00 00 - - Bleached 12
5212 23 00 00 - - Dyed 12
5212 24 00 00 - - Of yarns of different colors 12
5305 Coconut,
abaca (Manila hemp or Musa textilis Nee), ramie and
other vegetable textile fibers, not
elsewhere specified or included,
raw or processed but not spun; tow, noils
and waste of these
fibers (including yarn waste and garnetted
‑ Of coconut (coir):
5305 11 00 00 - - Raw 5
5305 19 00 00 - - Other 5
‑ Of abaca:
5305 21 00 00 - - Raw 5
5305 29 00 00 - - Other 5
5305 90 00 00 - Other 5
5306 Flax yarn
5306 20 00 00 - Multiple (folded) or cabled 5
5307 Yarn of jute or of other textile bast fibers of heading 53.03
5307 10 00 00 - Single 5
5307 20 00 00 - Multiple (folded) or cabled 5
5308 Yarn of other vegetable textile fibers; paper yarn
5308 10 00 00 - Coir yarn 5
5308 20 00 00 - True hemp yarn 5
5308 90 00 00 - Other 5
5309 Woven fabrics of flax
5309 11 00 00 - - Unbleached or bleached 12
5309 19 00 00 - - Other 12
‑ Containing less than 85% by weight of flax:
5309 21 00 00 - - Unbleached or bleached 12
5309 29 00 00 - - Other 12
5310 Woven
fabrics of jute or of other textile bast fibers of
heading 53.03
5310 10 00 00 - Unbleached 12
5310 90 00 00 - Other 12
5311 00 00 00 Woven
fabrics of other vegetable textile fibers; woven fabrics of
paper yarn 12
5401 10 00 00 - Of synthetic filaments 5
5401 20 - Of artificial filaments:
5401 20 10 00 - - Put up for retail sale 5
5401 20 20 00 - - Not put up for retail sale 5
5402 Synthetic
filament yarn (other than sewing thread), not put up
for retail sale, including synthetic
monofilament of less than
67 decitex
5402 10 00 00 - High tenacity yarn of nylon or other polyamides 0
5402 20 00 00 - High tenacity yarn of polyesters 0
‑ Textured yarn:
5402 31 00 00 -
- Of nylon or other polyamides, measuring per single yarn not
more than 50 tex 1
5402 33 00 00 - - Of polyesters 3
5402 39 00 00 - - Other 0
Other yarn, single, untwisted or with a twist not exceeding 50 turns
per meter:
5402 41 00 00 - - Of nylon or other polyamides 0
5402 42 00 00 - - Of polyesters, partially oriented 3
5402 43 00 00 - - Of polyesters, other 3
5402 49 00 00 - - Other 0
‑ Other yarn, single, with a twist exceeding 50 turns per meter:
5402 51 00 00 - - Of nylon or other polyamides 0
5402 59 00 00 - - Other 0
- Other yarn, multiple (folded) or cabled:
5402 61 00 00 - - Of nylon or other polyamides 5
5402 62 00 00 - - Of polyesters 3
5402 69 00 00 - - Other 5
5406 Man‑made
filament yarn (other than sewing thread), put up for
retail sale
5406 10 00 00 - Synthetic filament yarn 5
5406 20 00 00 - Artificial filament yarn 5
5407 Woven
fabrics of synthetic filament yarn, including woven fabrics
obtained from materials of heading 54.04
- - Unbleached:
5407 10 11 00 - - - Tyre woven fabrics and conveyor duck 12
5407 10 19 00 - - - Other 12
- - Other:
5407 10 91 00 - - - Tyre woven fabrics and conveyor duck 12
5407 10 99 00 - - - Other 12
5407 20 - Woven fabrics obtained from strip or the like:
5407 20 10 00 - - Unbleached 12
5407 20 90 00 - - Other 12
Other woven fabrics, containing 85% or more by weight of
filaments of nylon or other polyamides:
5407 41 - - Unbleached or bleached:
5407 41 10 00 -
- - Woven nylon mesh fabric of untwisted filament yarn suitable
for use as reinforcing material for
tarpaulins 12
5407 41 90 00 - - - Other 12
5407 42 00 00 - - Dyed 12
5407 43 00 00 - - Of yarns of different colors 12
5407 44 00 00 - - Printed 12
Other woven fabrics, containing 85% or more by weight of textured
polyester filaments:
5407 51 - - Unbleached or bleached:
5407 51 90 00 - - - Other 12
5407 52 00 00 - - Dyed 12
5407 53 00 00 - - Of yarns of different colors 12
5407 54 00 00 - - Printed 12
Other woven fabrics, containing 85% or more by weight of
polyester filaments:
5407 61 00 00 -
‑ Containing 85% or more by weight of non‑textured polyester
filaments 12
5407 69 00 00 - - Other 12
Other woven fabrics, containing 85% or more by weight of
synthetic filaments:
5407 71 - - Unbleached or bleached:
5407 71 90 00 - - - Other 12
5407 72 00 00 - - Dyed 12
5407 73 00 00 - - Of yarns of different colors 12
5407 74 00 00 - - Printed 12
Other woven fabrics, containing less than 85% by weight of
synthetic filaments, mixed mainly or solely
with cotton:
5407 81 - - Unbleached or bleached:
5407 81 10 00 - - - Unbleached 12
5407 81 90 00 - - - Other 12
5407 82 00 00 - - Dyed 12
5407 84 00 00 - - Printed 12
‑ Other woven fabrics:
5407 91 - - Unbleached or bleached:
5407 91 10 00 - - - Unbleached 12
5407 91 90 00 - - - Other 12
5407 92 00 00 - - Dyed 12
5407 93 00 00 - - Of yarns of different colors 12
5407 94 00 00 - - Printed 12
5408 Woven
fabrics of artificial filament yarn, including woven
fabrics obtained from materials of heading
5408 10 10 00 - - Unbleached 12
5408 10 90 00 - - Other 12
Other woven fabrics, containing 85% or more by weight of artificial
filament or strip of the like:
5408 21 - - Unbleached or bleached:
5408 21 10 00 - - - Unbleached 12
5408 21 90 00 - - - Other 12
5408 22 00 00 - - Dyed 12
5408 23 00 00 - - Of yarns of different colors 12
5408 24 00 00 - - Printed 12
5408 31 - - Unbleached or bleached:
5408 31 10 00 - - - Unbleached 12
5408 31 90 00 - - - Other 12
5408 32 00 00 - - Dyed 12
5408 33 00 00 - - Of yarns of different colors 12
5408 34 00 00 - - Printed 12
5503 Synthetic
staple fibers, not carded, combed or otherwise
processed for spinning
5503 10 00 00 - Of nylon or other polyamides 0
5503 20 00 00 - Of polyesters 3
5503 40 00 00 - Of polypropylene 0
5503 90 00 00 - Other 0
5508 Sewing
thread of man‑made staple fibers, whether or not put
up for retail sale
5508 10 00 00 - Of synthetic staple fibers 5
5508 20 00 00 - Of artificial staple fibers 5
5509 Yarn
(other than sewing thread) of synthetic staple fibers,
not put up for retail sale
Containing 85% or more by weight of staple fibers of nylon or
other polyamides:
5509 11 00 00 - - Single yarn 5
5509 12 00 00 - - Multiple (folded) or cabled yarn 5
5509 21 00 00 - - Single yarn 5
5509 22 00 00 - - Multiple (folded) or cabled yarn 5
Containing 85% or more by weight of acrylic or modacrylic
staple fibers:
5509 31 00 00 - - Single yarn 5
5509 32 00 00 - - Multiple (folded) or cabled yarn 5
Other yarn, containing 85% or more by weight of synthetic staple
5509 41 00 00 - - Single yarn 5
5509 42 00 00 - - Multiple (folded) or cabled yarn 5
‑ Other yarn, of polyester staple fibers:
5509 51 10 00 - - - Single yarn 5
5509 51 90 00 - - - Other 5
5509 52 - - Mixed mainly or solely with wool or fine animal hair:
5509 52 10 00 - - - Single yarn 0
5509 52 90 00 - - - Other 5
5509 53 - - Mixed mainly or solely with cotton:
5509 53 10 00 - - - Single yarn 5
5509 53 90 00 - - - Other 5
5509 59 - - Other:
5509 59 90 00 - - - Other 5
‑ Other yarn, of acrylic or modacrylic staple fibers:
5509 61 - - Mixed mainly or solely with wool or fine animal hair:
5509 61 10 00 - - - Single yarn 5
5509 61 90 00 - - - Other 5
5509 62 - - Mixed mainly or solely with cotton:
5509 62 10 00 - - - Single yarn 5
5509 62 90 00 - - - Other 5
5509 69 - - Other:
5509 69 90 00 - - - Other 5
‑ Other yarn:
5509 91 - - Mixed mainly or solely with wool or fine animal hair:
5509 91 10 00 - - - Single yarn 5
5509 91 90 00 - - - Other 5
5509 92 - - Mixed mainly or solely with cotton:
5509 92 10 00 - - - Single yarn 5
5509 92 90 00 - - - Other 5
5509 99 - - Other:
5509 99 90 00 - - - Other 5
5510 Yarn
(other than sewing thread) of artificial staple fibers,
not put up for retail sale
‑ Containing 85% or more by weight of artificial staple fibers:
5510 11 00 00 - - Single yarn 5
5510 12 00 00 - - Multiple (folded) or cabled yarn 5
5510 20 00 00 - Other yarn, mixed mainly or solely with wool or fine animal hair 5
5510 30 00 00 - Other yarn, mixed mainly or solely with cotton 5
5510 90 00 00 - Other yarn 5
5511 Yarn
(other than sewing thread) of man‑made staple fibers,
put up for retail sale
5511 20 00 00 -
Of synthetic staple fibers, containing less than 85% by weight of
such fibers 5
5511 30 00 00 - Of artificial staple fibers 5
5512 Woven
fabrics of synthetic staple fibers, containing 85% or
more by weight of synthetic staple fibers
‑ Containing 85% or more by weight of polyester staple fibers:
5512 11 00 00 - - Unbleached or bleached 12
5512 19 00 00 - - Other 12
Containing 85% or more by weight of acrylic or modacrylic
staple fibers:
5512 21 00 00 - - Unbleached or bleached 12
5512 29 00 00 - - Other 12
5512 91 00 00 - - Unbleached or bleached 12
5512 99 00 00 - - Other 12
5513 Woven
fabrics of synthetic staple fibers containing less than 85%
by weight of such fibers, mixed mainly or
solely with cotton,
of a weight not exceeding 170 g/m2
‑ Unbleached or bleached:
5513 11 00 00 - - Of polyester staple fibers, plain weave 12
5513 12 00 00 -
- 3‑thread or 4‑thread twill, including cross twill, of polyester
staple fibers 12
5513 13 00 00 - - Other woven fabrics of polyester staple fibers 12
5513 19 00 00 - - Other woven fabrics 12
‑ Dyed:
5513 22 00 00 -
‑ 3‑thread or 4‑thread twill, including cross twill, of polyester
staple fibers 12
5513 23 00 00 - - Other woven fabrics of polyester staple fibers 12
5513 29 00 00 - - Other woven fabrics 12
‑ Of yarns of different colors:
5513 31 00 00 - - Of polyester staple fibers, plain weave 12
5513 32 00 00 -
- 3‑thread or 4‑thread twill, including cross twill, of polyester
staple fibers 12
5513 33 00 00 - - Other woven fabrics of polyester staple fibers 12
5513 39 00 00 - - Other woven fabrics 12
‑ Printed:
5513 42 00 00 -
- 3‑thread or 4‑thread twill, including cross twill, of polyester
staple fibers 12
5513 43 00 00 - - Other woven fabrics of polyester staple fibers 12
5513 49 00 00 - - Other woven fabrics 12
5514 Woven
fabrics of synthetic staple fibers, containing less than 85%
by weight of such fibers, mixed mainly or
solely with cotton,
of a weight exceeding 170g/m2
‑ Unbleached or bleached:
5514 11 00 00 - - Of polyester staple fibers, plain weave 12
5514 12 00 00 -
- 3‑thread or 4‑thread twill, including cross twill, of polyester
staple fibers 12
5514 13 00 00 - - Other woven fabrics of polyester staple fibers 12
5514 19 00 00 - - Other woven fabrics 12
5514 21 00 00 - - Of polyester staple fibers, plain weave 12
5514 22 00 00 -
- 3‑thread or 4‑thread twill, including cross twill, of polyester
staple fibers 12
5514 23 00 00 - - Other woven fabrics of polyester staple fibers 12
5514 29 00 00 - - Other woven fabrics 12
‑ Of yarns of different colors:
5514 31 00 00 - - Of polyester staple fibers, plain weave 12
5514 32 00 00 -
- 3‑thread or 4‑thread twill, including cross twill, of polyester
staple fibers 12
5514 33 00 00 - - Other woven fabrics of polyester staple fibers 12
5514 39 00 00 - - Other woven fabrics 12
5514 41 00 00 - - Of polyester staple fibers, plain weave 12
5514 42 00 00 -
- 3‑thread or 4‑thread twill, including cross twill, of polyester
staple fibers 12
5514 43 00 00 - - Other woven fabrics of polyester staple fibers 12
5514 49 00 00 - - Other woven fabrics 12
5515 Other woven fabrics of synthetic staple fibers
- Of polyester staple fibers:
5515 11 00 00 - - Mixed mainly or solely with viscose rayon staple fibers 12
5515 12 00 00 - - Mixed mainly or solely with man‑made filaments 12
5515 13 00 00 - - Mixed mainly or solely with wool or fine animal hair 12
‑ Of acrylic or modacrylic staple fibers:
5515 21 00 00 - - Mixed mainly or solely with man‑made filaments 12
5515 22 00 00 - - Mixed mainly or solely with wool or fine animal hair 12
5515 29 00 00 - - Other 12
‑ Other woven fabrics:
5515 91 00 00 - - Mixed mainly or solely with man‑made filaments 12
5515 92 00 00 - - Mixed mainly or solely with wool or fine animal hair 12
5515 99 00 00 - - Other 12
5516 Woven fabrics of artificial staple fibers
5516 11 00 00 - - Unbleached or bleached 12
5516 12 00 00 - - Dyed 12
5516 13 00 00 - - Of yarns of different colors 12
5516 14 00 00 - - Printed 12
Containing less than 85% by weight of artificial staple fibers,
mixed mainly or solely with man‑made
5516 21 00 00 - - Unbleached or bleached 12
5516 22 00 00 - - Dyed 12
5516 23 00 00 - - Of yarns of different colors 12
5516 24 00 00 - - Printed 12
5516 31 00 00 - - Unbleached or bleached 12
5516 32 00 00 - - Dyed 12
5516 33 00 00 - - Of yarns of different colors 12
5516 34 00 00 - - Printed 12
Containing less than 85% by weight of artificial staple fibers,
mixed mainly or solely with cotton:
5516 41 00 00 - - Unbleached or bleached 12
5516 42 00 00 - - Dyed 12
5516 43 00 00 - - Of yarns of different colors 12
5516 44 00 00 - - Printed 12
5516 91 00 00 - - Unbleached or bleached 12
5516 92 00 00 - - Dyed 12
5516 93 00 00 - - Of yarns of different colors 12
5516 94 00 00 - - Printed 12
5601 Wadding
of textile materials and articles thereof; textile fibers,
not exceeding 5 mm in length (flock),
textile dust and mill neps
5601 10 00 00 -
Sanitary towels and tampons, napkins and napkin liners for babies
and similar sanitary articles, of wadding 5
‑ Wadding; other articles of wadding:
5601 21 00 00 - - Of cotton 5
5601 22 - - Of man‑made fibers:
5601 22 90 00 - - - Other 5
5601 29 00 00 - - Other 5
5601 30 - Textile flock and dust and mill neps:
5601 30 10 00 - - Polyamide fiber flock 5
5601 30 90 00 - - Other 5
5602 Felt, whether or not impregnated, coated, covered or laminated
5602 10 00 00 - Needleloom felt and stitch‑bonded fiber fabrics 12
‑ Other felt, not impregnated, coated, covered or laminated:
5602 21 - - Of wool or fine animal hair:
5602 21 90 00 - - - Other 12
5602 29 - - Of other textile materials:
5602 29 10 00 - - - Weighing 750g/m2 or more 12
5602 29 90 00 - - - Other 12
5602 90 - Other:
5602 90 10 00 - - Impregnated, coated, covered or laminated 12
5602 90 90 00 - - Other 12
5603 Nonwovens,
whether or not impregnated, coated, covered or
- Of man-made filaments:
5603 11 10 00 - - - Not impregnated, coated, covered or laminated 12
5603 11 90 00 - - - Other 12
5603 12 - - Weighing more than 25g/m2 but not more than 70g/m2:
5603 12 10 00 - - - Not impregnated, coated, covered or laminated 12
5603 12 90 00 - - - Other 12
5603 13 - - Weighing more than 70g/m2 but not more than 150g/m2:
5603 13 10 00 - - - Not impregnated, coated, covered or laminated 12
5603 13 90 00 - - - Other 12
5603 14 - - Weighing more than 150g/m2:
5603 14 90 00 - - - Other 12
- Other:
5603 91 00 00 - - Weighing not more than 25g/m2 12
5603 92 00 00 - - Weighing more than 25g/m2 but not more than 70g/m2 12
5603 93 00 00 - - Weighing more than 70g/m2 but not more than 150g/m2 12
5603 94 00 00 - - Weighing more than 150g/m2 12
5604 Rubber
thread and cord, textile covered; textile yarn, and strip and
the like of heading 54.04 or 54.05, impregnated,
coated, covered or
sheathed with rubber or plastics
5604 10 00 00 - Rubber thread and cord, textile covered 5
5604 20 00 00 -
High tenacity yarn of polyesters, of nylon or other polyamides or
of viscose rayon, impregnated or coated 5
5604 90 10 00 - - Imitation catgut of silk 5
5604 90 90 00 - - Other 5
5605 00 00 00 Metallised
yarn, whether or not gimped, being textile yarn, or strip
or the like of heading 54.04 or 54.05,
combined with metal in the
form of thread, strip or powder or covered
with metal 5
5606 00 00 00 Gimped
yarn, and strip and the like of heading 54.04 or 54.05,
gimped (other than those of heading 56.05
and gimped horsehair
yarn); chenille yarn (including flock chenille
yarn); loop wale‑yarn 12
5607 Twine,
cordage, ropes and cables, whether or not plaited or
braided and whether or not impregnated,
coated, covered or
sheathed with rubber or plastics
5607 10 00 00 - Of jute or other textile bast fibers of heading 53.03 12
‑ Of sisal or other textile fibers of the genus Agave:
5607 21 00 00 - - Binder or baler twine 12
5607 29 00 00 - - Other 12
5607 41 00 00 - - Binder or baler twine 12
5607 49 - - Other:
5607 49 10 00 - - - Industrial safety lines 12
5607 49 90 00 - - - Other 12
5607 50 - Of other synthetic fibers:
5607 50 10 00 -
- V-belt cord of man-made fibers treated with resorcinol
formaldehyde; polyamide and
polytetrafluoro-ethylene (PTFE)
yarns measuring more than 10,000 decitex,
for textile packings 12
5607 50 90 00 - - Other 12
5607 90 00 00 - Other 12
5608 Knotted
netting of twine, cordage or rope; made up fishing nets
and other made up nets, of textile materials
5608 11 00 00 - - Made up fishing nets 12
5608 19 - - Other:
5608 19 10 00 - - - Industrial safety nets 10
5608 19 20 00 - - - Net bags 12
5608 19 90 00 - - - Other 10
5608 90 - Other:
5608 90 10 00 - - Industrial safety nets 10
5608 90 20 00 - - Net bags 12
5608 90 90 00 - - Other 10
5609 00 10 00 - Core-spun yarn 12
5609 00 90 00 - Other 12
5701 Carpets
and other textile floor coverings, knotted, whether or
not made up
5701 10 - Of wool or fine animal hair:
5701 10 10 00 - - Prayer mats 12
5701 10 90 00 - - Other 12
5701 90 - Of other textile materials:
- - Of cotton:
5701 90 11 00 - - - Prayer mats 12
- - Other:
5701 90 91 00 - - - Of jute fibers 12
5701 90 99 00 - - - Other 12
5702 Carpets
and other textile floor coverings, woven, not tufted
or flocked, whether or not made up,
including “Kelem”,
“Schumacks”, “Karamanie” and similar hand‑woven
5702 10 00 00 - “Kelem”, “Schumacks”, “Karamarie” and similar hand-woven rugs 12
5702 20 00 00 - Floor coverings of coconut fibers (coir) 12
‑ Other, of pile construction, not made up:
5702 31 00 00 - - Of wool or fine animal hair 12
5702 32 00 00 - - Of man‑made textile materials 12
5702 39 10 00 - - - Of cotton 12
5702 39 20 00 - - - Of jute fiber 12
5702 39 90 00 - - - Other 12
‑ Other, of pile construction, made up:
5702 41 - - Of wool or fine animal hair:
5702 41 10 00 - - - Prayer mats 12
5702 41 90 00 - - - Other 12
5702 42 - - Of man‑made textile materials:
5702 42 10 00 - - - Prayer mats 12
5702 49 - - Of other textile materials:
- - - Of cotton:
5702 49 11 00 - - - - Prayer mats 12
5702 49 19 00 - - - - Other 12
- - - Other:
5702 49 91 00 - - - - Of jute fibers 12
5702 49 99 00 - - - - Other 12
‑ Other, not of pile construction, not made up:
5702 51 00 00 - - Of wool or fine animal hair 12
5702 59 - - Of other textile materials:
5702 59 10 00 - - - Of cotton 12
5702 59 90 00 - - - Other 12
‑ Other, not of pile construction, made up:
5702 91 - - Of wool or fine animal hair:
5702 91 10 00 - - - Prayer mats 12
5702 91 90 00 - - - Other 12
5702 92 - - Of man‑made textile materials:
5702 92 10 00 - - - Prayer mats 12
5702 99 - - Of other textile materials:
- - - Of cotton:
5702 99 11 00 - - - - Prayer mats 12
5702 99 19 00 - - - - Other 12
- - - Other:
5702 99 91 00 - - - - Of jute fibers 12
5702 99 99 00 - - - - Other 12
5703 Carpets
and other textile floor coverings, tufted, whether or
not made up
5703 10 - Of wool or fine animal hair:
5703 10 90 00 - - Other 12
5703 20 - Of nylon or other polyamides:
5703 20 10 00 - - Prayer mats 12
5703 20 90 00 - - Other 12
5703 30 - Of other man‑made textile materials:
5703 30 10 00 - - Prayer mats 12
5703 30 90 00 - - Other 12
5703 90 - Of other textile materials:
- - Of cotton:
5703 90 19 00 - - - Other 12
- - Other:
5703 90 91 00 - - - Of jute fibers 12
5703 90 99 00 - - - Other 12
5704 Carpets
and other textile floor coverings, of felt, not tufted or
flocked, whether or not made up
5704 10 00 00 - Tiles, having a maximum surface area of 0.3 m2 12
5704 90 00 00 - Other 12
5705 Other
carpets and other textile floor coverings, whether or
not made up
- Of cotton:
5705 00 19 00 - - Other 12
- Other:
5705 00 91 00 - - Of jute fibers 12
5705 00 99 00 - - Other 12
5801 Woven
pile fabrics and chenille fabrics, other than fabrics of
heading 58.02 or 58.06
5801 10 - Of wool or fine animal hair:
5801 10 10 00 - - Tennis ball melton cloth 12
5801 10 90 00 - - Other 12
‑ Of cotton:
5801 22 00 00 - - Cut corduroy 12
5801 23 00 00 - - Other weft pile fabrics 12
5801 24 00 00 - - Warp pile fabrics, Epingle (uncut) 12
5801 25 00 00 - - Warp pile fabrics, cut 12
5801 26 00 00 - - Chenille fabrics 12
‑ Of man‑made fibers:
5801 31 00 00 - - Uncut weft pile fabrics 12
5801 32 00 00 - - Cut corduroy 12
5801 33 00 00 - - Other weft pile fabrics 12
5801 35 00 00 - - Warp pile fabrics, cut 12
5801 36 00 00 - - Chenille fabrics 12
5801 90 - Of other textile materials:
5801 90 10 00 - - Of silk 12
5801 90 90 00 - - Other 12
5802 Terry
towelling and similar woven terry fabrics, other than
narrow fabrics of heading 58.06; tufted
textile fabrics, other
than products of heading 57.03
‑ Terry towelling and similar woven terry fabrics, of cotton:
5802 11 00 00 - - Unbleached 12
5802 19 00 00 - - Other 12
5802 30 00 00 - Tufted textile fabrics 12
5803 Gauze, other than narrow fabrics of heading 58.06
5803 10 - Of cotton:
5803 10 10 00 - - Unbleached, not mercerized 12
5803 10 90 00 - - Other 12
5803 90 - Of other textile materials:
5803 90 10 00 - - Blinds for plants 10
5803 90 90 00 - - Other 12
5804 Tulles
and other net fabrics, not including woven, knitted or
crocheted fabrics; lace in the piece, in
strips or in motifs,
other than fabrics of headings 60.02 to
5804 10 10 00 - - Of silk 12
5804 10 20 00 - - Of cotton 12
5804 10 90 00 - - Other 12
‑ Mechanically made lace:
5804 21 00 00 - - Of man‑made fibers 12
5804 29 00 00 - - Of other textile materials 12
5804 30 00 00 - Hand‑made lace 12
5805 Hand‑woven
tapestries of the type Gobelins, Flanders,
Aubusson, Beauvais and the like, and needle‑worked
(for example, petit point, cross stitch),
whether or not made up
5805 00 10 00 - Of cotton 12
5806 Narrow
woven fabrics, other than goods of heading 58.07;
narrow fabrics consisting of warp without
weft assembled
by means of an adhesive (bolducs)
5806 10 -
Woven pile fabrics (including terry toweling and similar terry
fabrics) and chenille fabrics:
5806 10 10 00 - - Of silk 12
5806 10 20 00 - - Of cotton 12
5806 10 90 00 - - Other 12
5806 20 00 00 -
Other woven fabrics, containing by weight 5% or more of
elastomeric yarn or rubber thread 12
‑ Other woven fabrics:
5806 31 - - Of cotton:
5806 31 10 00 -
- - Narrow woven fabrics suitable for the manufacture of inked
ribbons for typewriters or similar machines
12 5806 31 20 00 -
- - Backing for electrical insulating paper 12
5806 31 40 00 - - - Webbings used in covering piping, poles or the like 12
5806 31 50 00 -
- - Textile sequential markers used in the manufacture of electrical
wires 12
5806 31 90 00 - - - Other 12
5806 32 - - Of man‑made fibers:
5806 32 10 00 -
- - Narrow woven fabrics suitable for the manufacture of inked
ribbons for typewriters or similar
machines; safety seat belt webbing 12
5806 32 20 00 - - - Slide fastener ribbons of a width not exceeding 12 mm 12
5806 32 30 00 - - - Webbings used in covering piping, poles and the like 12
5806 32 90 00 - - - Other 12
5806 39 - - Of other textile materials:
5806 39 90 00 - - - Other 12
5806 40 00 00 -
Fabrics consisting of warp without weft assembled by means of
an adhesive (bolducs) 12
5807 Labels,
badges and similar articles of textile materials, in the
piece, in strips or cut to shape or size,
not embroidered
5807 10 00 00 - Woven 12
5807 90 00 00 - Other 12
5808 Braids
in the piece; ornamental trimmings in the piece, without
embroidery, other than knitted or
crocheted; tassels, pompons
and similar articles
5808 10 - Braids in the piece:
5808 10 10 00 - - Combined with rubber threads 12
5808 10 90 00 - - Other 12
5808 90 10 00 - - Combined with rubber threads 12
5808 90 90 00 - - Other 12
5809 00 00 00 Woven
fabrics of metal thread and woven fabrics of metallized
yarn of heading 56.05, of a kind used in
apparel, as furnishing
fabrics or for similar purposes, not
elsewhere specified or included 12
5810 Embroidery in the piece, in strips or in motifs
5810 10 00 00 - Embroidery without visible ground 12
‑ Other embroidery:
5810 91 00 00 - - Of cotton 12
5810 92 00 00 - - Of man‑made fibers 12
5810 99 00 00 - - Of other textile materials 12
5901 Textile
fabrics coated with gum or amylaceous substances,
of a kind used for the outer covers of
books or the like;
tracing cloth; prepared painting canvas; buckram
and similar
stiffened textile fabrics of a kind used
for hat foundations
5901 10 00 00
- Textile fabrics coated with gum or amylaceous substances,
of a kind used for the outer covers of
books or the like 12
5901 90 - Other:
5901 90 10 00 - - Tracing cloth 12
5901 90 20 00 - - Prepared painting canvas 12
5901 90 90 00 - - Other 12
5903 Textile
fabrics impregnated, coated, covered or laminated
with plastics, other than those of heading
5903 10 - With poly (vinyl chloride):
5903 10 10 00 - - Interlining 12
5903 20 - With polyurethane:
5903 20 10 00 - - Interlining 12
5903 20 90 00 - - Other 12
5903 90 - Other:
5903 90 10 00 - - Nylon canvas 12
5903 90 20 00 - - Interlining 12
5903 90 90 00 - - Other 12
5904 Linoleum,
whether or not cut to shape; floor coverings
consisting of a coating or covering applied
on a textile backing,
whether or not cut to shape
5904 10 00 00 - Linoleum 12
5904 90 10 00 - - With a base consisting of needleloom felt or nonwovens 12
5904 90 90 00 - - With other textile base 12
5905 00 00 00 Textile wall coverings 12
5907 Textile
fabrics otherwise impregnated, coated or covered; painted
canvas being theatrical scenery, studio
back‑cloths or the like
5907 00 10 00 -
Fabrics impregnated, coated or covered with oil or oil-based
preparations 10
5907 00 20 00 - Printed canvas being theatrical scenery, studio back-cloths or the like 12
5907 00 30 00 -
Textile fabrics impregnated, coated or covered with fire resistant
chemical 5
5907 00 40 00 -
Fabrics impregnated, coated or covered with flock velvet, the entire
surface of which is covered with textile
flock 10
5907 00 50 00 -
Fabrics impregnated, coated or covered with wax, tar, bitumen or
similar products 10
5907 00 90 00 - Other 10
5908 Textile
wicks, woven, plaited or knitted, for lamps, stoves,
lighters, candles or the like; incandescent
gas mantles and
tubular knitted gas mantle fabric therefor,
whether or not
5908 00 10 00 - Wicks; incandescent gas mantles 12
5908 00 90 00 - Other 12
5910 Transmission
or conveyor belts or belting, of textile material,
whether or not impregnated, coated, covered
or laminated
with plastics, or reinforced with metal or
other material
5910 00 10 00 - Transmission belts of felts 12
5910 00 90 00 - Other 0
6001 Pile
fabrics, including “long‑pile” fabrics and terry fabrics
knitted or crocheted
6001 10 - “Long pile” fabrics:
6001 10 90 00 - - Other 12
‑ Looped pile fabrics:
6001 21 - - Of cotton:
6001 21 10 00 - - - Unbleached, not mercerised 12
6001 21 90 00 - - - Other 12
6001 22 - - Of man‑made fibers:
6001 22 10 00 - - - Unbleached 12
6001 22 90 00 - - - Other 12
6001 29 - - Of other textile materials:
6001 29 90 00 - - - Other 12
‑ Other:
6001 91 - - Of cotton:
6001 91 10 00 - - - Unbleached, not mercerised 12
6001 91 90 00 - - - Other 12
6001 92 - - Of man‑made fibers:
- - Pile fabrics of 100% polyester staple fibers of a width not less
than 63.5 mm but not more than 76.2 mm
suitable for use in the
manufacture of paint rollers:
6001 92 11 00 - - - - Unbleached 12
6001 92 19 00 - - - - Other 12
6001 92 91 00 - - - - Unbleached 12
6001 92 99 00 - - - - Other 12
6001 99 - - Of other textile materials:
6001 99 10 00 - - - Unbleached, not mercerised 12
6001 99 90 00 - - - Other 12
6002 Knitted
or crocheted fabrics of a width not exceeding 30 cm,
containing by weight 5% or more of
elastomeric yarn or rubber
thread, other than those of heading 60.01
6002 40 00 00 -
Containing by weight 5% or more of elastomeric yarn but not
containing rubber thread 12
6002 90 00 00 - Other 12
6003 Knitted
or crocheted fabrics of a width not exceeding 30 cm,
other than those of heading 60.01 or 60.02
6003 20 00 00 - Of cotton 12
6003 30 00 00 - Of synthetic fibers 12
6003 40 00 00 - Of artificial fibers 12
6003 90 00 00 - Other 12
6004 Knitted
or crocheted fabrics of a width exceeding 30 cm,
containing by weight 5% or more of
elastomeric yarn or rubber
thread, other than those of heading 60.01
6004 10 -
Containing by weight 5% or more of elastomeric yarn but not
containing rubber thread:
6004 10 10 00 -
- Knitted swimwear fabric containing by weight 80% synthetic
yarn and 20% elastic yarn 12
6004 10 90 00 - - Other 12
6004 90 - Other:
6004 90 90 00 - - Other 12
6005 Warp
knit fabrics (including those made on galloon knitting
machines), other than those of headings
60.01 to 60.04
6005 10 00 00 - Of wool or fine animal hair 12
- Of cotton:
6005 21 00 00 - - Unbleached or bleached 12
6005 22 00 00 - - Dyed 12
6005 23 00 00 - - Of yarns of different colors 12
6005 24 00 00 - - Printed 12
- Of synthetic fibers:
6005 32 00 00 - - Dyed 12
6005 33 00 00 - - Of yarns of different colors 12
6005 34 00 00 - - Printed 12
- Of artificial fibers:
6005 41 00 00 - - Unbleached or bleached 12
6005 42 00 00 - - Dyed 12
6005 43 00 00 - - Of yarns of different colors 12
6005 44 00 00 - - Printed 12
6005 90 00 00 - Other 12
6006 10 00 00 - Of wool or fine animal hair 12
- Of cotton:
6006 21 00 00 - - Unbleached or bleached 12
6006 22 00 00 - - Dyed 12
6006 23 00 00 - - Of yarns of different colors 12
6006 24 00 00 - - Printed 12
- Of synthetic fibers:
6006 31 - - Unbleached or bleached:
6006 31 10 00 - - - Nylon fiber mesh for use as backing material for mosaic tiles 12
6006 32 - - Dyed:
6006 32 10 00 - - - Nylon fiber mesh for use as backing material for mosaic tiles 12
6006 32 90 00 - - - Other 12
6006 33 - - Of yarns of different colors:
6006 33 10 00 - - - Nylon fiber mesh for use as backing material for mosaic tiles 12
6006 33 90 00 - - - Other 12
6006 34 - - Printed:
6006 34 10 00 - - - Nylon fiber mesh for use as backing material for mosaic tiles 12
6006 34 90 00 - - - Other 12
6006 41 00 00 - - Unbleached or bleached 12
6006 42 00 00 - - Dyed 12
6006 43 00 00 - - Of yarns of different colors 12
6006 44 00 00 - - Printed 12
6006 90 00 00 - Other 12
6101 Men’s
or boys’ overcoats, car‑coats, capes, cloaks, anoraks
(including ski‑jackets), wind‑cheaters,
wind‑jackets and similar
articles, knitted or crocheted, other than
those of heading 61.03
6101 10 00 00 - Of wool or fine animal hair 20
6101 20 00 00 - Of cotton 20
6101 30 00 00 - Of man‑made fibers 20
6102 Women’s
or girls’ overcoats, car‑coats, capes, cloaks, anoraks
(including ski‑jackets), wind‑cheaters,
wind‑jackets and similar
articles, knitted or crocheted, other than
those of heading 61.04
6102 10 00 00 - Of wool or fine animal hair 20
6102 20 00 00 - Of cotton 20
6102 30 00 00 - Of man‑made fibers 20
6102 90 00 00 - Of other textile materials 20
6103 Men’s
or boys’ suits, ensembles, jackets, blazers, trousers, bib
and brace overalls, breeches and shorts
(other than swimwear),
knitted or crocheted
‑ Suits:
6103 11 00 00 - - Of wool or fine animal hair 20
6103 12 00 00 - - Of synthetic fibers 20
6103 19 10 00 - - - Of cotton 20
6103 19 20 00 - - - Of ramie, linen or silk 20
6103 19 90 00 - - - Other 20
‑ Ensembles:
6103 21 00 00 - - Of wool or fine animal hair 20
6103 22 00 00 - - Of cotton 20
6103 23 00 00 - - Of synthetic fibers 20
6103 29 - - Of other textile materials:
6103 29 10 00 - - - Of ramie, linen or silk 20
‑ Jackets and blazers:
6103 31 00 00 - - Of wool or fine animal hair 20
6103 32 00 00 - - Of cotton 20
6103 33 00 00 - - Of synthetic fibers 20
6103 39 - - Of other textile materials:
6103 39 10 00 - - - Of ramie, linen or silk 20
6103 39 90 00 - - - Other 20
‑ Trousers, bib and brace overalls, breeches and shorts:
6103 41 00 00 - - Of wool or fine animal hair 20
6103 43 00 00 - - Of synthetic fibers 20
6103 49 - - Of other textile materials:
6103 49 10 00 - - - Of ramie, linen or silk 20
6103 49 90 00 - - - Other 20
6104 Women’s
or girls’ suits, ensembles, jackets, blazers, dresses,
skirts, divided skirts, trousers, bib and
brace overalls, breeches
and shorts (other than swimwear), knitted
or crocheted
‑ Suits:
6104 11 00 00 - - Of wool or fine animal hair 20
6104 12 00 00 - - Of cotton 20
6104 13 00 00 - - Of synthetic fibers 20
6104 19 10 00 - - - Of ramie, linen or silk 20
6104 19 90 00 - - - Other 20
‑ Ensembles:
6104 21 00 00 - - Of wool or fine animal hair 20
6104 22 00 00 - - Of cotton 20
6104 23 00 00 - - Of synthetic fibers 20
6104 29 - - Of other textile materials:
6104 29 10 00 - - - Of ramie, linen or silk 20
6104 29 90 00 - - - Other 20
6104 31 00 00 - - Of wool or fine animal hair 20
6104 32 00 00 - - Of cotton 20
6104 33 00 00 - - Of synthetic fibers 20
6104 39 - - Of other textile materials:
6104 39 10 00 - - - Of ramie, linen or silk 20
6104 39 90 00 - - - Other 20
‑ Dresses:
6104 41 00 00 - - Of wool or fine animal hair 20
6104 42 00 00 - - Of cotton 20
6104 44 00 00 - - Of artificial fibers 20
6104 49 - - Of other textile materials:
6104 49 10 00 - - - Of ramie, linen or silk 20
6104 49 90 00 - - - Other 20
‑ Skirts and divided skirts:
6104 51 00 00 - - Of wool or fine animal hair 20
6104 52 00 00 - - Of cotton 20
6104 53 00 00 - - Of synthetic fibers 20
6104 59 - - Of other textile materials:
6104 59 90 00 - - - Other 20
‑ Trousers, bib and brace overalls, breeches and shorts:
6104 61 00 00 - - Of wool or fine animal hair 20
6104 62 00 00 - - Of cotton 20
6104 63 00 00 - - Of synthetic fibers 20
6104 69 - - Of other textile materials:
6104 69 10 00 - - - Of ramie, linen or silk 20
6104 69 90 00 - - - Other 20
6105 Men’s or boys’ shirts, knitted or crocheted
6105 20 - Of man‑made fibers:
6105 20 10 00 - - Of synthetic fibers 20
6105 20 20 00 - - Of artificial fibers 20
6105 90 - Of other textile materials:
6105 90 10 00 - - Of ramie, linen or silk 20
6105 90 90 00 - - Other 20
6106 Women’s
or girls’ blouses, shirts and shirt‑blouses, knitted or
6106 10 00 00 - Of cotton 20
6106 20 00 00 - Of man‑made fibers 20
6106 90 10 00 - - Of ramie, linen or silk 20
6106 90 20 00 - - Of wool or fine animal hair 20
6106 90 90 00 - - Other 20
6107 Men’s
or boys’ underpants, briefs, nightshirts, pyjamas,
bathrobes, dressing gowns and similar
articles, knitted or
‑ Underpants and briefs:
6107 11 00 00 - - Of cotton 20
6107 12 00 00 - - Of man‑made fibers 20
6107 19 - - Of other textile materials:
6107 19 10 00 - - - Of wool or fine animal hair 20
‑ Nightshirts and pyjamas:
6107 21 00 00 - - Of cotton 20
6107 22 00 00 - - Of man‑made fibers 20
6107 29 - - Of other textile materials:
6107 29 10 00 - - - Of silk 20
6107 29 20 00 - - - Of wool or fine animal hair 20
6107 29 90 00 - - - Other 20
‑ Other:
6107 91 00 00 - - Of cotton 20
6107 99 - - Of other textile materials:
6107 99 10 00 - - - Of wool or fine animal hair 20
6107 99 90 00 - - - Other 20
6108 Women’s
or girls’ slips, petticoats, briefs, panties, nightdresses,
pyjamas, négligés, bathrobes, dressing
gowns and similar articles,
knitted or crocheted
‑ Slips and petticoats:
6108 11 00 00 - - Of man‑made fibers 20
6108 19 - - Of other textile materials:
6108 19 10 00 - - - Of silk 20
6108 19 20 00 - - - Of wool or fine animal hair 20
6108 19 90 00 - - - Other 20
‑ Briefs and panties:
6108 21 00 00 - - Of cotton 20
6108 22 00 00 - - Of man‑made fibers 20
6108 29 - - Of other textile materials:
6108 29 10 00 - - - Of silk 20
6108 29 20 00 - - - Of wool or fine animal hair 20
6108 29 90 00 - - - Other 20
‑ Nightdresses and pyjamas:
6108 32 00 00 - - Of man‑made fibers 20
6108 39 - - Of other textile materials:
6108 39 10 00 - - - Of silk 20
6108 39 20 00 - - - Of wool or fine animal hair 20
6108 39 90 00 - - - Other 20
‑ Other:
6108 91 00 00 - - Of cotton 20
6108 92 00 00 - - Of man‑made fibers 20
6108 99 - - Of other textile materials:
6108 99 90 00 - - - Other 20
6109 T‑shirts, singlets and other vests, knitted or crocheted
6109 10 - Of cotton:
6109 10 10 00 - - For men or boys 20
6109 10 20 00 - - For women or girls 20
6109 90 - Of other textile materials:
6109 90 10 00 - - For men or boys, of ramie, linen or silk 20
6109 90 20 00 - - For men or boys, of other materials 20
6109 90 30 00 - - For women or girls, of ramie, linen or silk 20
6110 Jerseys,
pullovers, cardigans, waistcoats and similar articles,
knitted or crocheted
‑ Of wool or fine animal hair:
6110 11 00 00 - - Of wool 20
6110 12 00 00 - - Of Kashmir (cashmere) goats 20
6110 19 00 00 - - Other 20
6110 20 00 00 - Of cotton 20
6110 30 00 00 - Of man‑made fibers 20
6110 90 - Of other textile materials:
6110 90 10 00 - - Of ramie, linen or silk 20
6111 Babies’ garments and clothing accessories, knitted or crocheted
6111 10 - Of wool or fine animal hair:
6111 10 10 00 -
- Stockings, socks and bootees without applied soles, not elasticated
or rubberised 20
6111 10 20 00 -
- Stockings, socks and bootees without applied soles, elasticated or
rubberised 20
6111 10 30 00 -
- Gloves, mittens and mitts; pantyhose (tights), underpants and
briefs, bathing costumes or trunks 20
6111 10 40 00 - - Other garments 20
6111 10 90 00 - - Other 20
6111 20 - Of cotton:
6111 20 10 00 -
- Stockings, socks and bootees without applied soles, not elasticated
or rubberised 20
6111 20 30 00 - - Garments 20
6111 20 90 00 - - Other 20
6111 30 - Of synthetic fibers:
6111 30 10 00 - - Stockings, socks and bootees without applied soles 20
6111 30 20 00 - - Garments 20
6111 30 90 00 - - Other 20
6111 90 - Of other textile materials:
6111 90 10 00 -
- Stockings, socks and bootees without applied soles, not elasticated
or rubberised 20
6111 90 20 00 -
- Stockings, socks and bootees without applied soles, elasticated or
rubberised 20
6111 90 90 00 - - Other 20
6112 Track suits, ski suits and swimwear, knitted or crocheted
‑ Track suits:
6112 11 00 00 - - Of cotton 20
6112 12 00 00 - - Of synthetic fibers 20
6112 19 - - Of other textile materials:
6112 19 10 00 - - - Of ramie, linen or silk 20
6112 19 90 00 - - - Other 20
6112 20 00 00 - Ski suits 20
6112 31 - - Of synthetic fibers:
6112 31 10 00 - - - Not elasticated or rubberised 20
6112 31 20 00 - - - Elasticated or rubberised 20
6112 39 - - Of other textile materials:
6112 39 10 00 - - - Not elasticated or rubberised 20
6112 39 20 00 - - - Elasticated or rubberised 20
‑ Women’s or girls’ swimwear:
6112 41 - - Of synthetic fibers:
6112 41 10 00 - - - Not elasticated or rubberised 20
6112 49 - - Of other textile materials:
6112 49 10 00 - - - Not elasticated or rubberised 20
6112 49 20 00 - - - Elasticated or rubberised 20
6113 Garments,
made up of knitted or crocheted fabrics of heading
59.03, 59.06 or 59.07
- Not elasticated or rubberised:
6113 00 11 00 -
- Protective or safety garments for workers excluding goods of
subheading 6113.0012 20
6113 00 12 00 - - Flame-proof 5
6113 00 19 00 - - Other 20
- Elasticated or rubberised:
6113 00 22 00 - - Flame-proof 5
6113 00 29 00 - - Other 20
6114 Other garments, knitted or crocheted
6114 10 00 00 - Of wool or fine animal hair 20
6114 20 00 00 - Of cotton 20
6114 30 - Of man‑made fibers:
6114 30 10 00 - - Flame-proof 5
6114 30 90 00 - - Other 20
6114 90 - Of other textile materials:
6114 90 90 00 - - Other 20
6115 Panty
hose, tights, stockings, socks and other hosiery, including
stockings for varicose veins and footwear
without applied soles,
knitted or crocheted
‑ Panty hose and tights:
6115 11 - - Of synthetic fibers, measuring per single yarn less than 67 decitex:
6115 11 10 00 - - - Not elasticated or rubberised 20
6115 11 20 00 - - - Elasticated or rubberised 20
6115 12 - - Of synthetic fibers, measuring per single yarn 67 decitex or more:
6115 12 10 00 - - - Not elasticated or rubberised 20
6115 12 20 00 - - - Elasticated or rubberised 20
- - - Not elasticated or rubberised:
6115 19 11 00 - - - - Of cotton 20
6115 19 19 00 - - - - Other 20
- - - Elasticated or rubberised:
6115 19 21 00 - - - - Of cotton 20
6115 19 29 00 - - - - Other 20
6115 20 -
Women’s full‑length or knee‑length hosiery, measuring per single
yarn less than 67 decitex:
6115 20 10 00 - - Of cotton 20
6115 20 90 00 - - Of other textile materials 20
6115 91 - - Of wool or fine animal hair:
6115 91 10 00 - - - Stockings, under stockings, socks, sockettes and the like, for men 20
6115 91 20 00 -
- - Stockings, under stockings, socks, sockettes and the like,
for women and children 20
6115 91 90 00 - - - Other 20
6115 92 - - Of cotton:
6115 92 10 00 - - - Stockings, under stockings, socks, sockettes and the like, for men 20
6115 92 20 00 -
- - Stockings, under stockings, socks, sockettes and the like,
for women and children 20
6115 92 90 00 - - - Other 20
6115 93 - - Of synthetic fibers:
6115 93 20 00 -
- - Stockings, under stockings, socks, sockettes and the like, for
women and children 20
6115 93 90 00 - - - Other 20
6115 99 - - Of other textile materials:
6115 99 10 00 - - - Stockings, under stockings, socks, sockettes and the like, for men 20
6115 99 20 00 -
- - Stockings, under stockings, socks, sockettes and the like, for
women and children 20
6115 99 90 00 - - - Other 20
6116 Gloves, mittens and mitts, knitted or crocheted
6116 10 00 00 - Impregnated, coated or covered with plastics or rubber 20
‑ Other:
6116 92 00 00 - - Of cotton 20
6116 93 00 00 - - Of synthetic fibers 20
6116 99 00 00 - - Of other textile materials 20
6117 Other
made up clothing accessories, knitted or crocheted;
knitted or crocheted parts of garments or
of clothing accessories
6117 10 - Shawls, scarves, mufflers, mantillas, veils and the like:
6117 10 10 00 - - Of cotton 20
6117 10 90 00 - - Of other textile materials 20
6117 20 - Ties, bow ties and cravats:
6117 20 10 00 - - Of wool or fine animal hair 20
6117 80 - Other accessories:
6117 80 10 00 - - Of wool or fine animal hair 20
6117 80 90 00 - - Other 20
6117 90 00 00 ‑ Parts 20
6201 Men’s
or boys’ overcoats, car‑coats, capes, cloaks, anoraks
(including ski‑jackets), wind‑cheaters,
wind‑jackets and
similar articles, other than those of
heading 62.03
‑ Overcoats, raincoats, car‑coats, capes, cloaks and similar articles:
6201 11 00 00 - - Of wool of fine animal hair 20
6201 12 00 00 - - Of cotton 20
6201 13 00 00 - - Of man‑made fibers 20
6201 19 10 00 - - - Of ramie, linen or silk 20
6201 19 90 00 - - - Other 20
‑ Other:
6201 91 00 00 - - Of wool or fine animal hair 20
6201 92 00 00 - - Of cotton 20
6201 93 00 00 - - Of man‑made fibers 20
6201 99 - - Of other textile materials:
6201 99 10 00 - - - Of ramie, linen or silk 20
6201 99 90 00 - - - Other 20
‑ Overcoats, raincoats, car‑coats, capes, cloaks and similar articles:
6202 11 00 00 - - Of wool or fine animal hair 20
6202 12 00 00 - ‑ Of cotton 20
6202 13 00 00 - - Of man‑made fibers 20
6202 19 - - Of other textile materials:
6202 19 10 00 - - - Of ramie, linen or silk 20
6202 19 90 00 - - - Other 20
‑ Other:
6202 91 00 00 - - Of wool or fine animal hair 20
6202 93 00 00 - - Of man‑made fibers 20
6202 99 - - Of other textile materials:
6202 99 10 00 - - - Of ramie, linen or silk 20
6202 99 90 00 - - - Other 20
6203 Men’s
or boys’ suits, ensembles, jackets, blazers, trousers, bib
and brace overalls, breeches and shorts
(other than swimwear)
‑ Suits:
6203 11 00 00 - - Of wool or fine animal hair 20
6203 12 00 00 - - Of synthetic fibers 20
6203 19 - - Of other textile materials:
6203 19 20 00 - - - Of ramie, linen or silk 20
6203 19 90 00 - - - Other 20
‑ Ensembles:
6203 21 00 00 - - Of wool or fine animal hair 20
6203 22 00 00 - - Of cotton 20
6203 23 00 00 - - Of synthetic fibers 20
6203 29 - - Of other textile materials:
6203 29 10 00 - - - Of ramie, linen or silk 20
6203 29 90 00 - - - Other 20
6203 31 00 00 - - Of wool or fine animal hair 20
6203 32 00 00 - - Of cotton 20
6203 33 00 00 - - Of synthetic fibers 20
6203 39 - - Of other textile materials:
6203 39 10 00 - - - Of ramie, linen or silk 20
6203 39 90 00 - - - Other 20
‑ Trousers, bib and brace overalls, breeches and shorts:
6203 41 - - Of wool or fine animal hair:
6203 41 10 00 - - - Bib and brace overalls 20
6203 42 - - Of cotton:
6203 42 10 00 - - - Bib and brace overalls 20
6203 42 90 00 - - - Other 20
6203 43 - - Of synthetic fibers:
6203 43 10 00 - - - Bib and brace overalls 20
6203 43 90 00 - - - Other 20
6203 49 - - Of other textile materials:
6203 49 10 00 - - - Bib and brace overalls of ramie, linen or silk 20
6203 49 20 00 - - - Bib and brace overalls of other materials 20
6203 49 90 00 - - - Other 20
6204 Women’s
or girls’ suits, ensembles, jackets, blazers, dresses,
skirts, divided skirts, trousers, bib and
brace overalls, breeches
and shorts (other than swimwear)
‑ Suits:
6204 11 00 00 - - Of wool or fine animal hair 20
6204 12 00 00 - - Of cotton 20
6204 13 00 00 - - Of synthetic fibers 20
6204 19 - - Of other textile materials:
6204 19 10 00 - - - Of ramie, linen or silk 20
6204 19 90 00 - - - Other 20
6204 21 00 00 - - Of wool or fine animal hair 20
6204 22 00 00 - - Of cotton 20
6204 23 00 00 - - Of synthetic fibers 20
6204 29 - - Of other textile materials:
6204 29 10 00 - - - Of ramie, linen or silk 20
6204 29 90 00 - - - Other 20
‑ Jackets and blazers:
6204 31 00 00 - - Of wool or fine animal hair 20
6204 32 00 00 - - Of cotton 20
6204 39 - - Of other textile materials:
6204 39 10 00 - - - Of ramie, linen or silk 20
6204 39 90 00 - - - Other 20
‑ Dresses:
6204 41 00 00 - - Of wool or fine animal hair 20
6204 42 00 00 - - Of cotton 20
6204 43 00 00 - - Of synthetic fibers 20
6204 44 00 00 - - Of artificial fibers 20
6204 49 - - Of other textile materials:
6204 49 90 00 - - - Other 20
‑ Skirts and divided skirts:
6204 51 00 00 - - Of wool or fine animal hair 20
6204 52 00 00 - - Of cotton 20
6204 53 00 00 - - Of synthetic fibers 20
6204 59 - - Of other textile materials:
6204 59 10 00 - - - Of ramie, linen or silk 20
6204 59 90 00 - - - Other 20
‑ Trousers, bib and brace overalls, breeches and shorts:
6204 62 00 00 - - Of cotton 20
6204 63 00 00 - - Of synthetic fibers 20
6204 69 - - Of other textile materials:
6204 69 10 00 - - - Of ramie, linen or silk 20
6204 69 90 00 - - - Other 20
6205 Men’s or boys’ shirts
6205 10 00 00 - Of wool or fine animal hair 20
6205 20 00 00 - Of cotton 20
6205 30 00 00 - Of man‑made fibers 20
6205 90 10 00 - - Of ramie, linen or silk 20
6205 90 90 00 - - Other 20
6206 Women’s or girls’ blouses, shirts and shirt‑blouses
6206 10 00 00 - Of silk or silk waste 20
6206 20 00 00 - Of wool or fine animal hair 20
6206 30 00 00 - Of cotton 20
6206 40 00 00 - Of man‑made fibers 20
6206 90 - Of other textile materials:
6206 90 10 00 - - Of ramie, linen or silk 20
6207 Men’s
or boys’ singlets and other vests, underpants, briefs,
nightshirts, pyjamas, bathrobes, dressing
gowns and similar
‑ Underpants and briefs:
6207 11 00 00 - - Of cotton 20
6207 19 00 00 - - Of other textile materials 20
‑ Nightshirts and pyjamas:
6207 21 00 00 - - Of cotton 20
6207 22 00 00 - - Of man‑made fibers 20
6207 29 - - Of other textile materials:
6207 29 10 00 - - - Of silk 20
‑ Other:
6207 91 - - Of cotton:
6207 91 10 00 -
- - Bathing or athletic slips, including combined vests and slips;
sports vests 20
6207 91 20 00 - - - Bathrobes, dressing gowns and similar articles 20
6207 91 30 00 - - - Pilgrimage robes 20
6207 91 90 00 - - - Other 20
6207 92 - - Of man‑made fibers:
6207 92 10 00 -
- - Bathing or athletic slips, including combined vests and slips;
sports vests 20
6207 92 20 00 - - - Bathrobes, dressing gowns and similar articles 20
6207 99 - - Of other textile materials:
- - - Of wool or fine animal hair:
6207 99 11 00 - - - - Bathing or athletic slips and sports vests 20
6207 99 12 00 - - - - Bathrobes, dressing gowns and similar articles 20
6207 99 19 00 - - - - Other 20
- - - Other:
6207 99 91 00 - - - - Bathing or athletic slips and sports vests 20
6207 99 92 00 - - - - Bathrobes, dressing gowns and similar articles 20
6207 99 99 00 - - - - Other 20
‑ Slips and petticoats:
6208 11 00 00 - - Of man‑made fibers 20
6208 19 - - Of other textile materials:
6208 19 10 00 - - - Of silk 20
6208 19 90 00 - - - Other 20
‑ Nightdresses and pyjamas:
6208 21 00 00 - - Of cotton 20
6208 22 00 00 - - Of man‑made fibers 20
6208 29 - - Of other textile materials:
6208 29 90 00 - - - Other 20
‑ Other:
6208 91 - - Of cotton:
6208 91 10 00 - - - Panties 20
6208 91 20 00 - - - Negliges, bathrobes, dressing gowns and similar articles 20
6208 91 90 00 - - - Other 20
6208 92 - - Of man‑made fibers:
6208 92 10 00 - - - Panties, negliges, bathrobes, dressing gowns and similar articles 20
6208 92 90 00 - - - Other 20
- - - Of wool or fine animal hair:
6208 99 11 00 - - - - Panties, negliges, bathrobes, dressing gowns and similar articles 20
6208 99 19 00 - - - - Other 20
- - - Other:
6208 99 91 00 - - - - Panties, negliges, bathrobes, dressing gowns and similar articles 20
6208 99 99 00 - - - - Other 20
6209 Babies’ garments and clothing accessories
6209 10 - Of wool or fine animal hair:
6209 10 10 00 - - Suits, pants and similar articles 20
6209 10 30 00 - - Clothing accessories 20
6209 10 90 00 - - Other 20
6209 20 - Of cotton:
6209 20 10 00 - - Suits, pants and similar articles 20
6209 20 20 00 - - T-shirts, shirts, pyjamas, napkins (diapers) and similar articles 20
6209 20 30 00 - - Clothing accessories 20
6209 20 90 00 - - Other 20
6209 30 - Of synthetic fibers:
6209 30 10 00 - - Suits, pants and similar articles 20
6209 30 30 00 - - Clothing accessories 20
6209 30 90 00 - - Other 20
6209 90 - Of other textile materials:
6209 90 10 00 - - Suits, pants and similar articles 20
6209 90 20 00 - - T-shirts, shirts, pyjamas, napkins (diapers) and similar articles 20
6209 90 30 00 - - Clothing accessories 20
6209 90 90 00 - - Other 20
6210 Garments,
made up of fabrics of heading 56.02, 56.03, 59.03,
59.06 or 59.07
6210 10 - Of fabrics of heading 56.02 or 56.03:
6210 10 11 00 - - - For protection in industry 20
6210 10 19 00 - - - Other 20
- - For women’s or girls’ garments:
6210 10 91 00 - - - For protection in industry 20
6210 10 99 00 - - - Other 20
6210 20 -
Other garments, of the type described in subheadings 6201.11
to 6201.19:
- - For protection in industry:
6210 20 11 00 - - - Flame-proof 5
6210 20 19 00 - - - Other 20
6210 20 91 00 - - - Flame-proof 5
6210 20 99 00 - - - Other 20
6210 30 -
Other garments, of the type described in subheadings 6202.11
to 6202.19:
- - For protection in industry:
6210 30 11 00 - - - Flame-proof 5
6210 30 19 00 - - - Other 20
- - Other:
6210 30 91 00 - - - Flame-proof 5
6210 30 99 00 - - - Other 20
6210 40 10 00 - - Flame-proof 5
6210 40 90 00 - - Other 20
6210 50 - Other women’s or girls’ garments:
6210 50 10 00 - - Flame-proof 5
6210 50 90 00 - - Other 20
6211 Track suits, ski suits and swimwear; other garments
‑ Swimwear:
6211 11 00 00 - - Men’s or boys’ 20
6211 12 00 00 - - Women’s or girls’ 20
- - For men or boys:
6211 20 11 00 - - - Of wool or fine animal hair 20
6211 20 19 00 - - - Other 20
- - For women or girls:
6211 20 21 00 - - - Of wool or fine animal hair 20
6211 20 29 00 - - - Other 20
‑ Other garments, men’s or boys’:
6211 31 00 00 - - Of wool or fine animal hair 20
6211 32 00 00 - - Of cotton 20
6211 33 10 00 - - - Flame-proof 5
6211 33 20 00 - - - Flyers coveralls 20
6211 33 90 00 - - - Other 20
6211 39 - - Of other textile materials:
6211 39 10 00 - - - Flame-proof 5
6211 39 90 00 - - - Other 20
‑ Other garments, women’s or girls’:
6211 41 00 00 - - Of wool or fine animal hair 20
6211 42 - - Of cotton:
6211 42 90 00 - - - Other 20
6211 43 - - Of man‑made fibers:
6211 43 10 00 - - - Surgical gowns 20
6211 43 20 00 - - - Prayer cloaks 20
6211 43 30 00 - - - Flyers coveralls 20
6211 43 90 00 - - - Other 20
6211 49 - - Of other textile materials:
6211 49 10 00 - - - Prayer cloaks 20
6211 49 90 00 - - - Other 20
6212 10 - BrassiÌres:
6212 10 10 00 - - Of cotton 20
6212 10 90 00 - - Of other textile materials 20
6212 20 - Girdles and panty‑girdles:
6212 20 10 00 - - Of cotton 20
6212 20 90 00 - - Of other textile materials 20
6212 30 - Corselettes:
6212 30 10 00 - - Of cotton 20
6212 30 90 00 - - Of other textile materials 20
6212 90 10 00 - - Of cotton 20
6212 90 90 00 - - Of other textile materials 20
6213 Handkerchiefs
6213 10 00 00 - Of silk or silk waste 20
6213 20 00 00 - Of cotton 20
6213 90 00 00 - Of other textile materials 20
6214 Shawls, scarves, mufflers, mantillas, veils and the like
6214 10 00 00 - Of silk or silk waste 20
6214 20 00 00 - Of wool or fine animal hair 20
6214 40 00 00 - Of artificial fibers 20
6214 90 00 00 - Of other textile materials 20
6215 Ties, bow ties and cravats
6215 10 00 00 - Of silk or silk waste 20
6215 20 00 00 - Of man‑made fibers 20
6215 90 - Of other textile materials:
6215 90 10 00 - - Of wool or fine animal hair 20
6215 90 90 00 - - Other 20
6216 Gloves, mittens and mitts
- Other:
6216 00 91 00 - - Of wool or fine animal hair 20
6216 00 92 00 - - Of cotton, other than those of subheading 6216.00.10 20
6216 00 99 00 - - Other 20
6217 Other
made up clothing accessories; parts of garments or of
clothing accessories, other than those of
heading 62.12
6217 10 - Accessories:
- - Stocking, socks and sockettes and the like:
6217 10 11 00 - - - For men 20
6217 10 19 00 - - - For women and children 20
6217 10 90 00 - - Other 20
6217 90 00 00 ‑ Parts 20
6301 Blankets and traveling rugs
6301 10 00 00 - Electric blankets 12
6301 20 00 00 -
Blankets (other than electric blankets) and traveling rugs, of wool
or of fine animal hair 12
6301 30 00 00 - Blankets (other than electric blankets) and traveling rugs, of cotton 12
6301 40 -
Blankets (other than electric blankets) and traveling rugs, of
synthetic fibers:
6301 40 10 00 - - Of nonwoven fabrics 12
6301 40 90 00 - - Other 12
6301 90 10 00 - - Of nonwoven fabrics 12
6301 90 90 00 - - Other 12
6302 Bed linen, table linen, toilet linen and kitchen linen
6302 10 00 00 - Bed linen, knitted or crocheted 12
‑ Other bed linen, printed:
6302 21 00 00 - - Of cotton 12
6302 22 - - Of man‑made fibers:
6302 22 10 00 - - - Of nonwoven fabrics 12
6302 22 90 00 - - - Other 12
‑ Other bed linen:
6302 31 00 00 - - Of cotton 12
6302 32 - - Of man‑made fibers:
6302 32 10 00 - - - Of nonwoven fabrics 12
6302 32 90 00 - - - Other 12
6302 39 00 00 - - Of other textile materials 12
6302 40 00 00 - Table linen, knitted or crocheted 12
‑ Other table linen:
6302 51 00 00 - - Of cotton 12
6302 53 - - Of man‑made fibers:
6302 53 10 00 - - - Of nonwoven fabrics 12
6302 53 90 00 - - - Other 12
6302 59 00 00 - - Of other textile materials 12
6302 60 00 00 -
Toilet linen and kitchen linen, of terry towelling or similar terry
fabrics, of cotton 12
‑ Other:
6302 91 00 00 - - Of cotton 12
6302 92 00 00 - - Of flax 12
6302 93 - - Of man‑made fibers:
6302 93 90 00 - - - Other 12
6302 99 00 00 - - Of other textile materials 12
6303 Curtains
(including drapes) and interior blinds; curtain or bed
‑ Knitted or crocheted:
6303 11 00 00 - - Of cotton 12
6303 12 00 00 - - Of synthetic fibers 12
6303 19 00 00 - - Of other textile materials 12
‑ Other:
6303 91 00 00 - - Of cotton 12
6303 99 00 00 - - Of other textile materials 12
6304 Other furnishing articles, excluding those of heading 94.04
‑ Bedspreads:
6304 11 00 00 - - Knitted or crocheted 12
6304 19 - - Other:
6304 19 10 00 - - - Of cotton 12
6304 19 20 00 - - - Other, of nonwovens 12
6304 19 90 00 - - - Other 12
‑ Other:
6304 92 - - Not knitted or crocheted, of cotton:
6304 92 10 00 - - - Mosquito nets 12
6304 92 20 00 -
- - Of felt, whether or not impregnated or coated, weighing 750g/m2
or more 12
6304 92 30 00 -
- - Of felt, whether or not impregnated or coated, weighing less
than 750g/m2 12
6304 92 90 00 - - - Other 12
6304 93 - - Not knitted or crocheted, of synthetic fibers:
6304 93 10 00 - - - Mosquito nets 12
6304 93 90 00 - - - Other 12
6304 99 - - Not knitted or crocheted, of other textile materials:
6304 99 90 00 - - - Other 12
6305 Sacks and bags, of a kind used for the packing of goods
6305 10 - Of jute or of other textile bast fibers of heading 53.03:
6305 10 10 00 - - New 12
6305 10 20 00 - - Used 12
6305 20 - Of cotton:
6305 20 10 00 - - Knitted or crocheted 12
6305 20 90 00 - - Other 12
‑ Of man‑made textile materials:
6305 32 10 00 - - - Of nonwovens 12
6305 32 20 00 - - - Knitted or crocheted 12
6305 32 90 00 - - - Other 12
6305 33 - - Other, of polyethylene or polypropylene strip or the like:
6305 33 10 00 - - - Knitted or crocheted 12
6305 33 20 00 - - - Of woven fabrics of strip or the like 12
6305 33 90 00 - - - Other 12
6305 39 - - Other:
6305 39 10 00 - - - Of nonwovens 12
6305 39 90 00 - - - Other 12
6305 90 - Of other textile materials:
- - Of hemp of heading 53.04:
6305 90 11 00 - - - Knitted or crocheted 12
6305 90 19 00 - - - Other 12
- - Of coconut (coir) of heading 53.05:
6305 90 81 00 - - - Knitted or crocheted 12
6305 90 89 00 - - - Other 12
6305 90 90 00 - - Other 12
‑ Tarpaulins, awnings and sunblinds:
6306 11 00 00 - - Of cotton 12
6306 12 00 00 - - Of synthetic fibers 12
6306 19 - - Of other textile materials:
6306 19 10 00 - - - Of hemp of heading 53.04 or coconut (coir) of heading 53.05 12
6306 19 90 00 - - - Other 12
‑ Tents:
6306 21 00 00 - - Of cotton 12
6306 22 00 00 - - Of synthetic fibers 12
‑ Sails:
6306 31 00 00 - - Of synthetic fibers 12
6306 39 00 00 - - Of other textile materials 12
‑ Pneumatic mattresses:
6306 41 00 00 - - Of cotton 12
6306 49 - - Of other textile materials:
6306 49 10 00 - - - Of nonwovens 12
6306 49 90 00 - - - Other 12
‑ Other:
6306 99 - - Of other textile materials:
6306 99 10 00 - - - Of nonwovens 12
6306 99 90 00 - - - Other 12
6307 Other made up articles, including dress patterns
6307 10 - Floor‑cloths, dish‑cloths, dusters and similar cleaning cloths:
6307 10 10 00 - - Of nonwovens 12
6307 10 20 00 - - Of felt 12
6307 10 90 00 - - Other 12
6307 20 - Life‑jackets and life‑belts:
6307 20 20 00 - - Life-belts 0
6307 90 - Other:
6307 90 10 00 - - Industrial safety belts and harnesses 5
6307 90 20 00 - - Surgical face masks 5
6307 90 30 00 - - Umbrella covers in pre-cut triangular form 20
6307 90 40 00 - - Laces for footwear 20
6307 90 50 00 - - Dress patterns 20
6307 90 90 00 - - Other 20
6308 00 00 00 Sets
consisting of woven fabric and yarn, whether or not with
accessories, for making up into rugs,
tapestries, embroidered
table‑cloths or serviettes, or similar
textile articles, put up in
packings for retail sale 20
6401 10 00 00 - Footwear incorporating a protective metal toe‑cap 40
‑ Other footwear:
6401 91 00 00 - - Covering the knee 40
6401 92 00 00 - - Covering the ankle but not covering the knee 40
6401 99 00 00 - - Other 40
6402 Other footwear with outer soles and uppers of rubber or plastics
‑ Sports footwear:
6402 12 00 00 - - Ski‑boots, cross‑country ski footwear and snowboard boots 40
6402 19 00 00 - - Other 40
6402 30 00 00 - Other footwear, incorporating a protective metal toe‑cap 40
‑ Other footwear:
6402 91 00 00 - - Covering the ankle 40
6402 99 00 00 - - Other 40
6403 Footwear
with outer soles of rubber, plastics, leather or
composition leather and uppers of leather
‑ Sports footwear:
6403 12 00 00 - - Ski‑boots, cross‑country ski footwear and snowboard boots 40
6403 19 - - Other:
6403 19 10 00 -
- - Other sports footwear fitted with studs, bar and the like (for
example football shoes, running shoes and
golf shoes) 40
6403 20 00 00 -
Footwear with outer soles of leather, and uppers which consist of
leather straps across the instep and around
the big toe 40
6403 30 00 00 -
Footwear made on a base or platform of wood, not having an inner
sole or a protective metal toe‑cap 40
6403 40 00 00 - Other footwear, incorporating a protective metal toe‑cap 40
‑ Other footwear with outer soles of leather:
6403 51 - - Covering the ankle:
6403 51 10 00 - - - Riding boots 40
6403 51 90 00 - - - Other 40
6403 59 - - Other:
6403 59 10 00 - - - Bowling shoes 40
‑ Other footwear:
6403 91 - - Covering the ankle:
6403 91 10 00 - - - Riding boots 40
6403 91 90 00 - - - Other 40
6403 99 - - Other:
6403 99 10 00 - - - Bowling shoes 40
6403 99 90 00 - - - Other 40
6404 Footwear
with outer soles of rubber, plastics, leather or
composition leather and uppers of textile
‑ Footwear with outer soles of rubber or plastics:
6404 19 00 00 - - Other 40
6404 20 - Footwear with outer soles of leather or composition leather:
6404 20 10 00 - - Running shoes and golf shoes 40
6404 20 90 00 - - Other 40
6405 Other footwear
6405 10 00 00 - With uppers of leather or composition leather 40
6405 20 00 00 - With uppers of textile materials 40
6405 90 00 00 - Other 40
6503 00 00 00 Felt
hats and other felt headgear, made from the hat bodies, hoods
or plateaux of heading 65.01, whether or
not lined or trimmed 40
6505 Hats
and other headgear, knitted or crocheted, or made up
from lace, felt or other textile fabric in
the piece (but not in
strips), whether or not lined or trimmed;
hair‑nets of any
material, whether or not lined or trimmed
6505 10 00 00 - Hair‑nets 40
6505 90 - Other:
6505 90 10 00 - - Headgear for religious purposes 40
6505 90 90 00 - - Other 40
6704 Wigs,
false beards, eyebrows and eyelashes, switches and the
like, of human or animal hair or of textile
materials; articles of
human hair not elsewhere specified or
‑ Of synthetic textile materials:
6704 11 00 00 - - Complete wigs 30
6704 19 00 00 - - Other 30
6704 90 00 00 - Of other 30
6801 00 00 00 Setts, curbstones and flagstones, of natural stone (except slate) 25
6802 Worked
monumental or building stone (except slate) and articles
thereof, other than goods of heading 68.01;
mosaic cubes and
the like, of natural stone (including
slate), whether or not on
a backing; artificially colored granules,
chippings and powder,
of natural stone (including slate)
6802 10 00 00 -
Tiles, cubes and similar articles, whether or not rectangular (including
square), the largest surface area of which
is capable of being enclosed
in a square the side of which is less than
7 cm; artificially colored
granules, chippings and powder 25
Other monumental or building stone and articles thereof, simply cut
or sawn, with a flat or even surface:
6802 21 00 00 - - Marble, travertine and alabaster 25
6802 22 00 00 - - Other calcareous stone 25
6802 23 - - Granite:
6802 23 10 00 - - - Polished slabs 25
6802 29 00 00 - - Other stone 25
- Other:
6802 91 00 00 - - Marble, travertine and alabaster 25
6802 92 00 00 - - Other calcareous stone 25
6802 93 00 00 - - Granite 25
6802 99 00 00 - - Other stone 25
6910 Ceramic
sinks, wash basins, wash basin pedestals, baths, bidets,
water closet pans, flushing cisterns,
urinals and similar sanitary
6910 10 00 00 - Of porcelain or China 50
6910 90 00 00 - Other 40
6911 10 00 00 - Tableware and kitchenware 50
6911 90 00 00 - Other 50
6912 00 00 00 Ceramic
tableware, kitchenware, other household articles and toilet
articles, other than of porcelain or China 40
6913 Statuettes and other ornamental ceramic articles
6913 10 00 00 - Of porcelain or China 40
6913 90 00 00 - Other 40
6914 Other ceramic articles
6914 10 00 00 - Of porcelain or China 40
6914 90 00 00 - Other 40
‑ Non‑wired sheets:
7003 12 -
- Colored throughout the mass (body tinted), opacified, flashed or
having an absorbent, reflecting or
non-reflecting layer:
7003 12 10 00 - - - Optical glass, not optically worked 5
7003 12 20 00 -
- - Other, in squares or rectangular shape (including 1 or 2 or 3 or
4 corners cut) 45
7003 12 90 00 - - - Other 45
7003 19 - - Other:
7003 19 10 00 - - - Optical glass, not optically worked 5
7003 19 20 00 -
- - Other, in squares or rectangular shape (including 1 or 2 or 3 or
4 corners cut) 45
7003 19 90 00 - - - Other 45
7003 20 10 00 -
- In squares or rectangular shape (including 1 or 2 or 3 or 4
corners cut) 40
7003 20 90 00 - - Other 40
7003 30 - Profiles:
7003 30 10 00 -
- In squares or rectangular shape (including 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 corners
cut) 40
7003 30 90 00 - - Other 40
7004 Drawn
glass and blown glass, in sheets, whether or not having
an absorbent, reflecting or non-reflecting
layer, but not otherwise
7004 20 -
Glass, colored throughout the mass (body tinted), opacified, flashed
or having an absorbent, reflecting or
non-reflecting layer:
7004 20 10 00 - - Optical glass, not optically worked 5
7004 20 20 00 -
- Other, in squares or rectangular shape (including 1 or 2 or 3 or 4
corners cut) 45
7004 90 - Other glass:
7004 90 10 00 - - Optical glass, not optically worked 5
7004 90 20 00 -
- Other, in squares or rectangular shape (including 1 or 2 or 3 or 4
corners cut) 45
7004 90 90 00 - - Other 45
7012 00 00 00 Glass inners for vacuum flasks or for other vacuum vessels 50
7013 Glassware
of a kind used for table, kitchen, toilet, office, indoor
decoration or similar purposes (other than
that of heading
70.10 or 70.18)
7013 10 00 00 - Of glass‑ceramics 50
‑ Drinking glasses other than of glass‑ceramics:
7013 21 - - Of lead crystal:
7013 21 90 00 - - - Other 40
7013 29 00 00 - - Other 50
Glassware of a kind used for table (other than drinking glasses)
or kitchen purposes other than of glass‑ceramics:
7013 31 - - Of lead crystal:
7013 31 10 00 - - - Not ground, polished, opacified or otherwise worked 30
7013 31 90 00 - - - Other 40
7013 32 00 00 -
- Of glass having a linear coefficient of expansion not exceeding
5 x l0‑6 per Kelvin within a temperature
range of 00C to 3000C 50
7013 39 00 00 - - Other 50
‑ Other glassware:
7013 91 10 00 - - - Not ground, polished, opacified or otherwise worked 30
7013 91 90 00 - - - Other 40
7013 99 00 00 - - Other 50
7113 Articles
of jewellery and parts thereof, of precious metal or of
metal clad with precious metal
‑ Of precious metal whether or not plated or clad with precious metal:
7113 11 - - Of silver, whether or not plated or clad with other precious metal:
7113 11 10 00 - - - Parts 30
7113 11 90 00 - - - Other 30
7113 19 -
- Of other precious metal, whether or not plated or clad with precious
7113 19 90 00 - - - Other 30
7113 20 - Of base metal clad with precious metal:
7113 20 10 00 - - Parts 30
7113 20 90 00 - - Other 30
7114 Articles
of goldsmiths’ or silversmiths’ wares and parts thereof,
of precious metal or of metal clad with
precious metal
‑ Of precious metal whether or not plated or clad with precious metal:
7114 11 00 00 - - Of silver, whether or not plated or clad with other precious metal 30
7114 19 00 00 -
- Of other precious metal, whether or not plated or clad with
precious metal 30
7114 20 00 00 - Of base metal clad with precious metal 30
7115 10 00 00 - Catalysts in the form of wire cloth or grill, of platinum 30
7115 90 - Other:
7115 90 10 00 - - Of gold or silver 30
7115 90 20 00 - - Of metal clad with gold or silver 30
7115 90 90 00 - - Other 30
7116 Articles
of natural or cultured pearls, precious or semi‑precious
stones (natural, synthetic or
7116 10 00 00 - Of natural or cultured pearls 30
7116 20 00 00 -
Of precious or semi‑precious stones (natural, synthetic, or
reconstructed) 30
7117 Imitation jewellery
7117 11 - - Cuff‑links and studs:
7117 11 10 00 - - - Parts 30
7117 11 90 00 - - - Other 30
7117 19 - - Other:
7117 19 10 00 - - - Bangles 30
7117 19 20 00 - - - Parts 30
7117 19 90 00 - - - Other 30
7117 90 - Other:
7117 90 10 00 - - Bangles 30
7117 90 90 00 - - Other 30
7118 Coin
7118 10 - Coin (other than gold coin), not being legal tender:
7118 10 10 00 - - Silver coin 30
7118 10 90 00 - - Other 30
7118 90 - Other:
7118 90 10 00 -
- Gold coin, whether or not legal tender, or silver coin, being legal
tender 30
7118 90 90 00 - - Other 30
7210 Flat‑rolled
products of iron or non‑alloy steel, of a width of
600 mm or more, clad, plated or coated
7210 11 00 00 - - Of a thickness of 0.5 mm or more 7
7210 12 00 00 - - Of a thickness of less than 0.5 mm 7
7210 20 00 00 - - Plated or coated with lead, including terne‑plate 0
7210 30 - Electrolytically plated or coated with zinc:
- - Containing by weight less than 0.6% of carbon:
7210 30 11 00 - - - Of a thickness not exceeding 1.2 mm 10
7210 30 19 00 - - - Other 5
- - Containing by weight 0.6% or more of carbon:
7210 30 91 00 - - - Of a thickness not exceeding 1.2 mm 10
‑ Otherwise plated or coated with zinc:
7210 41 - - Corrugated:
7210 41 10 00 - - - Of a thickness not exceeding 1.2 mm 12
7210 41 90 00 - - - Other 10
7210 49 - - Other:
7210 49 10 00 - - - Of a thickness not exceeding 1.2 mm 0
7210 49 10 90 - - - - Other 12
7210 49 90 00 - - - Other 10
7210 50 00 00 -
Plated or coated with chromium oxides or with chromium and
chromium oxides 3
7210 61 - - Plated or coated with aluminium-zinc alloys:
7210 61 10 00 - - - Of a thickness not exceeding 1.2 mm 12
7210 61 90 00 - - - Other 10
7210 69 - - Other:
7210 69 10 00 - - - Of a thickness not exceeding 1.2 mm 12
7210 69 90 00 - - - Other 10
7210 70 - Painted, varnished or coated with plastics:
- - Not clad, plated or coated with metal:
7210 70 11 00 - - - Of a thickness of 4.75 mm or more but not exceeding 125 mm 12
7210 70 20 00 -
- Plated or coated with tin, lead or chromium oxide or with
chromium and chromium oxide 3
7210 70 30 00 -
- Electrolytically plated or coated with zinc, of thickness not
exceeding 1.2 mm 10
7210 70 40 00 -
- Electrolytically plated or coated with zinc, of thickness
exceeding 1.2 mm 5
7210 70 50 00 -
- Otherwise plated or coated with zinc or aluminium, of thickness
1.2 mm 10
7210 70 60 00 -
- Plated or coated with zinc or aluminium, of a thickness not
exceeding 1.2 mm 12
7210 70 70 00 -
- Plated or coated with other metals, of a thickness not
exceeding 1.2 mm 0
7210 70 90 00 - - Other 0
7210 90 - Other:
- - Not clad, plated or coated with metal:
7210 90 12 00 - - - Of a thickness less than 4.75 mm or exceeding 125 mm 5
7210 90 20 00 -
- Plated or coated with tin, lead or chromium oxide or with
chromium and
chromium oxide 3
7210 90 30 00 -
- Electrolytically plated or coated with zinc, of thickness not
exceeding 1.2 mm 10
7210 90 40 00 -
- Electrolytically plated or coated with zinc, of thickness
exceeding 1.2 mm 5
7210 90 50 00 -
- Otherwise plated or coated with zinc or aluminium, of thickness
exceeding 1.2 mm 10
7210 90 60 00 -
- Plated or coated with zinc or aluminium, of a thickness not
exceeding 1.2 mm 12
7210 90 70 00 -
- Plated or coated with other metals, of a thickness not
exceeding 1.2 mm 0
7210 90 90 00 - - Other 0
7315 Chain and parts thereof, of iron or steel
7315 11 - - Roller chain:
- - - Of mild steel:
7315 11 11 00 - - - - Chain for bicycles 35
7315 11 12 00 - - - - Chain for motorcycles 35
7315 11 19 00 - - - - Other 1
- - - Other:
7315 11 21 00 - - - - Chain for bicycles 35
7315 11 22 00 - - - - Chain for motorcycles 35
7315 11 23 00 -
- - - Other transmission type of pitch length not less than 6 mm
but not more than 32 mm 1
7315 11 29 00 - - - - Other 1
7315 12 - - Other chain:
7315 12 10 00 - - - Of mild steel 1
7315 12 90 00 - - - Other 1
7315 19 - - Parts:
7315 19 10 00 - - - Of chain for bicycles 35
7315 19 20 00 - - - Of other chain for motorcycles 35
7315 19 90 00 - - - Other 1
7315 20 00 00 - Skid chain 1
7315 81 00 00 - - Stud‑link 1
7315 82 00 00 - - Other, welded link 1
7315 89 - - Other:
- - - Of mild steel:
7315 89 11 00 - - - - Chain for bicycles 35
7315 89 12 00 - - - - Chain for motorcycles 35
7315 89 19 00 - - - - Other 1
- - - Other:
7315 89 21 00 - - - - Chain for bicycles 35
7315 89 29 00 - - - - Other 1
7315 90 - Other parts:
7315 90 10 00 - - Chain for motorcycles and bicycles 35
7315 90 90 00 - - Other 1
7318 Screws,
bolts, nuts, coach screws, screw hooks, rivets, cotters,
cotter‑pins, washers (including spring
washers) and similar
articles, of iron or steel
‑ Threaded articles:
7318 11 00 00 - - Coach screws 1
7318 12 - - Other wood screws:
7318 12 10 - - - Of an external diameter not exceeding 16 mm:
7318 12 10 90 - - - - Other 20
7318 12 90 - - - Other:
7318 12 90 10 - - - - Of a kind used for automobiles 5
7318 12 90 90 - - - - Other 20
7318 13 - - Screw hooks and screw rings:
7318 13 10 - - - Of an external diameter not exceeding 16 mm:
7318 13 10 10 - - - - Of a kind used for automobiles 5
7318 13 10 90 - - - - Other 20
7318 13 90 - - - Other:
7318 13 90 90 - - - - Other 20
7318 14 - - Self‑tapping screws:
7318 14 10 - - - Of an external diameter not exceeding 16 mm:
7318 14 10 10 - - - - Of a kind used for automobiles 5
7318 14 10 90 - - - - Other 20
7318 14 90 - - - Other:
7318 14 90 10 - - - - Of a kind used for automobiles 5
7318 14 90 90 - - - - Other 20
7318 15 - - Other screws and bolts, whether or not with their nuts or washers:
7318 15 11 - - - - Screws for metal:
7318 15 11 10 - - - - - Of a kind used for automobiles 5
7318 15 11 90 - - - - - Other 20
7318 15 12 - - - - Bolts for metal, with or without nuts:
7318 15 12 10 - - - - - Of a kind used for automobiles 5
7318 15 12 90 - - - - - Other 20
7318 15 19 - - - - Other:
7318 15 19 10 - - - - - Of a kind used for automobiles 5
7318 15 19 90 - - - - - Other 20
7318 15 91 - - - - Screws for metal:
7318 15 91 10 - - - - - Of a kind used for automobiles 5
7318 15 91 90 - - - - - Other 20
7318 15 92 - - - - Bolts for metal, with or without nuts:
7318 15 92 10 - - - - - Of a kind used for automobiles 5
7318 15 92 90 - - - - - Other 20
7318 15 99 - - - - Other:
7318 15 99 10 - - - - - Of a kind used for automobiles 5
7318 15 99 90 - - - - - Other 20
7318 16 10 - - - Of an external diameter not exceeding 16 mm:
7318 16 10 10 - - - - Of a kind used for automobiles 5
7318 16 10 90 - - - - Other 20
7318 16 90 - - - Other:
7318 16 90 10 - - - - Of a kind used for automobiles 5
7318 16 90 90 - - - - Other 20
7318 19 - - Other:
7318 19 10 - - - Of an external diameter not exceeding 16 mm:
7318 19 10 10 - - - - Of a kind used for automobiles 5
7318 19 90 - - - Other:
7318 19 90 10 - - - - Of a kind used for automobiles 5
7318 19 90 90 - - - - Other 20
‑ Non‑threaded articles:
7318 21 - - Spring washers and other lock washers:
7318 21 10 - - - Of an external diameter not exceeding 16 mm:
7318 21 10 10 - - - - Of a kind used for automobiles 5
7318 21 10 90 - - - - Other 20
7318 21 90 - - - Other:
7318 21 90 90 - - - - Other 20
7318 22 - - Other washers:
7318 22 10 - - - Of an external diameter not exceeding 16 mm:
7318 22 10 10 - - - - Of a kind used for automobiles 5
7318 22 10 90 - - - - Other 20
7318 22 90 - - - Other:
7318 22 90 10 - - - - Of a kind used for automobiles 5
7318 22 90 90 - - - - Other 20
7318 23 - - Rivets:
7318 23 10 10 - - - - Of a kind used for automobiles 5
7318 23 10 90 - - - - Other 20
7318 23 90 - - - Other:
7318 23 90 10 - - - - Of a kind used for automobiles 5
7318 23 90 90 - - - - Other 20
7318 24 - - Cotters and cotter‑pins:
7318 24 10 - - - Of an external diameter not exceeding 16 mm:
7318 24 10 10 - - - - Of a kind used for automobiles 5
7318 24 10 90 - - - - Other 20
7318 24 90 10 - - - - Of a kind used for automobiles 5
7318 24 90 90 - - - - Other 20
7318 29 - - Other:
7318 29 10 - - - Of an external diameter not exceeding 16 mm:
7318 29 10 10 - - - - Of a kind used for automobiles 5
7318 29 10 90 - - - - Other 20
7318 29 90 - - - Other:
7318 29 90 10 - - - - Of a kind used for automobiles 5
7318 29 90 90 - - - - Other 20
7324 10 00 00 - Sinks and wash basins, of stainless steel 35
‑ Baths:
7324 21 00 00 - - Of cast iron, whether or not enamelled 35
7324 29 00 00 - - Other 35
7324 90 - Other, including parts:
7324 90 10 00 - - For flushing water closets or urinals (fixed type) 35
7324 90 20 00 - - Bedpans, urinals (portable type) and chamber-pots 35
7324 90 90 00 - - Other 35
7418 Table,
kitchen or other household articles and parts thereof, of
copper; pot scourers and scouring or
polishing pads, gloves and
the like, of copper; sanitary ware and
parts thereof, of copper
7418 11 00 00 - - Pot scourers and scouring or polishing pads, gloves and the like 30
7418 19 - - Other:
7418 19 10 00 - - - Ash trays 30
7418 19 20 00 - - - Articles used during religious rites 30
7418 19 90 00 - - - Other 30
7418 20 00 00 - Sanitary ware and parts thereof 40
7610 Aluminum
structures (excluding prefabricated buildings of
heading 94.06) and parts of structures (for
example, bridges
and bridge‑sections, towers, lattice masts,
roofs, roofing
frameworks, doors and windows and their frames
thresholds for doors, balustrades, pillars
and columns);
aluminum plates, rods, profiles, tubes and
the like, prepared
for use in structures
7610 10 00 00 - Doors, windows and their frames and thresholds for doors 18
7610 90 - Other:
7610 90 90 - - Other:
7610 90 90 10 - - - Floating roofings used for petrol reservoirs 3
7610 90 90 90 - - - Other 18
7615 Table,
kitchen or other household articles and parts thereof,
of aluminum; pot scourers and scouring or
polishing pads,
gloves and the like, of aluminum; sanitary
ware and parts
thereof, of aluminum
Table, kitchen or other household articles and parts thereof; pot
scourers and scouring or polishing pads,
gloves and the like:
7615 11 00 00 - - Pot scourers and scouring or polishing pads, gloves and the like 30
7615 19 00 00 - - Other 30
7615 20 - Sanitary ware and parts thereof:
7615 20 10 00 - - Bedpans, urinals (portable type) and chamber-pots 30
8203 Files,
rasps, pliers (including cutting pliers), pincers, tweezers,
metal cutting shears, pipe‑cutters, bolt
croppers, perforating
punches and similar hand tools
8203 10 00 00 - Files, rasps and similar tools 20
8203 20 00 00 - Pliers (including cutting pliers), pincers, tweezers and similar tools 20
8203 30 00 00 - Metal cutting shears and similar tools 5
8203 40 00 00 - Pipe‑cutters, bolt croppers, perforating punches, and similar tools 10
8204 Hand‑operated
spanners and wrenches (including torque meter
wrenches but not including tap wrenches);
spanner sockets, with or without handles
‑ Hand‑operated spanners and wrenches:
8204 11 00 00 - - Non‑adjustable 25
8204 12 00 00 - - Adjustable 25
8205 Hand
tools (including glaziers’ diamonds), not elsewhere
specified or included; blow lamps; vices,
clamps and the like,
other than accessories for and parts of,
machine tools; anvils;
portable forges; hand-or pedal‑operated
grinding wheels
with frameworks
8205 10 00 00 - Drilling, threading or tapping tools 5
8205 20 00 00 - Hammers and sledge hammers 25
8205 30 00 00 - Planes, chisels, gouges and similar cutting tools for working wood 20
8205 40 00 00 - Screwdrivers 25
‑ Other hand tools (including glaziers’ diamonds):
8205 51 - - Household tools:
8205 51 10 00 - - - Flat irons 25
8205 51 90 00 - - - Other 25
8205 59 10 00 - - - Aluminum lasts for the boot and shoe industries 20
8205 59 90 00 - - - Other 25
8205 60 00 00 - Blow lamps 25
8205 70 00 00 - Vices, clamps and the like 25
8205 80 00 00 -
Anvils; portable forges; hand-or pedal‑operated grinding wheels
with frameworks 25
8205 90 00 00 - Sets of articles of two or more of the foregoing subheadings 25
8206 00 00 00 Tools
of two or more of the headings 82.02 to 82.05, put up in sets
for retail sale 25
8407 Spark‑ignition
reciprocating or rotary internal combustion
piston engines
8407 10 00 00 - Aircraft engines 0
8407 21 - - Outboard motors:
8407 21 10 00 - - - Of an output not exceeding 20 kW 30
8407 21 20 00 -
- - Of an output exceeding 20 kW (27 HP) but not exceeding
22.38 kW (30 HP) 30
8407 21 90 00 - - - Of an output exceeding 22.38 kW (30 HP) 5
8407 29 - - Other:
8407 29 10 00 - - - Of an output not exceeding 22.38 kW (30 HP) 30
8407 29 20 00 -
- - Of an output exceeding 22.38 kW (30 HP) but not exceeding
750 kW (1,006 HP) 5
8407 29 90 00 - - - Of an output exceeding 750 kW (1,006 HP) 5
Reciprocating piston engines of a kind used for the propulsion of
vehicles of Chapter 87:
8407 32 - - Of a cylinder capacity exceeding 50 cc but not exceeding 250 cc:
- - - For vehicles of heading 87.01:
8407 32 11 00 - - - - Exceeding 50 cc but not exceeding 110 cc 30
8407 32 12 00 - - - - Exceeding 110 cc but not exceeding 125 cc 30
8407 32 19 00 - - - - Exceeding 125 cc but not exceeding 250 cc 30
- - - For the vehicles of heading 87.11:
8407 32 21 00 - - - - Exceeding 50 cc but not exceeding 110 cc 50
8407 32 22 00 - - - - Exceeding 110 cc but not exceeding 125 cc 50
8407 32 29 00 - - - - Exceeding 125 cc but not exceeding 250 cc 50
8407 32 91 00 - - - - Exceeding 50 cc but not exceeding 110 cc 30
8407 32 92 00 - - - - Exceeding 110 cc but not exceeding 125 cc 30
8407 32 99 00 - - - - Exceeding 125 cc but not exceeding 250 cc 30
8407 33 - - Of a cylinder capacity exceeding 250 cc but not exceeding 1,000 cc:
8407 33 10 00 - - - For vehicles of heading 87.01 30
8407 33 20 00 - - - For the vehicles of heading 87.11 45
8407 33 90 - - - Other
8407 33 90 10 -
- - - For passenger-carrying vehicles of under 16 seats, not fully
assembled 20
8407 33 90 90 - - - - Other 25
- - - Fully assembled:
8407 34 11 00 -
- - - For pedestrian controlled tractors, of a cylinder capacity
not exceeding 1,100 cc 30
8407 34 12 00 - - - - For other vehicles of heading 87.01 30
8407 34 13 00 - - - - For vehicles of heading 87.11 45
8407 34 19 - - - - Other
8407 34 19 10 -
- - - - For commodity-carrying vehicles with total load weight
exceeding 20 tons 3
8407 34 19 20 -
- - - - For other commodity-carrying vehicles and passenger-
carrying vehicles of 16 seats or more 20
8407 34 19 90 - - - - - Other 25
- - - Not fully assembled:
8407 34 22 00 - - - - For vehicles of heading 87.11 45
8407 34 29 - - - - Other:
8407 34 29 10 -
- - - - For commodity-carrying vehicles with total load weight
exceeding 20 tons 3
8407 34 29 20 -
- - - - For other commodity-carrying vehicles and passenger-
carrying vehicles of 16 seats or more 15
8407 34 29 90 - - - - - Other 20
8407 90 - Other engines:
8407 90 10 00 - - Of a power not exceeding 18.65 kW (25 Hp) 30
8407 90 20 00 -
- Of a power exceeding 18.65 kW (25 Hp) but not exceeding
22.38 kW (30 Hp) 30
8407 90 90 00 - - Of a power exceeding 22.38 kW (30 Hp) 5
8412 10 00 00 - Reaction engines other than turbo‑jets 0
‑ Hydraulic power engines and motors:
8412 21 00 00 - - Linear acting (cylinders) 0
8412 29 00 00 - - Other 0
‑ Pneumatic power engines and motors:
8412 31 00 00 - - Linear acting (cylinders) 0
8412 39 00 00 - - Other 0
8412 80 00 00 - Other 0
8412 90 - Parts:
8412 90 90 00 - - Other 0
8414 Air
or vacuum pumps, air or other gas compressors and fans;
ventilating or recycling hoods
incorporating a fan, whether or
not fitted with filters
8414 10 - Vacuum pumps:
8414 10 10 00 - - Electrically operated 10
8414 10 20 00 - - Not electrically operated 10
8414 20 00 00 - Hand‑ or foot‑operated air pumps 20
8414 30 - Compressors of a kind used in refrigerating equipment:
- Having capacity exceeding 21 kW per hour or more; having
displacement per revolution 220 cubic
centimeter or more:
8414 30 11 00 - - - For air conditioning machines 0
- - Other:
8414 30 91 00 - - - For air conditioning machines 0
8414 30 99 00 - - - Other 0
8414 40 00 00 - Air compressors mounted on a wheeled chassis for towing 5
‑ Fans:
8414 51 -
- Table, floor, wall, window, ceiling or roof fans, with a self‑
contained electric motor of an output not
exceeding 125 W:
8414 51 10 00 - - - Table fans and box fans 40
8414 51 20 00 - - - Wall fans and ceiling fans 40
8414 51 30 00 - - - Floor fans 40
8414 59 - - Other:
8414 59 10 - - - Of a capacity not exceeding 125 kW
8414 59 10 10 -
- - - Sectoral and principal blowers for explosion prevention,
used in pits 0
8414 59 10 90 - - - - Other 20
8414 59 90 - - - Other
8414 59 90 10 -
- - - Sectoral and principal blowers for explosion prevention,
used in pits 0
8414 59 90 90 - - - - Other 10
8414 60 00 00 - Hoods having a maximum horizontal side not exceeding 120 cm 30
8414 80 - Other:
8414 80 11 00 - - - Fitted with filter 5
8414 80 12 00 - - - Not fitted with filter, for industrial use 5
8414 80 19 00 - - - Not fitted with filter, other than for industrial use 5
8414 80 20 00 - - Blowers and the like 5
8414 80 30 00 - - Free piston generators for gas turbines 5
- - Compressors other than those of subheading 8414.30 and 8414.40:
8414 80 41 00 - - - Gas compression modules for use in oil drilling operations 5
8414 80 42 00 - - - Compressors for automotive air-conditioners 10
8414 80 43 00 - - - Sealed units for air conditioning units 10
8414 80 49 10 - - - - Industrial gas compressors 0
8414 80 49 90 - - - - Other 10
- - Air pumps:
8414 80 51 00 - - - Electrically operated 10
8414 80 59 00 - - - Not electrically operated: 5
- - Other
8414 80 91 00 - - - Electrically operated 10
8414 80 99 00 - - - Not electrically operated 5
8414 90 - Parts:
8414 90 11 00 - - - Of pumps or compressors 0
8414 90 12 00 - - - Of subheadings 8414.10 and 8414.40 0
8414 90 13 00 - - - Of subheadings 8414.60 10
8414 90 14 00 - - - Of subheadings 8414.30, 8414.80 0
8414 90 19 00 - - - Other 30
- - Of non-electrically operated equipment:
8414 90 91 00 - - - Of subheadings 8414.10 and 8414.40 0
8414 90 92 00 - - - Of subheading 8414.20 10
8414 90 93 00 - - - Of subheadings 8414.30 and 8414.80 0
8418 Refrigerators,
freezers and other refrigerating or freezing
equipment, electric or other; heat pumps
other than air
conditioning machines of heading 84.15
8418 10 - Combined refrigerator‑freezers, fitted with separate external doors:
8418 10 10 00 - - Household type 40
8418 10 90 00 - - Other 3
‑ Refrigerators, household type:
8418 21 00 00 - - Compression‑type 40
8418 22 00 00 - - Absorption‑type, electrical 40
8418 29 00 00 - - Other 40
8418 30 - Freezers of the chest type, not exceeding 800 liters capacity:
8418 30 20 00 - - Exceeding 200 liters but not exceeding 800 liters capacity 20
8418 40 - Freezers of the upright type, not exceeding 900 liters capacity:
8418 40 10 00 - - Not exceeding 200 liters capacity 35
8418 40 20 00 - - Exceeding 200 liters but not exceeding 900 liters capacity 20
8418 50 -
Other refrigerating or freezing chests, cabinets, display counters,
show‑cases and similar refrigerating or
freezing furniture
- - Not exceeding 200 liters capacity:
8418 50 11 00 - - - Suitable for medical use 10
8418 50 19 00 - - - Other 40
- - Exceeding 200 liters capacity:
8418 50 22 00 - - - Refrigerating chambers 20
8418 50 29 00 - - - Other 20
‑ Other refrigerating or freezing equipment; heat pumps:
8418 61 - - Compression type units whose condensers are heat exchangers:
8418 61 10 00 -
- - Water chillers with a refrigerating capacity exceeding 21.10 kW;
refrigerating equipment with a
refrigerating capacity of 10 t or more
and cooling to 200C or more; evaporative
condensers, having a
heating radiation of 30,000 kg calories per
hour or more for
refrigerating equipment; evaporators of the
fin type, having the
distance between the fins of 4 mm or more;
evaporator of the plate
freezer type or the contact freezer type 15
8418 61 90 00 - - - Other 0
8418 69 - - Other:
8418 69 10 00 - - - Beverage coolers 15
8418 69 20 00 -
- - Water chillers having refrigerating capacities of 100 t and
above or exceeding 21.10 kW 15
8418 69 40 00 - - - Heat pumps of a kind normally not for domestic use 15
8418 69 50 00 - - - Scale ice-maker units 5
8418 69 90 00 - - - Other 15
‑ Parts:
8418 91 - - Furniture designed to receive refrigerating or freezing equipment:
8418 91 10 00 -
- - For goods of subheading 8418.10, 8418.21.00.00, 8418.22.00.00,
8418.29.00.00, 8418.30 or 8418.40 3
8418 91 90 00 - - - Other 3
8418 99 - - Other:
8418 99 10 00 - - - Evaporators and condensers 0
8418 99 30 00 -
- - Parts of water chillers with a refrigerating capacity exceeding
21.10 kW; parts of evaporators of the fin
type having the distance
between the fins of 4 mm or more 0
8418 99 40 00 -
- - Aluminum rollbonds for subheadings 8418.10.10.00, 8418.21,
8418.22 and 8418.29 0
8418 99 90 00 - - - Other 0
8420 Calendering
or other rolling machines, other than for metals
or glass, and cylinders therefor
8420 10 - Calendering or other rolling machines:
8420 10 10 00 -
- Apparatus for the application of dry film or liquid photo resist,
photo sensitive layers, soldering pastes,
solder or adhesive materials
on PCB/PWB substances or their components
[ITA/2 (AS2)] 0
8420 10 20 00 - - For ironing machines and wringers suitable for domestic use 5
8420 10 30 00 - - Machines for sheeting rubber 0
8420 10 90 00 - - Other 0
8420 91 - - Cylinders:
8420 91 10 00 -
- - Parts of apparatus for the application of dry film or liquid
photo resist, lphotosensitive ayers,
soldering pastes, solder or
adhesive materials on PCB/PWB substrates or
their components
[ITA/2(AS2)] 0
8420 91 20 00 - - - For ironing machines or wringers suitable for domestic use 5
8420 91 90 00 - - - Other 0
8420 99 - - Other:
8420 99 10 00 -
- - Parts of apparatus for the application of dry film or liquid photo
resist, photosensitive layers, soldering
pastes, solder or adhesive
materials on PCB/PWB substrates or their
components [ITA/2(AS2)] 0
8420 99 20 00 - - - For ironing machines or wringers suitable for domestic use 5
8420 99 90 00 - - - Other 0
8421 Centrifuges,
including centrifugal dryers; filtering or purifying
machinery and apparatus, for liquids or
8421 11 00 00 - - Cream separators 10
8421 12 - - Clothes‑dryers:
8421 12 10 00 - - - Of capacity not exceeding 30 liters 30
8421 12 20 00 - - - Of capacity exceeding 30 liters 30
8421 19 - - Other:
8421 19 10 00 - - - For sugar manufacture 5
8421 19 20 00 - - - Spin dryers for semiconductor wafer processing [ITA1/A-116] 5
8421 19 90 00 - - - Other: 5
‑ Filtering or purifying machinery and apparatus for liquids
- - - Electrically operated, of a capacity not exceeding 500 liters/hr:
8421 21 11 00 - - - - Filtering machinery and apparatus for domestic use 15
8421 21 12 00 - - - - Other filtering machinery and apparatus 15
8421 21 19 00 - - - - Other 15
- - - Electrically operated, of a capacity exceeding 500 liters/hr:
8421 21 21 00 - - - - Filtering machinery and apparatus for domestic use 5
8421 21 22 00 - - - - Other filtering machinery and apparatus 5
8421 21 29 00 - - - - Other: 5
- - - Not electrically operated
8421 21 32 00 - - - - Other filtering machinery and apparatus 15
8421 21 39 00 - - - - Other 15
8421 22 - - For filtering or purifying beverages other than water:
- - - Electrically operated, of a capacity not exceeding 500 liters/hr:
8421 22 11 00 - - - - Filtering machinery and apparatus for domestic use 15
8421 22 12 00 - - - - Other filtering machinery and apparatus 15
8421 22 19 00 - - - - Other 15
- - - Electrically operated, of a capacity exceeding 500 liters/hr:
8421 22 21 00 - - - - Filtering machinery and apparatus for domestic use 5
8421 22 29 00 - - - - Other 5
- - - Not electrically operated:
8421 22 31 00 - - - - Filtering machinery and apparatus 15
8421 22 32 00 - - - - Other filtering machinery and apparatus 15
8421 22 39 00 - - - - Other 15
8421 23 - - Oil or petrol‑filters for internal combustion engines:
- - - For earth moving machinery:
8421 23 11 00 - - - - Oil filters 0
8421 23 19 00 - - - - Other 0
8421 23 21 - - - - Oil filters
8421 23 21 10 - - - - - For automibiles 10
8421 23 21 90 - - - - - Other 15
8421 23 29 - - - - Other
8421 23 29 10 - - - - - For automibiles 10
8421 23 29 90 - - - - - Other 15
- - - Other:
8421 23 91 00 - - - - Oil filters 0
8421 23 99 00 - - - - Other 0
8421 29 10 00 - - - For medical or laboratory use 0
- - - Other, electrically operated:
8421 29 21 00 - - - - For sugar manufacture 0
8421 29 22 00 - - - - For use in oil drilling operation 0
8421 29 23 00 - - - - Other petrol filters 0
8421 29 24 00 - - - - Other oil filters 0
8421 29 25 00 - - - - Other filtering machinery and apparatus 0
8421 29 29 00 - - - - Other
8421 29 90 00 - - - Other, not electrically operated 0
8421 31 - - Intake air filters for internal combustion engines:
8421 31 10 00 - - - For earth moving machinery 0
8421 31 20 00 - - - For motor vehicles of Chapter 87 10
8421 31 90 00 - - - Other 0
8421 39 - - Other:
- - - Electrically operated:
8421 39 11 00 - - - - Laminar flow units 0
8421 39 12 00 - - - - Other air purifiers 0
8421 39 13 00 - - - - Other filtering machinery and apparatus 0
- - - Not electrically operated:
8421 39 21 00 - - - - Filtering machinery and apparatus 0
8421 39 29 00 - - - - Other 0
‑ Parts:
8421 91 - - Of centrifuges, including centrifugal dryers:
8421 91 10 00 - - - Of goods of subheading 8421.12 0
8421 91 20 00 - - - Of goods of subheading 8421.19.10.00 0
8421 91 30 00 - - - Of goods of subheading 8421.19.20.00 0
8421 91 90 00 - - - Of goods of subheadings 8421.11.00.00 and 8421.19.90.00 0
8421 99 10 00 - - - Elements for oil or petrol filters for earth-moving machinery 0
- - - Elements for oil or petrol filters for motor vehicles:
8421 99 21 00 - - - - Filtering elements of filters of subheadings 8421.23 0
8421 99 29 00 - - - - Other 0
- - - Other:
8421 99 91 00 - - - - Of goods of subheading 8421.29.21.00 0
8421 99 92 00 -
- - - Of goods of subheadings 8421.21.11.00, 8421.21.21.00 and
8421.21.31.00 0
8421 99 93 00 - - - - Of goods of subheading 8421.31.00 0
8421 99 94 00 - - - - Of goods of subheadings 8421.23.11.00 and 8421.23.91.00 0
8421 99 96 00 -
- - - Of goods of subheadings 8421.29.24.00, 8421.39.19.00 and
8421.39.29.00 0
8421 99 99 00 - - - - Other 0
8422 Dish
washing machines; machinery for cleaning or drying
bottles or other containers; machinery for
filling, closing,
sealing, or labeling bottles, cans, boxes,
bags or other
containers; machinery for capsuling
bottles, jars, tubes and
similar containers; other packing or wrapping
(including heat-shrink wrapping machinery);
for aerating beverages
‑ Dish washing machines:
8422 11 ‑ ‑ Of the household type:
8422 11 10 00 - - - Electrically operated 30
8422 11 20 00 - - - Not electrically operated 30
8422 19 00 00 - - Other 20
8422 20 00 00 - Machinery for cleaning or drying bottles or other containers 5
8422 40 00 00 -
Other packing or wrapping machinery (including heat-shrink
wrapping machinery) 0
8422 90 - Parts:
8422 90 10 00 - - Of goods of subheading 8422.11.10.00 5
8422 90 20 00 - - Of goods of subheading 8422.11.20.00 5
8422 90 90 00 - - Other 0
8423 Weighing
machinery (excluding balances of a sensitivity of 5cg
or better), including weight operated
counting or checking
machines; weighing machine weights of all
8423 10 -
Personal weighing machines, including baby scales; household
8423 10 10 00 - - Electrically operated 30
8423 10 20 00 - - Not electrically operated 30
8423 20 10 00 - - Electrically operated 1
8423 20 20 00 - - Not electrically operated 1
8423 30 -
Constant weight scales and scales for discharging a predetermined
weight of material into a bag or container,
including hopper scales:
8423 30 10 00 - - Electrically operated 1
8423 30 20 00 - - Not electrically operated 1
‑ Other weighing machinery:
8423 81 - - Having a maximum weighing capacity not exceeding 30 kg:
8423 81 10 00 - - - Electrically operated 30
8423 81 20 00 - - - Not electrically operated 30
- - - Electrically operated:
- - - - Weighbridges and other weighing platforms:
8423 82 11 00 - - - - - Having a maximum weighing capacity not exceeding 1,000 kg 20
8423 82 12 00 - - - - - Having a maximum weighing capacity exceeding 1,000 kg 3
- - - - Other:
8423 82 21 00 - - - - - Having a maximum weighing capacity not exceeding 1,000 kg 20
8423 82 22 00 - - - - - Having a maximum weighing capacity exceeding 1,000 kg 3
- - - Not electrically operated:
- - - - Weighbridges and other weighing platforms:
8423 82 32 00 - - - - - Having a maximum weighing capacity exceeding 1,000 kg 3
- - - - Other:
8423 82 41 00 - - - - - Having a maximum weighing capacity not exceeding 1,000 kg 20
8423 82 42 00 - - - - - Having a maximum weighing capacity exceeding 1,000 kg 3
8423 89 - - Other:
- - - Electrically operated:
8423 89 11 00 - - - - Weighbridges and other weighing platforms 3
8423 89 19 00 - - - - Other 3
- - - Not electrically operated:
8423 89 29 00 - - - - Other 3
8423 90 - Weighing machine weights of all kinds; parts of weighing machinery:
- - Electrically operated:
8423 90 11 00 - - - Weighing machine weights 15
8423 90 19 00 - - - Parts of weighing machinery 15
- - Not electrically operated:
8423 90 21 00 - - - Weighing machine weights 15
8423 90 29 00 - - - Parts of weighing machinery 15
8452 Sewing
machines, other than book‑sewing machines of
heading 84.40; furniture, bases and covers
specially designed
for sewing machines; sewing machine needles
‑ Other sewing machines:
8452 21 00 00 - - Automatic units 0
8452 29 00 00 - - Other 0
8452 30 00 00 - Sewing machine needles 10
8452 40 - Furniture, bases and covers for sewing machines and parts thereof:
8452 40 10 00 - - For the machinery of subheading 8452.10 30
8452 40 90 00 - - Other 0
8452 90 - Other parts of sewing machines:
8452 90 10 00 - - Of machinery of subheading 8452.10 30
8452 90 91 00 - - - Head parts and accessories 0
8452 90 92 00 - - - Arms, beds, foot, and pedals 0
8452 90 93 00 - - - For stands, flywheels and beltguards 0
8452 90 94 00 - - - Other, used in the manufacture of sewing machines 0
8452 90 99 00 - - - Other 0
8481 Taps,
cocks, valves and similar appliances for pipes, boiler
shells, tanks, vats or the like, including
pressure‑reducing valves
and thermostatically controlled valves
8481 10 - Pressure‑reducing valves
8481 10 10 00 - - Of iron or steel 3
- - Of copper or copper alloys:
8481 10 22 00 - - - Of more than 25 mm in internal diameter 3
8481 10 30 00 - - Of other metals 3
- - Of plastic:
8481 10 41 00 -
- - Of not less than 10 mm and not exceeding 25 mm in internal
diameter 3
8481 10 49 00 - - - Other 3
8481 10 90 00 - - Other 3
8481 20 - Valves for oleohydraulic or pneumatic transmissions:
- - Of iron or steel:
8481 20 11 00 - - - Magnetic valves for doors of passenger cars or buses 5
- - Of copper or copper alloys
8481 20 21 00 - - - Of 25 mm or less in internal diameter 0
8481 20 22 00 - - - Exceeding 25 mm in internal diameter 0
8481 20 30 00 - - Of other metals: 0
- - Of plastics:
8481 20 41 00 -
- - Of not less than 10 mm and not exceeding 25 mm in internal
diameter 0
8481 20 49 00 - - - Other 0
8481 20 90 00 - - Other 0
8481 30 - Check (nonreturn) valves
8481 30 11 00 -
- - Cast valves of swing check-valve type with a diameter of
valve inlet of 40 mm to 600 mm 0
8481 30 19 00 - - - Other 0
- - Of copper or copper alloys:
8481 30 21 00 - - - Of 25 mm or less in internal diameter 0
8481 30 22 00 - - - Exceeding 25 mm in internal diameter 0
8481 30 23 00 -
- - Other cast valves of swing check-valve type with a diameter
of valve inlet of 40 mm to 600 mm 0
8481 30 29 00 - - - Other 0
- - Of other metals:
8481 30 31 00 -
- - Cast valves of swing check-valve type with a diameter of
valve inlet of 40 mm to 600 mm 0
- - Of plastics:
8481 30 41 00 -
- - Of not less than 10 mm and not more than 25 mm in internal
diameter 0
8481 30 42 00 -
- - Cast valves of swing check-valve type with a diameter of
valve inlet of 40 mm to 600 mm 0
8481 30 49 00 - - - Other 0
- - Other:
8481 30 91 00 -
- - Cast valves of swing check-valve type with a diameter of valve
inlet of 40 mm to 600 mm 0
8481 30 99 00 - - - Other 0
8481 40 - Safety or relief valves:
8481 40 10 00 - - Of iron or steel alloys 5
8481 40 21 00 - - - Not exceeding 25 mm in internal diameter 5
8481 40 22 00 - - - Exceeding 25 mm in internal diameter 5
8481 40 29 00 - - - Other 5
8481 40 30 00 - - Of other metals 5
- - Of plastics:
8481 40 41 00 -
- - Of not less than 10 mm and not exceeding 25 mm in internal
diameter 5
8481 40 49 00 - - - Other 5
8481 40 90 00 - - Other 5
8481 80 - - Other appliances:
8481 80 11 00 - - - Of copper or copper alloys 3
8481 80 12 00 - - - Of other materials tires: 3
- - Valves for tubeless
8481 80 13 00 - - - Of copper or copper alloys 3
8481 80 14 00 - - - Of other materials 3
- LPG cylinder valves of copper or copper alloys, having the
following dimensions:
8481 80 21 00 - - - Having inlet and outlet internal diameters not exceeding 2.5 cm 5
8481 80 22 00 - - - Having inlet or outlet internal diameter exceeding 2.5 cm 5
8481 80 30 00 -
- Cocks or valves, whether or not fitted with piezo-electric igniters
for gas stoves and ranges 5
8481 80 50 00 - - Mixing taps and valves 20
8481 80 60 00 - - Water pipeline valves 15
8481 80 70 00 - - Hog nipple waterers 20
8481 80 85 00 - - Nipple joint valves 10
- - Other:
8481 80 91 00 - - - Ball valves 10
- - Gate valves, manually operated, of iron or steel, having the
following dimensions:
8481 80 92 00 -
- - - Having inlet and outlet internal diameters of more than 5 cm
but not more than 40 cm 5
8481 80 93 00 - - - - Having inlet and outlet internal diameters of more than 40 cm 5
8481 80 95 00 - - - Pneumatically controlled valves 3
- - - Other valves of plastics, having the following dimensions:
8481 80 96 00 -
- - - Having inlet and outlet diameters of not less than 1 cm but
not more than 2.5 cm 5
8481 80 97 00 -
- - - Having inlet and outlet diameters of not less than 1 cm but
more than 2.5 cm 5
8481 80 98 00 -
- - Other, operated by hand, weighing less than 3 kg, surface
treated or made of stainless steel or
nickel 20
8481 80 99 - - - Other
8481 80 99 10 - - - - Globe valve (hand control) 5
8481 80 99 90 - - - - Other 20
8481 90 - Parts:
- For taps, cocks, valves (excluding inner tube valves and valves
for tubeless tires) and similar appliances
of 25 mm or less in internal
8481 90 21 00 - - - Bodies, for water taps 10
8481 90 22 00 - - - Bodies, for liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) cylinder valves 0
8481 90 23 00 - - - Bodies, other 0
8481 90 29 00 - - - Other 0
8481 90 30 00 - - Valve bodies or stems of inner tube or tubeless tire valves 0
8481 90 40 00 - - Valve cores of inner tube or tubeless tire valves 0
8481 90 90 00 - - Other 0
8483 Transmission
shafts (including cam shafts and crank shafts)
and cranks; bearing housings and plain
shaft bearings, gears
and gearing; ball or roller screws; gear‑boxes
and other speed
changers, including torque converters;
flywheels and pulleys,
including pulley blocks; clutches and shaft
couplings (including
universal joints)
8483 10 10 00 - - For earth moving machinery 20
- - For engines of vehicles of Chapter 87:
8483 10 21 00 -
- - For engines of vehicles of heading 87.01 except 8701.10
or 8701.90 20
8483 10 22 00 -
- - For engines of vehicles of subheading 8701.10 or 8701.90
(for agricultural purposes) 20
8483 10 23 00 - - - For engines of vehicles of heading 87.11 30
8483 10 24 - - - For engines of other vehicles of Chapter 87
8483 10 24 10 -
- - - Used for commodity-carrying vehicles with total load weight
of over 5 tons but not exceeding 20 tons 5
8483 10 24 20 -
- - - Used for commodity-carrying vehicles with total load weight
of over 20 tons 3
8483 10 24 90 - - - - Other 10
- - For marine propulsion engines:
8483 10 31 00 - - - Of an output not exceeding 22.38 kW 10
8483 10 39 00 - - - Other 0
8483 10 90 00 - - Other 20
8483 20 - Bearing housings, incorporating ball or roller bearings:
8483 20 10 00 - - For earth moving machinery 0
8483 20 20 00 - - For motor vehicles 10
8483 20 90 00 - - Other 0
8483 30 -
Bearing housings, not incorporating ball or roller bearings, plain
shaft bearings:
8483 30 20 - - For motor vehicles
8483 30 20 10 -
- - Used for passenger and commodity-carrying vehicles with total
load weight not exceeding 5 tons 10
8483 30 20 20 -
- - Used for commodity-carrying vehicles with total load weight
of over 5 tons but not exceeding 20 tons 5
8483 30 20 30 -
- - Used for commodity-carrying vehicles with total load weight
of over 20 tons 3
8483 30 20 90 - - - Other 30
8483 30 90 00 - - Other 0
8483 40 -
Gears and gearing, other than toothed wheels, chain sprockets and
other transmission elements presented
separately; ball or roller
screws; gear boxes and other speed
changers, including torque
- - For engines of vehicles of Chapter 87:
8483 40 11 00 -
- - For engines of vehicles of heading 87.01 except subheading
8701.10 or 8701.90 30
8483 40 13 00 - - - For engines of vehicles of heading 87.11 50
8483 40 14 - - - For engines of other vehicles of Chapter 87
8483 40 14 10 -
- - -Used for passenger and commodity-carrying vehicles with
total load weight not exceeding 5 tons 10
8483 40 14 20 -
- - - Used for commodity-carrying vehicles with total load
weight of over 5 tons but not exceeding 20
tons 5
8483 40 14 30 -
- - - Used for commodity-carrying vehicles with total load
weight of over 20 tons 3
8483 40 14 90 - - - - Other 25
- - For marine propulsion engines:
8483 40 21 00 - - - Of an output not exceeding 22.38 kW 10
8483 40 29 00 - - - Other 10
8483 40 90 00 - - For other engines 20
8483 50 00 00 - Flywheels and pulleys, including pulley blocks 10
8483 60 00 00 - Clutches and shaft couplings (including universal joints) 0
8483 90 -
Toothed wheels, chain sprockets and other transmission elements
presented separately; parts:
- - Parts of goods of subheading 8483.10:
8483 90 11 00 - - - For pedestrian controlled tractors of subheading 8701.10 10
8483 90 12 00 - - - For agricultural tractors of subheading 8701.90 10
8483 90 13 00 - - - For other tractors of heading 87.01 10
8483 90 14 00 - - - For goods of heading 87.11 10
8483 90 19 00 - - - Other 10
- - Other:
8483 90 91 00 - - - For pedestrian controlled tractors of subheading 8701.10 10
8483 90 92 00 - - - For agricultural tractors of subheading 8701.90 10
8483 90 93 00 - - - For other tractors of heading 87.01 10
8483 90 94 00 - - - For goods of heading 87.11 10
8483 90 95 00 - - - For other goods of Chapter 87 5
8483 90 99 00 - - - Other 10
8507 Electric
accumulators, including separators therefor, whether
or not rectangular (including square)
8507 10 10 00 - - Of a kind used for aircraft 0
- Other:
8507 10 91 00 -
- - Having a voltage of 6 or 12 V and a discharge capacity not
exceeding 200 AH 40
8507 10 99 00 - - - Other 30
8507 20 - Other lead‑acid accumulators:
8507 20 10 00 - - Of a kind used for aircraft 0
- - Other:
8507 20 91 00 -
- - Having a voltage of 6 or 12 V and a discharge capacity not
exceeding 200 AH 40
8507 20 99 00 - - - Other 30
8507 30 10 00 - - Of a kind used for aircraft 0
8507 30 90 - - Other
8507 30 90 10 -
- - Dry alkali accumulators for explosion prevention, of Cd-Ni kind,
of a voltage of 1.2V and capacity of 10-12
AH, used for the
production of miner’s lamps for explosion
prevention 0
8507 30 90 90 - - - Other 20
8507 40 - Nickel‑iron:
8507 40 10 00 - - Of a kind used for aircraft 0
8507 40 90 00 - - Other 20
8507 80 - Other accumulators:
8507 80 10 00 - - Lithium ion accumulators [ITA/2] 0
8507 80 90 00 - - Other 0
8507 90 - Parts:
- - Plates:
8507 90 11 00 - - - Of goods of subheading 8507.10 5
8507 90 19 00 - - - Other 5
8507 90 20 00 - - Of a kind used for aircraft 0
8507 90 30 00 -
- Other, battery separators in sheets, rolls or cut to size of materials
other than PVC 5
8507 90 90 00 - - Other, including other types of separators 5
8516 Electric
instantaneous or storage water heaters and immersion
heaters; electric space heating apparatus
and soil heating
apparatus; electro‑thermic hair‑dressing
apparatus (for example,
hair dryers, hair curlers, curling tong
heaters) and hand dryers;
electric smoothing irons; other electro‑thermic
appliances of
a kind used for domestic purposes; electric
heating resistors,
other than those of heading 85.45
8516 10 10 00 - - Electric instantaneous water heaters 40
8516 10 20 00 - - Electric storage water heaters 40
8516 10 30 00 - - Immersion heaters 40
‑ Electric space heating apparatus and electric soil heating apparatus:
8516 21 00 00 - - Storage heating radiators 40
8516 29 00 00 - - Other 40
‑ Electro‑thermic hair‑dressing or hand‑drying apparatus:
8516 31 00 00 - - Hair dryers 40
8516 32 00 00 - - Other hair‑dressing apparatus 40
8516 40 - Electric smoothing irons:
8516 40 10 00 - - Of a kind designed to use steam from industrial boilers 20
8516 40 90 00 - - Other 40
8516 50 00 00 - Microwave ovens 40
8516 60 -
Other ovens; cookers, cooking plates, boiling rings, grillers and
8516 60 10 00 - - Rice cookers 40
8516 60 20 00 - - Ovens 30
8516 60 90 00 - - Other 30
‑ Other electro‑thermic appliances:
8516 72 00 00 - - Toasters 40
8516 79 - - Other:
8516 79 10 00 - - - Kettles 40
8516 79 90 00 - - - Other 40
8516 80 - Electric heating resistors:
8516 80 10 00 - - For type-founding or type-setting machines; for industrial furnaces 10
8516 80 20 00 - - Sealed hotplates for domestic appliances 30
8516 80 30 00 - - Other, for domestic appliances 30
8516 80 90 00 - - Other 10
8516 90 10 00 - - Of heating resistors for type-founding or type-setting machines 10
8516 90 20 00 -
- Of goods of subheading 8516.33, 8516.50, 8516.60, 8516.71,
or 8516.79.10 20
8516 90 90 00 - - Other 20
8524 Records,
tapes and other recorded media for sound or other
similarly recorded phenomena, including
matrices and masters
for the production of records, but
excluding products of
Chapter 37
8524 10 - Gramophone records:
8524 10 10 00 - - For educational use only 30
8524 10 90 00 - - Other 30
- Discs for laser reading systems:
8524 31 -
- For reproducing phenomena other than sound or image:
8524 31 90 00 - - - Other 25
8524 32 - - For reproducing sound only:
8524 32 10 00 - - - For cinematographic film 10
8524 32 90 00 - - - Other 25
8524 39 - - Other:
8524 39 10 00 -
- - For reproducing representations of instructions, data, sound,
and image, recorded in a machine readable
binary form, and capable
of being manipulated or providing interactivity
to user, by means of
an automatic data processing a machine
[ITA1/A- 044]; proprietary
format storage (recorded) media
[ITA1/B-201] 15
8524 39 20 00 - - - For cinematographic film 10
8524 39 90 00 - - - Other 25
8524 40 00 00 -
Magnetic tapes for reproducing phenomena other than sound or
image [ITA1/A-045] [ITA1/B-201] 15
8524 51 - - Of a width not exceeding 4 mm:
8524 51 10 00 - - - Videotape 15
8524 51 20 00 - - - Computer tape 10
8524 51 30 00 - - - For cinematographic film 10
8524 51 90 00 - - - Other 10
8524 52 - - Of a width exceeding 4 mm but not exceeding 6.5 mm:
8524 52 10 00 - - - Videotape 15
8524 52 20 00 - - - Computer tape 10
8524 52 30 00 - - - For cinematographic film 10
8524 53 - - Of a width exceeding 6.5 mm:
8524 53 10 00 - - - Videotape 15
8524 53 20 00 - - - Computer tape 10
8524 53 30 00 - - - For cinematographic film 10
8524 53 90 00 - - - Other 30
8524 60 00 00 - Cards incorporating a magnetic stripe 20
‑ Other:
8524 91 -
- For reproducing phenomena other than sound or image:
8524 91 10 00 - - - For use in computer 10
8524 91 90 00 - - - Other 30
8524 99 - - Other:
8524 99 10 00 - - - For video 25
8524 99 20 00 -
- - For reproducing representations of instructions, data, sound,
and image, recorded in a machine readable
binary form, and
capable of being manipulated or providing
interactivity to a user,
by means of an automatic data processing
machine [ITA1/A- 047];
proprietary format storage (recorded) media
[ITA1/B-201] 15
8524 99 30 00 - - - For cinematographic film 10
8524 99 90 00 - - - Other 30
8527 Reception
apparatus for radio‑telephony, radio‑telegraphy or
radio‑broadcasting, whether or not
combined, in the same
housing, with sound recording or
reproducing apparatus
or a clock
Radio‑broadcast receivers capable of operating without an external
source of power, including apparatus
capable of receiving also
radio‑telephony or radio‑telegraphy:
8527 12 00 00 - - Pocket-size radio cassette-players 30
8527 19 - - Other:
8527 19 10 00 - - - For radio-telephony or radio-telegraphy 10
8527 19 20 00 -
- - Reception apparatus capable of planning managing, and
monitoring of electromagnetic spectrum
[ITA/2] 30
8527 19 90 00 - - - Other 30
Radio‑broadcast receivers not capable of operating without
an external source of power, of a kind used
in motor vehicles,
including apparatus capable of receiving
also radio‑telephony or
8527 21 - - Combined with sound recording or reproducing apparatus:
8527 21 10 00 - - - For radio-telephony or radio-telegraphy 10
8527 21 90 00 - - - Other 30
8527 29 - - Other:
8527 29 90 00 - - - Other 30
Other radio‑broadcast receivers, including apparatus capable of
receiving also radio‑telephony or radio‑telegraphy:
8527 31 - - Combined with sound recording or reproducing apparatus:
8527 31 10 00 - - - For radio-telephony or radio-telegraphy 10
8527 31 90 00 - - - Other 30
8527 32 00 00 -
- Not combined with sound recording or reproducing apparatus
but combined with a clock 30
8527 39 - - Other:
8527 39 10 00 - - - For radio-telephony or radio-telegraphy 10
8527 39 90 00 - - - Other 30
8527 90 10 00 -
- Portable receivers for calling, alerting or paging [ITA1/A-051]
and paging alert devices, including pagers
[ITA1/B-197] 10
- - Other:
8527 90 91 00 - - - For radio-telephony or radio-telegraphy 10
8527 90 92 00 - - - For distress signals from ships or aircraft 10
8527 90 99 00 - - - Other 10
8537 Boards,
panels, consoles, desks, cabinets and other bases,
equipped with two or more apparatus of
heading 85.35 or 85.36,
for electric control or the distribution of
electricity, including
those incorporating instruments or
apparatus of Chapter 90,
and numerical control apparatus, other than
apparatus of heading 85.17
8537 10 - For a voltage not exceeding 1,000 V:
8537 10 10 - - Switchboards and control panels:
8537 10 10 10 - - - Modules used for scattered control systems in industrial plants 0
8537 10 20 00 -
- Distribution boards (including back panels and back planes)
for use solely or principally with goods of
headings 84.71, 85.17
or 85.25 [ITA/2] 18
8537 10 30 00 -
- Programmable logic controllers for automated machines for
transport, handling and storage of dies for
devices [ITA/2 (AS2)] 18
8537 10 90 00 - - Other 30
8537 20 - For a voltage exceeding 1,000 V:
8537 20 10 00 - - Switchboards 5
8537 20 20 00 - - Control panels 5
8537 20 90 00 - - Other 5
8538 Parts
suitable for use solely or principally with the apparatus of
heading 85.35, 85.36 or 85.37
8538 10 -
Boards, panels, consoles, desks, cabinets and other bases for the
goods of heading 85.37, not equipped with
their apparatus:
8538 10 11 00 -
- - Parts of programmable logic controllers for automated machines
for transport, handling and storage of dies
for semiconductor
devices [ITA/2 (AS2)] 15
8538 10 19 00 - - - Other 15
- - For voltage exceeding 1,000 V:
8538 10 21 00 -
- - Parts of programmable logic controllers for automated
machines for transport, handling and
storage of dies for
semiconductor devices [ITA/2 (AS2)] 5
8538 10 29 00 - - - Other 5
8538 90 - Other:
- - For a voltage not exceeding 1,000 V:
8538 90 11 00 -
- - Parts including printed circuit assemblies of telephone plugs;
connection and contact elements for wires
and cables; wafer probers 15
8538 90 12 00 -
- - Parts of goods of subheadings 8536.50.50.00, 8536.69.30.00
and 8536.90.10.00 [ITA/2] 15
8538 90 19 00 - - - Other 15
- - For a voltage exceeding 1,000 V:
8538 90 21 00 -
- - Parts including printed circuit assemblies of telephone plugs;
connection and contact elements for wires
and cables; wafer probers 5
8538 90 29 00 - - - Other 5
8539 Electric
filament or discharge lamps, including sealed beam
lamp units and ultra‑violet or infra‑red
lamps; arc‑lamps
8539 10 - Sealed beam lamp units:
8539 10 10 - - For motor vehicles of Chapter 87:
8539 10 10 10 - - - Used for automobiles 20
8539 10 10 90 - - - Other 30
‑ Other filament lamps, excluding ultra‑violet or infra‑red lamps:
8539 21 - - Tungsten halogen:
8539 21 10 00 - - - Reflector lamp bulbs 10
8539 21 20 00 - - - Special purpose bulbs for medical equipment 0
8539 21 30 - - - Of a kind used for motor vehicles:
8539 21 30 10 - - - - Used for automobiles 20
8539 21 30 90 - - - - Other 30
8539 21 90 00 - - - Other 0
8539 22 -
- Other, of a power not exceeding 200 W and for a voltage
exceeding 100 V:
8539 22 20 00 - - - Special purpose bulbs for medical equipment 0
8539 22 90 00 - - - Other 30
8539 29 - - Other:
8539 29 10 00 - - - Reflector lamp bulbs 10
8539 29 20 00 - - - Operation lamp bulbs 0
8539 29 30 - - - Bulbs of a kind used for motor vehicles:
8539 29 30 10 - - - - Used for automobiles 20
8539 29 30 90 - - - - Other 30
8539 29 40 -
- - Flashlight bulbs; miniature indicator bulbs, rated up to 2.25 V;
special purpose bulbs for medical equipment
8539 29 40 90 - - - - Other 10
8539 29 50 00 -
- - Other, of a power exceeding 200 W but not exceeding 300 W
and for a voltage exceeding 100 V 40
8539 29 60 -
- - Other, of a power not exceeding 200 W and for a voltage not
exceeding 100 V:
8539 29 60 10 -
- - - Light bulbs for explosion prevention with two filaments of
3.6V- 0.5/1A, of a power of 3.6 W, used for
production of miner’s
lamps for explosion prevention 0
8539 29 60 90 - - - - Other 10
8539 29 90 00 - - - Other 0
- Discharge lamps, other than ultra‑violet lamps:
8539 31 - - Fluorescent, hot cathode:
8539 31 10 00 - - - Tubular compact fluorescent lamps 40
8539 31 90 00 - - - Other 40
8539 32 00 00 - - Mercury or sodium vapor lamps; metal halide lamps 0
8539 39 - - Other:
- - - Tubular compact fluorescent lamps:
8539 39 11 00 - - - - Neon lamps 10
8539 39 19 00 - - - - Other 10
8539 39 20 00 - - - Discharge lamps for decorative or public purposes 35
- - - Other fluorescent cold cathode types:
8539 39 31 00 - - - - Neon lamps 10
8539 39 40 - - - Electric lamps for motor vehicles or cycles:
8539 39 40 10 - - - - Used for automobiles 20
8539 39 40 90 - - - - Other 30
8539 39 90 00 - - - Other lamps 0
‑ Ultra‑violet or infra‑red lamps; arc lamps:
8539 41 00 00 - - Arc lamps 0
8539 49 00 00 - - Other 0
8539 90 - Parts:
8539 90 10 00 -
- Aluminum end caps for fluorescent lamps; aluminum screw
caps for incandescent lamps 5
8539 90 20 10 - - - Used for automobiles 10
8539 90 20 90 - - - Other 20
8539 90 30 00 - - Other, suitable for ultra-violet or infra-red lamps or arc lamps 0
8539 90 90 00 - - Other 0
8543 Electrical
machines and apparatus, having individual functions,
not specified or included elsewhere in this
‑ Particle accelerators:
8543 11 00 00 - - Ion implanters for doping semiconductor materials [ITA1/A-167] 0
8543 19 00 00 - - Other 0
8543 20 00 00 - Signal generators 0
8543 30 10 00 -
- Apparatus for wet etching, developing, stripping or cleaning
semiconductor wafers and flat panel
displays [ITA1/B-142, B-168] 0
8543 30 20 00 -
- Wet processing equipment for the application by immersion of
chemical or electrochemical solutions,
whether or not for the purpose
of removing material on PCB/PWB substrates
[ITA/2 (AS2)] 0
8543 30 90 00 - - Other 0
‑ Other machines and apparatus:
8543 40 00 00 - Electric fence energizers 0
‑ Other machines and apparatus:
8543 81 00 00 - - Proximity cards and tags [ITA1/A-094] 0
8543 89 - - Other:
8543 89 10 00 -
- - Integrated receivers/decoders (IRD) for direct broadcast
multimedia systems 0
8543 89 30 00 -
- - Equipment for the removal of dust particles or the elimination
of electrostatic
charge during the manufacture of PCB/PWBs
or PCAs [ITA/2 (AS2)] 0
8543 89 40 00 -
- - Machines for curing material by ultra-violet light for the
manufacture of PCB/PWBs or PCAs [ITA/2
(AS2)] 0
8543 89 50 00 -
- - Apparatus for physical deposition on flat panel display
substrates [ITA/2] (AS2) 0
8543 89 60 00 - - - Electrical mine detonators 0
8543 89 70 00 - - - Low noise-amplifiers (LNA) and low noise blocks (LNB) 0
8543 89 90 00 - - - Other 0
8543 90 - Parts:
8543 90 10 00 - - Of goods of subheading 8543.30.10.00 [ITA1/B-153] 0
8543 90 20 00 - - Of goods of subheading 8543.30.20.00 [ITA/2 (AS2)] 0
8543 90 40 00 - - Of goods of subheading 8543.81.00.00 0
8543 90 50 00 - - Of goods of subheading 8543.19.00 or 8543.20.00.00 0
8543 90 60 00 -
- Parts including subassemblies of goods of subheading
8543.89.10.00 0
8543 90 70 00 - - Of goods of subheading 8543.89.20.00 [ex B-149 ex B-158] 0
8543 90 80 00 -
- Of goods of subheadings 8543.89.30.00, 8543.89.40.00 or
8543.89.50.00 [ITA/2 (AS2)] 0
8543 90 90 00 - - Other 0
8702 Motor
vehicles for the transport of 10 or more persons,
including the driver
8702 10 ‑
With compression‑ignition internal combustion piston engine
(diesel or semi‑diesel):
- - For the transport of less than 16 persons:
- - - - CBU/Other:
8702 10 06 - - - - - Of a gross vehicle weight not exceeding 5 tons:
8702 10 06 10 - - - - - - Of an engine cylinder capacity of 2,000 cc or less, used *
8702 10 06 20 -
- - - - - Of an engine cylinder capacity of between over 2,000 cc
and 3,000, used *
8702 10 06 30 - - - - - - Of an engine cylinder capacity of more than 3,000 cc, used *
8702 10 06 90 - - - - - - Other 80
8702 10 07 -
- - - - Of a gross vehicle weight exceeding 5 tons but not
exceeding 6 tons:
8702 10 07 10 - - - - - - Of an engine cylinder capacity of 2,000 cc or less, used *
8702 10 07 20 -
- - - - - Of an engine cylinder capacity of between over 2,000 cc
and 3,000, used *
8702 10 07 90 - - - - - - Other 80
8702 10 08 -
- - - - Of a gross vehicle weight exceeding 6 tons but not exceeding
18 tons:
8702 10 08 10 - - - - - - Of an engine cylinder capacity of 2,000 cc or less, used *
8702 10 08 20 -
- - - - - Of an engine cylinder capacity of between over 2,000 cc
and 3,000, used *
8702 10 08 30 - - - - - - Of an engine cylinder capacity of more than 3,000 cc, used *
8702 10 08 90 - - - - - - Other 80
8702 10 09 -
- - - - Of a gross vehicle weight exceeding 18 tons but not
exceeding 24 tons:
8702 10 09 10 - - - - - - Of an engine cylinder capacity of 2,000 cc or less, used *
8702 10 09 20 -
- - - - - Of an engine cylinder capacity of between over 2,000 cc
and 3,000, used *
8702 10 09 90 - - - - - - Other 80
8702 10 10 - - - - - Of a gross vehicle weight exceeding 24 tons:
8702 10 10 10 - - - - - - Of an engine cylinder capacity of 2,000 cc or less, used *
8702 10 10 20 -
- - - - - Of an engine cylinder capacity of between over 2,000 cc
and 3,000, used *
8702 10 10 30 - - - - - - Of an engine cylinder capacity of more than 3,000 cc, used *
8702 10 10 90 - - - - - - Other 80
- - - Other:
- - - - CBU/Other:
8702 10 15 - - - - - Of a gross vehicle weight not exceeding 5 tons:
8702 10 15 20 -
- - - - - Of an engine cylinder capacity exceeding 2,000 cc but not
exceeding 3,000, used *
8702 10 15 30 - - - - - - Of an engine cylinder capacity exceeding 3,000 cc, used *
8702 10 15 90 - - - - - - Other 80
8702 10 16 -
- - - - Of a gross vehicle weight exceeding 5 tons but not exceeding
6 tons:
8702 10 16 10 - - - - - - Of an engine cylinder capacity of 2,000 cc or less, used *
8702 10 16 20 -
- - - - - Of an engine cylinder capacity exceeding 2,000 cc but not
exceeding 3,000, used *
8702 10 16 30 - - - - - - Of an engine cylinder capacity exceeding 3,000 cc, used *
8702 10 16 90 - - - - - - Other 80
8702 10 17 -
- - - - Of a gross vehicle weight exceeding 6 tons but not
exceeding 24 tons:
8702 10 17 20 -
- - - - - Of an engine cylinder capacity exceeding 2,000 cc but
not exceeding 3,000 cc, used *
8702 10 17 30 - - - - - - Of an engine cylinder capacity exceeding 3,000 cc, used *
8702 10 17 90 - - - - - -Other 80
8702 10 18 - - - - - Of a gross vehicle weight exceeding 24 tons:
8702 10 18 10 - - - - - - Of an engine cylinder capacity of 2,000 cc or less, used *
8702 10 18 20 -
- - - - - Of an engine cylinder capacity exceeding 2,000 cc but not
exceeding 3,000 cc, used *
8702 10 18 30 - - - - - - Of an engine cylinder capacity exceeding 3,000 cc, used *
8702 10 18 90 - - - - - - Other 80
- - For the transport of 16 persons or more but less than 30 persons:
- - - - CBU/Other:
8702 10 26 - - - - - Of a gross vehicle weight not exceeding 5 tons:
8702 10 26 10 - - - - - - Used 150
8702 10 26 90 - - - - - - Other 80
8702 10 27 -
- - - - Of a gross vehicle weight exceeding 5 tons but not
exceeding 6 tons:
8702 10 27 10 - - - - - - Used 150
8702 10 27 90 - - - - - - Other 80
8702 10 28 -
- - - - Of a gross vehicle weight exceeding 6 tons but not
exceeding 18 tons:
8702 10 28 10 - - - - - - Used 150
8702 10 31 -
- - - - Of a gross vehicle weight exceeding 18 tons but not
exceeding 24 tons:
8702 10 31 10 - - - - - - Used 150
8702 10 31 90 - - - - - - Other 80
8702 10 32 - - - - - Of a gross vehicle weight exceeding 24 tons:
8702 10 32 10 - - - - - - Used 150
8702 10 32 90 - - - - - - Other 80
- - - Other:
- - - - CBU/Other:
8702 10 37 - - - - - Of a gross vehicle weight not exceeding 5 tons:
8702 10 37 90 - - - - - - Other 80
8702 10 38 -
- - - - Of a gross vehicle weight exceeding 5 tons but not
exceeding 6 tons:
8702 10 38 10 - - - - - - Used 150
8702 10 38 90 - - - - - - Other 80
8702 10 39 -
- - - - Of a gross vehicle weight exceeding 6 tons but not
exceeding 24 tons:
8702 10 39 10 - - - - - - Used 150
8702 10 39 90 - - - - - - Other 80
8702 10 40 - - - - - Of a gross vehicle weight exceeding 24 tons:
8702 10 40 10 - - - - - - Used 150
- - For the transport of 30 persons or more:
- - - Buses designed specially for use in airports:
- - - - CBU/Other:
8702 10 46 - - - - - Of a gross vehicle weight not exceeding 5 tons:
8702 10 46 10 - - - - - - Used 7.5
8702 10 46 90 - - - - - - Other 5
8702 10 47 -
- - - - Of a gross vehicle weight exceeding 5 tons but not
exceeding 6 tons:
8702 10 47 10 - - - - - - Used 7.5
8702 10 47 90 - - - - - - Other 5
8702 10 48 10 - - - - - - Used 7.5
8702 10 48 90 - - - - - - Other 5
8702 10 49 -
- - - - Of a gross vehicle weight exceeding 18 t but not
exceeding 24 tons:
8702 10 49 10 - - - - - - Used 7.5
8702 10 49 90 - - - - - - Other 5
8702 10 50 - - - - - Of a gross vehicle weight exceeding 24 tons:
8702 10 50 10 - - - - - - Used 7.5
8702 10 50 90 - - - - - - Other 5
- - - Other motor buses:
8702 10 56 - - - - - Of a gross vehicle weight not exceeding 5 tons:
8702 10 56 10 - - - - - - Used 150
8702 10 56 90 - - - - - - Other 80
8702 10 57 -
- - - - Of a gross vehicle weight exceeding 5 tons but not
exceeding 6 tons:
8702 10 57 10 - - - - - - Used 150
8702 10 57 90 - - - - - - Other 80
8702 10 58 - - - - - Of a gross vehicle weight exceeding 6 tons but not
exceeding 18 tons:
8702 10 58 10 - - - - - - Used 150
8702 10 59 - - - - - Of a gross vehicle weight exceeding 18 tons but not exceeding 24 tons:
8702 10 59 10 - - - - - - Used 150
8702 10 59 90 - - - - - - Other 80
8702 10 60 - - - - - Of a gross vehicle weight exceeding 24 tons:
8702 10 60 10 - - - - - - Used 150
8702 10 60 90 - - - - - - Other 80
- - - Other:
- - - - CBU/Other:
8702 10 65 - - - - - Of a gross vehicle weight not exceeding 5 tons:
8702 10 65 90 - - - - - -Other 80
8702 10 66 -
- - - - Of a gross vehicle weight exceeding 5 tons but not
exceeding 6 tons:
8702 10 66 10 - - - - - -Used 150
8702 10 66 90 - - - - - - Other 80
8702 10 67 -
- - - - Of a gross vehicle weight exceeding 6 tons but not
exceeding 24 tons:
8702 10 67 10 - - - - - - Used 150
8702 10 67 90 - - - - - - Other 80
8702 10 68 - - - - - Of a gross vehicle weight exceeding 24 tons:
8702 10 68 10 - - - - - - Used 150
8702 90 - Other:
- - For the transport of less than 16 persons:
- - - Motor buses:
8702 90 12 - - - - CBU/Other:
8702 90 12 10 - - - - - Of an engine cylinder capacity not exceeding 2,000 cc, used *
8702 90 12 20 -
- - - - Of an engine cylinder capacity exceeding 2,000 cc but not
exceeding 3,000 cc, used *
8702 90 12 30 - - - - - Of an engine cylinder capacity exceeding 3,000 cc, used *
8902 90 12 90 - - - - Other 80
- - - Other:
8702 90 22 10 - - - - - Of an engine cylinder capacity not exceeding 2,000 cc, used *
8702 90 22 20 -
- - - - Of an engine cylinder capacity exceeding 2,000 cc but not
exceeding 3,000 cc, used *
8702 90 22 30 - - - - - Of an engine cylinder capacity exceeding 3,000 cc, used *
8902 90 22 90 - - - - Other 80
- - For the transport of 16 persons or more but less than 30 persons:
- - - Motor buses:
8702 90 32 - - - - CBU/Other:
8702 90 32 10 - - - - - Used 150
8702 90 32 90 - - - - - Other 80
8702 90 42 - - - - CBU/Other:
8702 90 42 10 - - - - - Used 150
8702 90 42 90 - - - - - Other 80
- - For the transport of 30 persons and more:
- - - Buses designed specially for use in airport:
8702 90 52 - - - - CBU/Other:
8702 90 52 10 - - - - - Used 7.5
8702 90 52 90 - - - - - Other 5
- - - Other motor buses:
8702 90 62 10 - - - - -Used 150
8702 90 62 90 - - - - -Other 80
- - - Other:
8702 90 92 - - - - CBU/Other
8702 90 92 10 - - - - - Used 150
8702 90 92 90 - - - - - Other 80
8703 Motor
cars and other motor vehicles principally designed for
the transport of persons (other than those
of heading 87.02),
including station wagons and racing cars
8703 10 -
Vehicles specially designed for traveling on snow; golf cars and
similar vehicles:
- - For the transport of not more than 8 persons including the driver:
8703 10 11 10 - - - - Used 150
8703 10 11 90 - - - - Other 80
8703 10 12 - - - Go-karts:
8703 10 12 10 - - - - Used 150
8703 10 12 90 - - - - Other 80
8703 10 19 - - - Other:
8703 10 19 10 - - - - Used 150
8703 10 19 90 - - - - Other 80
- - For the transport of 9 persons including the driver:
8703 10 91 10 - - - - Used 150
8703 10 91 90 - - - - Other 80
8703 10 99 - - - Other:
8703 10 99 10 - - - - Used 150
8703 10 99 90 - - - - Other 80
Other vehicles, with spark‑ignition internal combustion
reciprocating piston engine:
8703 21 - - Of a cylinder capacity not exceeding 1,000 cc:
8703 21 10 - - - Hearses:
8703 21 10 10 - - - - Used 15
8703 21 20 - - - Prison vans:
8703 21 20 10 - - - - Used 15
8703 21 20 90 - - - - Other 10
- - Motor cars (including station wagons, sports cars and racing
cars) for the transport of 8 persons or
less including driver:
8703 21 32 - - - - CBU/Other:
8703 21 32 10 -
- - - - For the transport of 5 persons or less, including the driver,
of a cylinder capacity not exceeding 1,000
cc, used *
8703 21 32 20 -
- - - - For the transport of 5 persons or less, including the driver,
of a cylinder capacity of 1,000 cc, used *
8703 21 32 30 -
- - - - For the transport of 5 persons or more, including the driver,
used *
8703 21 32 90 - - - - - Other 80
8703 21 42 - - - - Four wheel drive vehicles, CBU/Other:
8703 21 42 10 -
- - - - For the transport of 5 persons or less, including the driver,
of a cylinder capacity not exceeding 1,000
cc, used *
8703 21 42 20 -
- - - - For the transport of 5 persons or less, including the driver,
of a cylinder capacity of 1,000 cc, used *
8703 21 42 30 -
- - - - For the transport of more than 5 persons, including the
driver, used *
8703 21 42 90 - - - - - Other 80
8703 21 44 - - - - Other:
8703 21 44 10 -
- - - - For the transport of 5 persons or less, including the driver,
of a cylinder capacity not exceeding 1,000,
used *
8703 21 44 20 -
- - - - For the transport of 5 persons or less, including driver,
of a cylinder capacity of 1,000 cc, used *
8703 21 44 30 -
- - - - For the transport of more than 5 persons, including the
driver, used *
- - - Other, for the transport of 9 persons, including the driver:
8703 21 52 - - - - Four wheel drive vehicles, CBU/Other:
8702 21 52 10 - - - - - Used *
8702 21 52 90 - - - - - Other 80
8703 21 54 -
- - - Motor cars (including station wagons, sports cars and racing
cars), CBU/Other:
8702 21 54 10 - - - - - Used *
8702 21 54 90 - - - - - Other 80
8703 21 56 - - - - Other:
8702 21 56 10 - - - - - Used *
8703 22 -
- Of a cylinder capacity exceeding 1,000 cc but not exceeding
1,500 cc:
8703 22 10 - - - Ambulances:
8703 22 10 10 - - - - Used 15
8702 22 10 90 - - - - Other 10
8703 22 20 - - - Motor-homes:
8703 22 20 10 - - - - Used 150
8702 22 20 90 - - - - Other 80
8703 22 30 - - - Hearses:
8703 22 30 10 - - - - Used 15
8703 22 40 - - - Prison vans:
8703 22 40 10 - - - - Used 15
8702 22 40 90 - - - - Other 10
- - Motor cars (including station wagons, sports cars and racing
cars) for the transport of 8 persons or
less including the driver:
8703 22 52 - - - - CBU/Other:
8703 22 52 10 -
- - - - For the transport of 5 persons or less, including the driver,
of a cylinder capacity of under 1,500 cc,
used *
8703 22 52 20 -
- - - - For the transport of 5 persons or less, including the driver,
of a cylinder capacity of 1,500 cc, used *
8703 22 52 30 - - - - - For the transport of 5 persons or less, including the driver, used *
8703 22 52 90 - - - - - Other 80
8703 22 62 - - - - Four wheel drive vehicles, CBU/Other:
8703 22 62 10 -
- - - - For the transport of 5 persons or less, including the driver,
of a cylinder capacity of under 1,500 cc,
used *
8703 22 62 20 -
- - - - For the transport of 5 persons or less, including the driver,
of a cylinder capacity of 1,500 cc, used *
8702 22 62 30 -
- - - - For the transport of 5 persons or less, including the driver,
used *
8703 22 62 90 - - - - - Other 80
8703 22 64 - - - - Other:
8703 22 64 10 -
- - - - For the transport of 5 persons or less, including the driver,
of a cylinder capacity of under 1,500 cc,
used *
8703 22 64 20 -
- - - - For the transport of 5 persons or less, including the driver,
of a cylinder capacity of 1,500 cc, used *
8702 22 64 30 -
- - - - For the transport of 5 persons or less, including the driver,
used *
- - - Other, for the transport of 9 persons, including the driver:
8703 22 72 - - - - Four wheel drive vehicles, CBU/Other:
8702 22 72 10 - - - - - Used *
8702 22 72 90 - - - - - Other 80
8703 22 74 -
- - - Motor cars (including station wagons, sports cars and racing
cars), CBU/Other:
8702 22 74 10 - - - - - Used *
8702 22 74 90 - - - - - Other 80
8703 22 76 - - - - Other:
8702 22 76 10 - - - - - Used *
8703 23 -
- Of a cylinder capacity exceeding 1,500 cc but not exceeding
3,000 cc:
8703 23 11 - - - Ambulances:
8702 23 11 10 - - - - Used 15
8702 23 11 90 - - - - Other 10
8703 23 12 - - - Motor-homes:
8702 23 12 10 - - - - Used 150
8702 23 12 90 - - - - Other 80
8703 23 13 - - - Hearses:
8702 23 13 10 - - - - Used 15
8703 23 14 - - - Prison vans:
8702 23 14 10 - - - - Used 15
8702 23 14 90 - - - - Other 10
- - Motor cars (including station wagons, sports cars and racing
cars) for the transport of 8 persons or
less including the driver:
- - - - CBU/Other:
8703 23 21 - - - - - Of a cylinder capacity of less than 1,800 cc:
8703 23 21 10 -
- - - - - For the transport of 5 persons or less, including the driver,
used *
8703 23 21 20 -
- - - - - For the transport of more than 5 persons, including the
driver, used *
8703 23 21 90 - - - - - - Other 80
8703 23 22 10 -
- - - - - For the transport of 5 persons or less, including the
driver, used *
8703 23 22 20 -
- - - - - For the transport of more than 5 persons, including the
driver, used *
8703 23 22 90 - - - - - - Other 80
8703 23 23 -
- - - - Of a cylinder capacity of 2,000 cc and above but less than
2,500 cc:
8703 23 23 10 -
- - - - - For the transport of 5 persons or less, including the driver,
of a cylinder capacity of 2,000 cc, used *
8703 23 23 20 -
- - - - - For the transport of 5 persons or less, including the driver,
of a cylinder capacity exceeding 2,000 cc,
used *
8703 23 23 30 -
- - - - - For the transport of more than 5 persons, including the
driver, of a cylinder capacity of 2,000 cc,
used *
8703 23 23 40 -
- - - - - For the transport of more than 5 persons, including the
driver, of a cylinder capacity exceeding
2,000 cc, used *
8703 23 23 90 - - - - - - Other 80
8703 23 24 10 -
- - - - - For the transport of 5 persons or less, including the
driver, used *
8703 23 24 20 -
- - - - - For the transport of more than 5 persons, including the
driver, used *
8703 23 24 90 - - - - - - Other 80
- - - Other, for the transport of 8 persons or less:
- - - - Four wheel drive vehicles, CBU/Other:
8703 23 31 - - - - - Of a cylinder capacity less than 1,800 cc:
8703 23 31 10 -
- - - - - For the transport of 5 persons or less, including the driver,
used *
8703 23 31 20 -
- - - - - For the transport of more than 5 persons, including the
driver, used *
8703 23 31 90 - - - - - - Other 80
8703 23 32 10 -
- - - - - For the transport of 5 persons or less, including the driver,
used *
8703 23 32 20 -
- - - - - For the transport of more than 5 persons, including the
driver, used *
8703 23 32 90 - - - - - - Other 80
8703 23 33 -
- - - - Of a cylinder capacity of 2,000 cc and above but less than
2,500 cc:
8703 23 33 10 -
- - - - - For the transport of 5 persons or less, including the driver,
of a cylinder capacity of 2,000 cc, used
8703 23 33 20 -
- - - - - For the transport of 5 persons or less, including the driver,
of a cylinder capacity exceeding 2,000 cc,
used *
8703 23 33 30 -
- - - - - For the transport of more than 5 persons, including the
driver, of a cylinder capacity of 2,000 cc,
used *
8703 23 33 40 -
- - - - - For the transport of more than 5 persons, including the
driver, of a cylinder capacity exceeding
2,000 cc, used *
8703 23 33 90 - - - - - - Other 80
8703 23 34 10 -
- - - - - For the transport of 5 persons or less, including the driver,
used *
8703 23 34 20 -
- - - - - For the transport of more than 5 persons, including the
driver, used *
8703 23 34 90 - - - - - - Other 80
- - - - Other:
8703 23 41 - - - - - Of a cylinder capacity less than 1,800 cc:
8703 23 41 10 -
- - - - - For the transport of 5 persons or less, including the driver,
used *
8703 23 41 20 -
- - - - - For the transport of more than 5 persons, including the
driver, used *
8703 23 41 90 - - - - - - Other 80
8703 23 42 -
- - - - Of a cylinder capacity of 1,800 cc and above but less than
2,000 cc:
8703 23 42 20 - - - - - - For the transport of more than 5 persons, including the
driver, used *
8703 23 42 90 - - - - - - Other 80
8703 23 43 -
- - - - Of a cylinder capacity of 2,000 cc and above but less than
2,500 cc:
8703 23 43 10
- - - - - - For the transport of 5 persons or less, including the driver,
of a cylinder capacity of 2,000 cc, used *
8703 23 43 20 -
- - - - - For the transport of 5 persons or less, including the driver,
of a cylinder capacity exceeding 2,000 cc,
used *
8703 23 43 30 -
- - - - - For the transport of more than 5 persons, including the
driver, of a cylinder capacity of 2,000 cc,
used *
8703 23 43 40 -
- - - - - For the transport of more than 5 persons, including the
driver, of a cylinder capacity exceeding
2,000 cc, used *
8703 23 43 90 - - - - - - Other 80
8703 23 44 10 -
- - - - - For the transport of 5 persons or less, including the driver,
used *
8703 23 44 20 -
- - - - - For the transport of more than 5 persons, including the
driver, used *
8703 23 44 90 - - - - - - Other 80
- - - Other, for the transport of 9 persons including the driver:
- - - Motor cars (including station wagons, sports cars and racing
- - - - - CBU/Other:
8703 23 51 - - - - - - Of a cylinder capacity less than 1,800 cc:
8703 23 51 10 - - - - - - - Used *
8703 23 51 90 - - - - - - - Other 80
8703 23 52 10 - - - - - - - Used *
8703 23 52 90 - - - - - - - Other 80
8703 23 53 -
- - - - - Of a cylinder capacity of 2,000 cc and above but less than
2,500 cc:
8703 23 53 10 - - - - - - - Used, of a cylinder capacity of 2,000 cc *
8703 23 53 20 - - - - - - - Used, of a cylinder capacity exceeding 2,000 cc *
8703 23 53 90 - - - - - - - Other 80
8703 23 54 - - - - - - Of a cylinder capacity 2,500 cc and above:
8703 23 54 10 - - - - - - - Used *
8703 23 54 90 - - - - - - - Other 80
8703 23 61 - - - - - Of a cylinder capacity less than 1,800 cc:
8703 23 61 10 - - - - - - Used *
8703 23 61 90 - - - - - - Other 80
8703 23 62 -
- - - - Of a cylinder capacity of 1,800 cc and above but less than
2,000 cc:
8703 23 62 10 - - - - - - Used *
8703 23 62 90 - - - - - - Other 80
8703 23 63 -
- - - - Of a cylinder capacity of 2,000 cc and above but less than
2,500 cc:
8703 23 63 10 - - - - - - Used, of a cylinder capacity of 2,000 cc *
8703 23 63 20 - - - - - - Used, of a cylinder capacity exceeding 2,000 cc *
8703 23 64 - - - - - Of a cylinder capacity of 2,500 cc and above:
8703 23 64 10 - - - - - - Used *
8703 23 64 90 - - - - - - Other 80
- - - - Other:
8703 23 71 - - - - - Of a cylinder capacity less than 1,800 cc:
8703 23 71 10 - - - - - - Used *
8703 23 71 90 - - - - - - Other 80
8703 23 72 -
- - - - Of a cylinder capacity of 1,800 cc and above but less than
2,000 cc:
8703 23 72 10 - - - - - - Used *
8703 23 73 -
- - - - Of a cylinder capacity of 2,000 cc and above but less than
2,500 cc:
8703 23 73 10 - - - - - - Used, of a cylinder capacity of 2,000 cc *
8703 23 73 20 - - - - - - Used, of a cylinder capacity exceeding 2,000 cc *
8703 23 73 90 - - - - - -Other 80
8703 23 74 - - - - - Of a cylinder capacity of 2,500 cc and above:
8703 23 74 10 - - - - - - Used *
8703 23 74 90 - - - - - - Other 80
8703 24 - - Of a cylinder capacity exceeding 3,000 cc:
- - Of a cylinder capacity exceeding 3,000 cc but not exceeding
4,000 cc:
8703 24 11 10 - - - - - Used 15
8703 24 11 90 - - - - - Other 10
8703 24 12 - - - - Motor-homes:
8703 24 12 10 - - - - - Used 150
8703 24 12 90 - - - - - Other 80
8703 24 13 - - - - Hearses:
8703 24 13 10 - - - - - Used 15
8703 24 13 90 - - - - - Other 10
8703 24 14 - - - - Prison vans:
8703 24 14 90 - - - - - Other 10
- - - Motor cars (including station wagons, sports cars and racing
cars) for the transport of 8 persons or
less, including the driver:
8703 24 22 - - - - - CBU/Other:
8703 24 22 10 -
- - - - - For the transport of 5 persons or less, including the driver,
used *
8703 24 22 20 -
- - - - - For the transport of more than 5 persons, including the
driver, used *
8703 24 22 90 - - - - - - Other 80
- - - - Other, for the transport of 8 persons or less:
8703 24 32 - - - - - Four wheel drive vehicles, CBU/Other:
8703 24 32 10 -
- - - - - For the transport of 5 persons or less, including the driver,
used *
8703 24 32 90 - - - - - - Other 80
8703 24 34 - - - - Other:
8703 24 34 10 -
- - - - - For the transport of 5 persons or less, including the driver,
used *
8703 24 34 20 -
- - - - - For the transport of more than 5 persons, including the
driver, used *
8703 24 34 90 - - - - - - Other 80
- - - - Other, for the transport of 9 persons, including the driver:
8703 24 42 - - - - - Four wheel drive vehicles, CBU/Other:
8703 24 42 10 - - - - - Used *
8703 24 42 90 - - - - - Other 80
8703 24 44 10 - - - - - Used *
8703 24 44 90 - - - - - Other 80
8703 24 46 - - - - - Other:
8703 24 46 10 - - - - - - Used *
8703 24 46 90 - - - - - - Other 80
- - - Of a cylinder capacity exceeding 4,000 cc:
8703 24 51 - - - - Ambulances:
8703 24 51 10 - - - - - Used 15
8703 24 51 90 - - - - - Other 10
8703 24 52 10 - - - - - Used 150
8703 24 52 90 - - - - - Other 80
8703 24 53 - - - - Hearses:
8703 24 53 10 - - - - - Used 15
8703 24 53 90 - - - - - Other 10
8703 24 54 - - - - Prison vans:
8703 24 54 10 - - - - - Used 15
8703 24 54 90 - - - - - Other 10
- - - Motor cars (including station wagons, sports cars and racing
cars) for the transport of 8 persons or
less, including the driver:
8703 24 62 10 -
- - - - - For the transport of 5 persons or less, including the driver,
used, of a cylinder capacity exceeding
4,000 cc but not exceeding
5,000 cc *
8703 24 62 20 -
- - - - - For the transport of 5 persons or less, including the driver,
used, of a cylinder capacity exceeding
5,000 cc *
8703 24 62 30 -
- - - - - For the transport of more than 5 persons, including the
driver, used *
8703 24 62 90 - - - - - - Other 80
- - - - Other, for the transport of 8 persons or less:
8703 24 72 - - - - - Four wheel drive vehicles, CBU/Other:
8703 24 72 10 -
- - - - - For the transport of 5 persons or less, including the driver,
used, of a cylinder capacity exceeding
4,000 cc but not exceeding
5,000 cc *
8703 24 72 20 -
- - - - - For the transport of 5 persons or less, including the driver,
used, of a cylinder capacity exceeding
5,000 cc *
8703 24 72 30 -
- - - - - For the transport of more than 5 persons, including the
driver, used *
8703 24 74 - - - - - Other:
8703 24 74 10 -
- - - - - For the transport of 5 persons or less, including the driver,
used, of a cylinder capacity exceeding
4,000 cc but not exceeding
5,000 cc *
8703 24 74 20 -
- - - - - For the transport of 5 persons or less, including the driver,
used, of a cylinder capacity exceeding
5,000 cc *
8703 24 74 30 -
- - - - - For the transport of more than 5 persons, including the
driver, used *
8703 24 74 90 - - - - - - Other 80
- - - - Other, for the transport of 9 persons, including the driver:
8703 24 82 - - - - - Four wheel drive vehicles, CBU/Other:
8703 24 82 10 - - - - - - Used *
8703 24 82 90 - - - - - - Other 80
8703 24 84 10 - - - - - - Used *
8703 24 84 90 - - - - - - Other 80
8703 24 86 - - - - - Other:
8703 24 86 10 - - - - - - Used *
8703 24 86 90 - - - - - - Other 80
Other vehicles, with compression‑ignition internal combustion
piston engine (diesel or semi‑diesel):
8703 31 - - Of a cylinder capacity not exceeding 1,500 cc:
8703 31 10 - - - Ambulances:
8703 31 10 10 - - - - Used 15
8703 31 20 - - - Motor-homes:
8703 31 20 10 - - - - Used 150
8703 31 20 90 - - - - Other 80
8703 31 30 - - - Hearses:
8703 31 30 10 - - - - Used 15
8703 31 30 90 - - - - Other 10
8703 31 40 - - - Prison vans:
8703 31 40 10 - - - - Used 15
8703 31 40 90 - - - - Other 10
- - - - CBU/Other:
8703 31 52 00 - - - - - New 80
8703 31 53 - - - - - Used:
8703 31 53 10 -
- - - - - For the transport of 5 persons or less, including the driver,
of a cylinder capacity of less than 1,000
cc *
8703 31 53 20 -
- - - - - For the transport of 5 persons or less, including the driver,
of a cylinder capacity of 1,000 cc or above
but not exceeding 1,500 cc *
8703 31 53 30 -
- - - - - For the transport of 5 persons or less, including the driver,
of a cylinder capacity of 1,500 cc *
8703 31 53 90 - - - - - - For the transport of more than 5 persons, including the driver *
- - - Other, for the transport of 8 persons or less:
8703 31 62 - - - - Four wheel drive vehicles, CBU/Other:
8703 31 62 20 -
- - - - - For the transport of 5 persons or less, including the driver,
of a cylinder capacity of 1,000 cc or
above but not exceeding
1,500 cc, used *
8703 31 62 30 -
- - - - - For the transport of 5 persons or less, including the driver,
of a cylinder capacity of 1,500 cc, used *
8703 31 62 40 -
- - - - - For the transport of more than 5 persons, including the
driver, used *
8703 31 62 90 - - - - - - Other 80
8703 31 64 - - - - Other:
8703 31 64 10 -
- - - - - For the transport of 5 persons or less, including the driver,
of a cylinder capacity of less than 1,000
cc, used *
8703 31 64 20 -
- - - - - For the transport of 5 persons or less, including the driver,
of a cylinder capacity of 1,000 cc or above
but not exceeding
1,500 cc, used *
8703 31 64 30 -
- - - - - For the transport of 5 persons or less, including the driver,
of a cylinder capacity of 1,500 cc, used *
8703 31 64 40 - - - - - - For the transport of more than 5 persons, including the driver *
- - - Other, for the transport of 9 persons, including the driver:
8703 31 72 - - - - Four wheel drive vehicles, CBU/Other:
8703 31 72 10 - - - - - Used *
8703 31 72 90 - - - - - Other 80
8703 31 74 00 -
- - - New motor cars (including station wagons, sports cars and
racing cars), CBU/Other 80
8703 31 75 00 -
- - - Used motor cars (including station wagons, sports cars and
racing cars), CBU/Other *
8703 31 77 - - - - Other:
8703 31 77 10 - - - - - Used *
8703 31 77 90 - - - - - Other 80
8703 32 11 - - - Ambulances:
8703 32 11 10 - - - - Used 15
8703 32 11 90 - - - - Other 10
8703 32 12 - - - Motor-homes:
8703 32 12 10 - - - - Used 150
8703 32 12 90 - - - - Other 80
8703 32 13 - - - Hearses:
8703 32 13 10 - - - - Used 15
8703 32 13 90 - - - - Other 10
8703 32 14 10 - - - - Used 15
8703 32 14 90 - - - - Other 10
- - Motor cars (including station wagons, sports cars and racing
cars) for the transport of 8 persons or
less, including the driver:
- - - - CBU/Other:
8703 32 23 00 - - - - - New 80
8703 32 24 - - - - - Used, of a cylinder capacity less than 1,800 cc:
8703 32 24 10 - - - - - - For the transport of 5 persons or less, including the driver *
8703 32 24 90 - - - - - - For the transport of more than 5 persons, including the driver *
8703 32 25 -
- - - - Used, of a cylinder capacity of 1,800 cc and above but less
than 2,000 cc:
8703 32 25 90 - - - - - - For the transport of more than 5 persons, including the driver *
8703 32 26 - - - - - Used, of a cylinder capacity of 2,000 cc and above:
8703 32 26 10
- - - - - - For the transport of 5 persons or less, including the driver,
of a cylinder capacity of 2,000 cc *
8703 32 26 20 -
- - - - - For the transport of more than 5 persons, including the
driver, of a cylinder capacity of 2,000 cc
8703 32 26 30 -
- - - - - For the transport of 5 persons or less, including the driver,
of a cylinder capacity exceeding 2,000 cc *
8703 32 26 90 -
- - - - - For the transport of more than 5 persons, including the
driver, of a cylinder capacity exceeding
2,000 cc *
- - - Other, for the transport of 8 persons or less:
- - - - Four wheel drive vehicles, CBU/Other:
8703 32 34 - - - - - Of a cylinder capacity less than 1,800 cc:
8703 32 34 20 -
- - - - - For the transport of more than 5 persons, including the
driver, used *
8703 32 34 90 - - - - - - Other 80
8703 32 35 -
- - - - Of a cylinder capacity of 1,800 cc and above but less than
2,000 cc:
8703 32 35 10 -
- - - - - For the transport of 5 persons or less, including the driver,
used *
8703 32 35 20 -
- - - - - For the transport of more than 5 persons, including the
driver, used *
8703 32 35 90 - - - - - - Other 80
8703 32 36 - - - - - Of a cylinder capacity of 2,000 cc and above:
8703 32 36 10 -
- - - - - For the transport of 5 persons or less, including the driver,
of a cylinder capacity of 2,000 cc, used *
8703 32 36 20 -
- - - - - For the transport of more than 5 persons, including the
driver, of a cylinder capacity of 2,000 cc,
used *
8703 32 36 40 -
- - - - - For the transport of more than 5 persons, including the
driver, of a cylinder capacity exceeding
2,000 cc, used *
8703 32 36 90 - - - - - - Other 80
- - - - Other:
8703 32 44 - - - - - Of a cylinder capacity less than 1,800 cc:
8703 32 44 10 - - - - - - For the transport of 5 persons or less, including the driver *
8703 32 44 20 - - - - - - For the transport of more than 5 persons, used *
8703 32 44 90 - - - - - - Other 80
8703 32 45 -
- - - - Of a cylinder capacity of 1,800 cc and above but less than
2,000 cc:
8703 32 45 10 - - - - - - For the transport of 5 persons or less, including the driver *
8703 32 45 90 - - - - - - Other 80
8703 32 46 - - - - - Of a cylinder capacity of 2,000 cc and above:
8703 32 46 10 -
- - - - - For the transport of 5 persons or less, including the driver,
of a cylinder capacity of 2,000 cc, used *
8703 32 46 20 -
- - - - - For the transport of more than 5 persons, including the
driver, of a cylinder capacity of 2,000 cc,
used *
8703 32 46 30 -
- - - - - For the transport of 5 persons or less, including the driver,
of a cylinder capacity exceeding 2,000 cc,
used *
8703 32 46 40 -
- - - - - For the transport of more than 5 persons, including the
driver, of a cylinder capacity exceeding
2,000 cc, used
8703 32 46 90 - - - - - - Other 80
- - - Other, for the transport of 9 persons, including the driver:
- - - Motor cars (including station wagons, sports cars and
racing cars):
8703 32 53 00 - - - - - - New 80
8703 32 54 00 - - - - - - Used, of a cylinder capacity less than 1,800 cc *
8703 32 55 00 -
- - - - - Used, of a cylinder capacity of 1,800 cc and above but less
than 2,000 cc *
8703 32 56 - - - - - - Used, of a cylinder capacity of 2,000 cc and above:
8703 32 56 10 - - - - - - -Of a cylinder capacity of 2,000 cc *
8703 32 56 90 - - - - - - -Other *
- - - - Other:
- - - - - Four wheel drive vehicles, CBU/Other:
8703 32 64 - - - - - - Of a cylinder capacity less than 1,800 cc:
8703 32 64 90 - - - - - - - Other 80
8703 32 65 -
- - - - - Of a cylinder capacity of 1,800 cc and above but less than
2,000 cc:
8703 32 65 10 - - - - - - - Used *
8703 32 65 90 - - - - - - - Other 80
8703 32 66 - - - - - - Of a cylinder capacity of 2,000 cc and above:
8703 32 66 10 - - - - - - - Used, of a cylinder of capacity of 2,000 cc *
8702 32 66 20 - - - - - - - Used, of a cylinder capacity exceeding 2,000 cc *
8703 32 66 90 - - - - - - - Other 80
- - - - - Other:
8703 32 74 10 - - - - - - - Used *
8703 32 74 90 - - - - - - - Other 80
8703 32 75 -
- - - - - Of a cylinder capacity of 1,800 cc and above but less than
2,000 cc:
8703 32 75 10 - - - - - - - Used *
8703 32 75 90 - - - - - - - Other 80
8703 32 76 - - - - - - Of a cylinder capacity of 2,000 cc and above:
8703 32 76 10 - - - - - - - Used, of a cylinder capacity of 2,000 cc *
8702 32 76 20 - - - - - - - Used, of a cylinder capacity exceeding 2,000 cc *
8703 32 76 90 - - - - - - - Other 80
- - Of a cylinder capacity exceeding 2,500 cc but not exceeding
3,000 cc:
8703 33 11 - - - - Ambulances:
8703 33 11 10 - - - - - Used 15
8703 33 11 90 - - - - - Other 10
8703 33 12 - - - - Motor-homes:
8703 33 12 10 - - - - - Used 150
8703 33 12 90 - - - - - Other 80
8703 33 13 - - - - Hearses:
8703 33 13 10 - - - - - Used 15
8703 33 14 - - - - Prison vans:
8703 33 14 10 - - - - - Used 15
8703 33 14 90 - - - - - Other 10
- - - Motor cars (including station wagons, sports cars and racing
cars) for the transport of 8 persons or
less, including the driver:
8703 33 22 00 - - - - - CBU/Other, new 80
8703 33 23 - - - - - CBU/Other, used:
8703 33 23 10 -
- - - - - For the transport of 5 persons or less, including the driver,
used *
8703 33 23 90 -
- - - - - For the transport of more than 5 persons, including the
driver, used *
- - - - Other, for the transport of 8 persons or less:
8703 33 25 10 -
- - - - - For the transport of 5 persons or less, including the driver,
used *
8703 33 25 20 - - - - - - New 80
8703 33 25 20 -
- - - - - For the transport of more than 5 persons, including the
driver, used *
8703 33 25 90 - - - - - - New 80
8703 33 27 - - - - - Other:
8703 33 27 10 -
- - - - - For the transport of 5 persons or less, including the driver,
used *
8703 33 27 20 -
- - - - - For the transport of 5 persons or less, including the driver,
used *
8703 33 27 20 -
- - - - - For the transport of 5 persons or less, including the driver,
used *
8703 33 27 90 - - - - - - New 80
8703 33 29 - - - - - Four wheel drive vehicles, CBU/Other:
8703 33 29 10 - - - - - - Used *
8703 33 29 90 - - - - - - Other 80
8703 33 31 00 -
- - - - New motor cars (including station wagons, sports cars and
racing cars), CBU/Other 80
8703 33 32 00 -
- - - - Used motor cars (including station wagons, sports cars and
racing cars), CBU/Other *
8703 33 34 - - - - - Other:
8703 33 34 10 - - - - - - Used *
8703 33 34 90 - - - - - - Other 80
- - Of a cylinder capacity exceeding 3,000 cc but not exceeding
4,000 cc:
8703 33 41 10 - - - - - Used 15
8703 33 41 90 - - - - - Other 10
8703 33 42 - - - - Motor-homes:
8703 33 42 10 - - - - - Used 150
8703 33 42 90 - - - - - Other 80
8703 33 43 - - - - Hearses:
8703 33 43 10 - - - - - Used 15
8703 33 43 90 - - - - - Other 10
8703 33 44 - - - - Prison vans:
8703 33 44 90 - - - - - Other 10
- - - Motor cars (including station wagons, sports cars and racing
cars) for the transport of 8 persons or
less, including the driver:
8703 33 52 00 - - - - - CBU/Other, new 80
8703 33 53 - - - - - CBU/Other, used:
8703 33 53 10 - - - - - - For the transport of 5 persons or less, including the driver *
8703 33 53 20 - - - - - - For the transport of more than 5 persons, including the driver *
- - - - Other, for the transport of 8 persons or less:
8703 33 55 - - - - - Four wheel drive vehicles, CBU/Other:
8703 33 55 10 -
- - - - - For the transport of 5 persons or less, including the driver,
used *
8703 33 55 90 - - - - - - Other 80
8703 33 57 - - - - - Other:
8703 33 57 10 -
- - - - - For the transport of 5 persons or less, including the driver,
used *
8703 33 57 20 -
- - - - - For the transport of more than 5 persons, including the
driver, used *
8703 33 57 90 - - - - - - Other 80
- - - - Other, for the transport of 9 persons, including the driver:
8703 33 59 - - - - - Four wheel drive vehicles, CBU/Other:
8703 33 59 10 - - - - - - Used *
8703 33 59 90 - - - - - - Other 80
8703 33 63 00 -
- - - - Used motor cars (including station wagons, sports cars and
racing cars), CBU/Other *
8703 33 65 - - - - - Other:
8703 33 65 10 - - - - - - Used *
8703 33 65 90 - - - - - - Other 80
- - - Of a cylinder capacity exceeding 4,000 cc:
8703 33 71 - - - - Ambulances:
8703 33 71 10 - - - - - Used 15
8703 33 71 90 - - - - - Other 10
8703 33 72 - - - - Motor-homes:
8703 33 72 90 - - - - - Other 80
8703 33 73 - - - - Hearses:
8703 33 73 10 - - - - - Used 15
8703 33 73 90 - - - - - Other 10
8703 33 74 - - - - Prison vans:
8703 33 74 10 - - - - - Used 15
8703 33 74 90 - - - - - Other 10
- - - Motor cars (including station wagons, sports cars and racing
cars) for the transport of 8 persons or
less, including the driver:
8703 33 82 00 - - - - - CBU/Other, new 80
8703 33 83 10 -
- - - - - For the transport of 5 persons or less, including the driver,
of a cylinder capacity not exceeding 5,000
cc *
8703 33 83 20 -
- - - - - For the transport of 5 persons or less, including the driver,
of a cylinder capacity exceeding 5,000 cc,
used *
8703 33 83 90 - - - - - - For the transport of more than 5 persons, including the driver *
- - - - Other, for the transport of 8 persons or less:
8703 33 85 - - - - - Four wheel drive vehicles, CBU/Other:
8703 33 85 10 -
- - - - - For the transport of 5 persons or less, including the driver,
of a cylinder capacity not exceeding 5,000
cc, used *
8703 33 85 20 -
- - - - - For the transport of 5 persons or less, including the driver,
of a cylinder capacity exceeding 5,000 cc,
used *
8703 33 85 30 -
- - - - - For the transport of more than 5 persons, including the
driver, used *
8703 33 85 90 - - - - - - Other 80
8703 33 87 10 -
- - - - - For the transport of 5 persons or less, including the driver,
of a cylinder capacity not exceeding 5,000
cc, used *
8703 33 87 20 -
- - - - - For the transport of 5 persons or less, including the driver,
of a cylinder capacity exceeding 5,000 cc,
used *
8703 33 87 30 -
- - - - - For the transport of more than 5 persons, including the
driver, used *
8703 33 87 90 - - - - - - Other 80
- - - - Other, for the transport of 9 persons, including the driver:
8703 33 89 - - - - - Four wheel drive vehicles, CBU/Other:
8703 33 89 10 - - - - - - Used *
8703 33 89 90 - - - - - - Other 80
8703 33 92 00 -
- - - - New motor cars (including station wagons, sports cars and
racing cars), CBU/Other 80
8703 33 99 00 - - - - - Other, used *
8703 90 - Other:
8703 90 11 - - Ambulances:
8703 90 11 10 - - - Used 15
8703 90 11 90 - - - Other 10
8703 90 12 - - Motor-homes:
8703 90 12 10 - - - Used 150
8703 90 12 90 - - - Other 80
8703 90 13 - - Hearses:
8703 90 13 90 - - - Other 10
8703 90 14 - - Prison vans:
8703 90 14 10 - - - Used 15
8703 90 14 90 - - - Other 10
- Motor cars (including station wagons, sports cars and racing
cars) for the transport of 8 persons or
less, including the driver:
8703 90 21 - - - Electric-powered
8703 90 21 10 - - - Used 150
8703 90 21 90 - - - Other 80
- - - Other:
8703 90 26 - - - - - Of a cylinder capacity less than 1,800 cc:
8703 90 26 10 -
- - - - - For the transport of 5 persons or less, including the driver,
of a cylinder capacity of less than 1,000
cc, used *
8703 90 26 20 -
- - - - - For the transport of 5 persons or less, including the driver,
of a cylinder capacity of 1,000 cc and
above but less than 1,500 cc,
used *
8703 90 26 30 -
- - - - - For the transport of 5 persons or less, including the driver,
of a cylinder capacity of 1,500 cc and
above but less than 1,800 cc,
used *
8703 90 26 40 -
- - - - - For the transport of more than 5 persons, including the
driver, used *
8703 90 26 90 - - - - - - Other 80
8703 90 27 -
- - - - Of a cylinder capacity of 1,800 cc and above but less than
2,000 cc:
8703 90 27 10 -
- - - - - For the transport of 5 persons or less, including the driver,
used *
8703 90 27 20 -
- - - - - For the transport of more than 5 persons, including the
driver, used *
8703 90 28 -
- - - - Of a cylinder capacity of 2,000 cc and above but less than
2,500 cc:
8703 90 28 10 -
- - - - - For the transport of 5 persons or less, including the driver,
of a cylinder capacity exceeding 2,000 cc,
used *
8703 90 28 20 -
- - - - - For the transport of 5 persons or less, including the driver,
of a cylinder capacity exceeding 2,000 cc,
used *
8703 90 28 30 -
- - - - - For the transport of more than 5 persons, including the driver,
of a cylinder capacity of 2,000 cc, used *
8703 90 28 40 -
- - - - - For the transport of more than 5 persons, including the
driver, of a cylinder capacity exceeding
2,000 cc, used *
8703 90 28 90 - - - - - - Other 80
8703 90 31 -
- - - - Of a cylinder capacity of 2,500 cc and above but less than
3,000 cc:
8703 90 31 10 -
- - - - - For the transport of 5 persons or less, including the driver,
used *
8703 90 31 30 -
- - - - - For the transport of more than 5 persons, including the
driver, used *
8703 90 32 - - - - - Of a cylinder capacity of 3,000 cc and above:
8703 90 32 10 -
- - - - - For the transport of 5 persons or less, including the driver,
of a cylinder capacity of 3,000 cc, used *
8703 90 32 20 -
- - - - - For the transport of 5 persons or less, including the driver,
of a cylinder capacity exceeding 3,000 cc
but not exceeding
4,000 cc, used *
8703 90 32 30 -
- - - - - For the transport of 5 persons or less, including the driver,
of a cylinder capacity exceeding 4,000 cc
but not exceeding
5,000 cc, used *
8703 90 32 40 -
- - - - - For the transport of 5 persons or less, including the driver,
of a cylinder capacity exceeding 5,000 cc,
used *
8703 90 32 50 -
- - - - - For the transport of more than 5 persons, including the
driver, of a cylinder capacity of 3,000 cc,
used *
8703 90 32 60 -
- - - - - For the transport of more than 5 persons, including the
driver, of a cylinder capacity exceeding
3,000 cc, but not exceeding
4,000 cc, used *
8703 90 32 70 -
- - - - - For the transport of more than 5 persons, including the
driver, of a cylinder capacity exceeding
4,000 cc, used *
8703 90 32 90 - - - - - - Other 80
- - - Four wheel drive vehicles, CBU/Other:
8703 90 37 - - - - Of a cylinder capacity less than 1,800 cc:
8703 90 37 10 -
- - - - For the transport of 5 persons or less, including the driver,
of a cylinder capacity of less than 1,000
cc, used *
8703 90 37 20 -
- - - - For the transport of 5 persons or less, including the driver,
of a cylinder capacity of 1,000 cc and
above but not exceeding
1,500 cc, used *
8703 90 37 30 -
- - - - For the transport of 5 persons or less, including the driver,
of a cylinder capacity of 1,500 cc and
above but not exceeding
1,800 cc, used *
8703 90 37 40 -
- - - - For the transport of more than 5 persons, including the
driver, used *
8703 90 37 90 - - - - - Other 80
8703 90 38 -
- - - Of a cylinder capacity of 1,800 cc and above but less than
2,000 cc:
8703 90 38 10 -
- - - - For the transport of 5 persons or less, including the driver,
used *
8703 90 38 90 - - - - - Other 80
8703 90 41 -
- - - Of a cylinder capacity of 2,000 cc and above but less than
2,500 cc:
8703 90 41 10 -
- - - - For the transport of 5 persons or less, including the driver,
of a cylinder capacity of 2,000 cc, used *
8703 90 41 20 -
- - - - For the transport of 5 persons or less, including the driver,
of a cylinder capacity exceeding 2,000 cc,
used *
8703 90 41 30 -
- - - - For the transport of more than 5 persons, including the
driver, of a cylinder capacity of 2,000 cc,
used *
8703 90 41 40 -
- - - - For the transport of more than 5 persons, including the
driver, of a cylinder capacity exceeding
2,000 cc, used *
8703 90 41 90 - - - - - Other 80
8703 90 42 - - - - Of a cylinder capacity of 2,500 cc but less than 3,000 cc:
8703 90 42 10 -
- - - - For the transport of 5 persons or less, including the driver,
used *
8703 90 42 90 - - - - - Other 80
8703 90 43 - - - - Of a cylinder capacity of 3,000 cc and above:
8703 90 43 10 -
- - - - For the transport of 5 persons or less, including the driver,
of a cylinder capacity of 3,000 cc, used *
8703 90 43 20 -
- - - - For the transport of 5 persons or less, including the driver,
of a cylinder capacity exceeding 3,000 cc
but not exceeding
4,000 cc, used *
8703 90 43 30 -
- - - - For the transport of 5 persons or less, including the driver,
of a cylinder capacity exceeding 4,000 cc
but not exceeding
5,000 cc, used *
8703 90 43 40 -
- - - - For the transport of 5 persons or less, including the driver,
of a cylinder capacity exceeding 5,000 cc,
used *
8703 90 43 50 -
- - - - For the transport of more than 5 persons, including the
driver, of a cylinder capacity of 3,000 cc,
used *
8703 90 43 60 -
- - - - For the transport of more than 5 persons , including the
driver, of a cylinder capacity exceeding
3,000 cc, but not exceeding
4,000 cc, used *
8703 90 43 70 -
- - - - For the transport of more than 5 persons, including the driver,
of a cylinder capacity exceeding 4,000 cc,
used *
- - - Other:
8703 90 48 - - - - Of a cylinder capacity less than 1,800 cc:
8703 90 48 10 -
- - - - For the transport of 5 persons or less, including the driver,
of a cylinder capacity of less than 1,000
cc, used *
8703 90 48 20 -
- - - - For the transport of 5 persons or less, including the driver,
of a cylinder capacity of 1,000 cc and
above, but not exceeding
1,500 cc, used *
8703 90 48 30 -
- - - - For the transport of 5 persons or less, including the driver,
of a cylinder capacity of 1,500 cc and
above, but not exceeding
1,800 cc, used *
8703 90 48 40 -
- - - - For the transport of more than 5 persons, including the
driver, used *
8703 90 48 90 - - - - - Other 80
8703 90 51 -
- - - Of a cylinder capacity of 1,800 cc and above but less than
2,000 cc:
8703 90 51 10 -
- - - - For the transport of 5 persons or less, including the driver,
used *
8703 90 51 90 - - - - - Other 80
8703 90 52 -
- - - Of a cylinder capacity of 2,000 cc and above but less than
2,500 cc:
8703 90 52 10 -
- - - - For the transport of 5 persons or less, including the driver,
of a cylinder capacity of 2,000 cc, used *
8703 90 52 20 -
- - - - For the transport of 5 persons or less, including the driver,
of a cylinder capacity exceeding 2,000 cc,
used *
8703 90 52 30 -
- - - - For the transport of more than 5 persons, including the
driver, of a cylinder capacity of 2,000 cc,
used *
8703 90 52 40 -
- - - - For the transport of more than 5 persons, including the
driver, of a cylinder capacity exceeding
2,000 cc, used *
8703 90 52 90 - - - - - Other 80
8703 90 53 -
- - - Of a cylinder capacity of 2,500 cc and above but less than
3,000 cc:
8703 90 53 10 -
- - - - For the transport of 5 persons or less, including the driver,
used *
8703 90 53 90 - - - - - Other 80
8703 90 54 - - - - Of a cylinder capacity of 3,000 cc and above:
8703 90 54 10 -
- - - - For the transport of 5 persons or less, including the driver,
of a cylinder capacity of 3,000 cc, used *
8703 90 54 20 -
- - - - For the transport of 5 persons or less, including the driver,
of a cylinder capacity exceeding 3,000 cc
but not exceeding
4,000 cc, used *
8703 90 54 30 -
- - - - For the transport of 5 persons or less, including the driver,
of a cylinder capacity exceeding 4,000 cc
but not exceeding
5,000 cc, used *
8703 90 54 40 -
- - - - For the transport of 5 persons or less, including the driver,
of a cylinder capacity exceeding 5,000 cc,
used *
8703 90 54 50 -
- - - - For the transport of more than 5 persons, including the
driver, of a cylinder capacity of 3,000 cc,
used *
8703 90 54 60 -
- - - - For the transport of more than 5 persons, including the
driver, of a cylinder capacity exceeding
3,000 cc, but not
exceeding 4,000 cc, used *
8703 90 54 70 -
- - - - For the transport of more than 5 persons, including the
driver, of a cylinder capacity exceeding
4,000 cc, used *
- - Other, for the transport of 9 persons:
- - - Motor cars (including station wagons, sports cars and racing cars):
8703 90 61 - - - - Electric-powered
8703 90 61 10 - - - Used 150
8703 90 61 90 - - - Other 80
- - - - Other:
- - - - - CBU/Other:
8703 90 66 - - - - - - Of a cylinder capacity less than 1,800 cc:
8703 90 66 10 - - - - - - - Used *
8703 90 67 -
- - - - - Of a cylinder capacity of 1,800 cc and above but less than
2,000 cc:
8703 90 67 10 - - - - - - - Used *
8703 90 67 90 - - - - - - - Other 80
8703 90 68 -
- - - - - Of a cylinder capacity of 2,000 cc and above but less than
2,500 cc:
8703 90 68 10 - - - - - - - Used, of a cylinder capacity of 2,000 cc *
8703 90 68 20 - - - - - - - Used, of a cylinder capacity exceeding 2,000 cc *
8703 90 68 90 - - - - - - -Other 80
8703 90 71 -
- - - - - Of a cylinder capacity of 2,500 cc and above but less than
3,000 cc:
8703 90 71 10 - - - - - - - Used *
8703 90 72 - - - - - - Of a cylinder capacity of 3,000 cc and above:
8703 90 72 10 - - - - - - - Used, of a cylinder capacity of 3,000 cc *
8703 90 72 20 -
- - - - - - Used, of a cylinder capacity of 3,000 cc and above,
but not exceeding 4,000 cc *
8703 90 72 30 - - - - - - - Of a cylinder capacity exceeding 4,000 cc *
8703 90 72 90 - - - - - - - Other 80
- - - Other four wheel drive vehicles, CBU/Other:
8703 90 77 - - - - Of a cylinder capacity less than 1,800 cc:
8703 90 77 10 - - - - - Used *
8703 90 77 90 - - - - - Other 80
8703 90 78 10 - - - - - Used *
8703 90 78 90 - - - - - Other 80
8703 90 81 -
- - - Of a cylinder capacity of 2,000 cc and above but less than
2,500 cc:
8703 90 81 10 - - - - - Used, of a cylinder capacity of 2,000 cc *
8703 90 81 20 - - - - - Used, of a cylinder capacity exceeding 2,000 cc *
8703 90 81 90 - - - - - Other 80
8703 90 82 -
- - - Of a cylinder capacity of 2,500 cc and above but less than
3,000 cc:
8703 90 82 10 - - - - - Used *
8703 90 82 90 - - - - - Other 80
8703 90 83 10 - - - - - Used, of a cylinder capacity of 3,000 cc, *
8703 90 83 20 -
- - - - Used, of a cylinder capacity exceeding 3,000 cc,
but not exceeding 4,000 cc *
8703 90 83 30 - - - - - Used of a cylinder capacity exceeding 4,000 cc *
8703 90 83 90 - - - - - Other 80
- - - Other:
8703 90 88 - - - - Of a cylinder capacity less than 1,800 cc:
8703 90 88 10 - - - - - Used *
8703 90 88 90 - - - - - Other 80
8703 90 91 -
- - - Of a cylinder capacity of 1,800 cc and above but less than
2,000 cc:
8703 90 91 90 - - - - - Other 80
8703 90 92 -
- - - Of a cylinder capacity of 2,000 cc and above but less than
2,500 cc:
8703 90 92 10 - - - - - Used, of a cylinder capacity of 2,000 cc *
8703 90 92 20 - - - - - Used of a cylinder capacity exceeding 2,000 cc *
8703 90 92 90 - - - - - Other 80
8703 90 93 -
- - - Of a cylinder capacity of 2,500 cc and above but less than
3,000 cc:
8703 90 93 10 - - - - - Used *
8703 90 93 90 - - - - - Other 80
8703 90 94 - - - - Of a cylinder capacity of 3,000 cc and above:
8703 90 94 20 -
- - - - Used, of a cylinder capacity exceeding 3,000 cc, but not
exceeding 4,000 cc *
8703 90 94 30 - - - - - Used, of a cylinder capacity exceeding 4,000 cc *
8703 90 94 90 - - - - - Other 80
8704 Motor vehicles for the transport of goods
8704 10 - Dumpers designed for off‑highway use:
- - Completely Built Up (CBU)/Other:
8704 10 21 - - - g.v.w. exceeding 24 tons:
8704 10 21 10 - - - - g.v.w. not exceeding 45 tons, new 18
8704 10 21 20 - - - - g.v.w. not exceeding 45 tons, used 30
8704 10 22 - - - g.v.w. not exceeding 24 tons:
8704 10 22 10 - - - - g.v.w. not exceeding 5 tons, used 150
8704 10 22 20 - - - - g.v.w. not exceeding 5 tons, new 80
8704 10 22 30 - - - - g.v.w. exceeding 5 tons but not exceeding 10 tons, used 90
8704 10 22 40 - - - - g.v.w. exceeding 5 tons but not exceeding 10 tons, new 60
8704 10 22 50 - - - - g.v.w. exceeding 10 tons but not exceeding 20 tons, used 45
8704 10 22 60 - - - - g.v.w. exceeding 10 tons but not exceeding 20 tons, new 30
8704 10 22 90 - - - - g.v.w. exceeding 20 tons but not exceeding 24 tons 20
Other, with compression‑ignition internal combustion piston
engine (diesel or semi‑diesel):
- - - Completely Built Up (CBU)/Other:
8704 21 21 - - - - Refrigerated vans:
8704 21 21 10 - - - - - Used 30
8704 21 21 90 - - - - - Other 20
8704 21 22 - - - - Refuse collection vehicles having refuse compressing device:
8704 21 22 10 - - - - - Used 22.5
8704 21 22 90 - - - - - Other 15
8704 21 23 - - - - Tanker vehicles:
8704 21 23 10 - - - - - Used 22.5
8704 21 24 - - - - Designed for the transport of concrete or cement in bulk:
8704 21 24 10 - - - - - Used 30
8704 21 24 90 - - - - - Other 20
8704 21 25 - - - - Other vans, pick-up trucks and similar vehicles:
8704 21 25 10 - - - - - Used 150
8704 21 25 90 - - - - - Other 80
8704 21 26 - - - - Ordinary lorries (trucks):
8704 21 26 10 - - - - - Used 150
8704 21 26 90 - - - - - Other 80
8704 21 29 10 - - - - - Used 150
8704 21 29 90 - - - - - Other 80
8704 22 - - g.v.w exceeding 5 tons but not exceeding 20 tons:
- - - Completely Built Up (CBU)/Other:
- - - - g.v.w not exceeding 6 tons:
8704 22 41 - - - - - Refrigerated vans:
8704 22 41 10 - - - - - - Used 30
8704 22 41 90 - - - - - - Other 20
8704 22 42 - - - - - Refuse collection vehicles having refuse compressing device:
8704 22 42 90 - - - - - - Other 15
8704 22 43 - - - - - Tanker vehicles:
8704 22 43 10 - - - - - - Used 22.5
8704 22 43 90 - - - - - - Other 15
8704 22 44 - - - - - Designed for the transport of concrete or cement in bulk:
8704 22 44 10 - - - - - - Used 30
8704 22 44 90 - - - - - - Other 20
8704 22 45 - - - - - Other vans, pick-up trucks and similar vehicles:
8704 22 45 10 - - - - - - Used 90
8704 22 46 - - - - - Ordinary lorries (trucks):
8704 22 46 10 - - - - - - Used 90
8704 22 46 90 - - - - - - Other 60
8704 22 49 - - - - - Other:
8704 22 49 10 - - - - - - Used 90
8704 22 49 90 - - - - - - Other 60
- - - - g.v.w exceeding 6 tons but not exceeding 10 tons:
8704 22 51 - - - - - Refrigerated vans:
8704 22 51 10 - - - - - - Used 30
8704 22 52 - - - - - Refuse collection vehicles having refuse compressing device:
8704 22 52 10 - - - - - - Used 22.5
8704 22 52 90 - - - - - - Other 15
8704 22 53 - - - - - Tanker vehicles:
8704 22 53 10 - - - - - - Used 22.5
8704 22 53 90 - - - - - - Other 15
8704 22 54 - - - - - Designed for the transport of concrete or cement in bulk:
8704 22 54 10 - - - - - - Used 30
8704 22 54 90 - - - - - - Other 20
8704 22 55 10 - - - - - - Used 90
8704 22 55 90 - - - - - - Other 60
8704 22 56 - - - - - Ordinary lorries (trucks):
8704 22 56 10 - - - - - - Used 90
8704 22 56 90 - - - - - - Other 60
8704 22 59 - - - - - Other:
8704 22 59 10 - - - - - - Used 90
8704 22 59 90 - - - - - - Other 60
- - - - g.v.w exceeding 10 tons but not exceeding 20 tons:
8704 22 61 10 - - - - - - Used 30
8704 22 61 90 - - - - - - Other 20
8704 22 62 - - - - - Refuse collection vehicles having refuse compressing device:
8704 22 62 10 - - - - - - Used 22.5
8704 22 62 90 - - - - - - Other 15
8704 22 63 - - - - - Tanker vehicles:
8704 22 63 10 - - - - - - Used 22.5
8704 22 63 90 - - - - - - Other 15
8704 22 64 - - - - - Designed for the transport of concrete or cement in bulk:
8704 22 64 90 - - - - - - Other 20
8704 22 65 - - - - - Other vans, pick-up trucks and similar vehicles:
8704 22 65 10 - - - - - - Used 45
8704 22 65 90 - - - - - - Other 30
8704 22 66 - - - - - Ordinary lorries (trucks):
8704 22 66 10 - - - - - - Used 45
8704 22 66 90 - - - - - - Other 30
8704 22 69 - - - - - Other:
8704 22 69 10 - - - - - - Used 45
8704 23 - - g.v.w exceeding 20 tons:
- - - Completely Built Up (CBU)/Other:
- - - - g.v.w not exceeding 24 tons:
8704 23 31 00 - - - - - Refrigerated vans 15
8704 23 32 00 - - - - - Refuse collection vehicles having refuse compressing device 10
8704 23 33 00 - - - - - Tanker vehicles 15
8704 23 34 00 - - - - - Designed for the transport of concrete or cement in bulk 15
8704 23 35 00 - - - - - Other vans, pick-up trucks and similar vehicles 20
8704 23 36 00 - - - - - Ordinary lorries (trucks) 20
- - - - g.v.w exceeding 24 tons:
8704 23 41 - - - - - Refrigerated vans:
8704 23 41 10 - - - - - - g.v.w. exceeding 45 tons 0
8704 23 41 90 - - - - - - Other 15
8704 23 42 - - - - - Refuse collection vehicles having refuse compressing device:
8704 23 42 10 - - - - - - g.v.w. exceeding 45 tons 0
8704 23 42 90 - - - - - - Other 10
8704 23 43 - - - - - Tanker vehicles:
8704 23 43 10 - - - - - - g.v.w. exceeding 45 tons 0
8704 23 44 - - - - - Designed for the transport of concrete or cement in bulk:
8704 23 44 10 - - - - - - g.v.w. exceeding 45 tons 0
8704 23 44 90 - - - - - - Other 15
8704 23 45 - - - - - Other vans, pick-up trucks and similar vehicles:
8704 23 45 10 - - - - - - g.v.w. exceeding 45 tons 0
8704 23 45 90 - - - - - - Other 20
8704 23 46 - - - - - Ordinary lorries (trucks):
8704 23 46 10 - - - - - - g.v.w. exceeding 45 tons 0
8704 23 46 90 - - - - - - Other 20
8704 23 49 10 - - - - - - g.v.w. exceeding 45 tons 0
8704 23 49 90 - - - - - - Other 20
- Other, with spark‑ignition internal combustion piston engine:
8704 31 - - g.w.w not exceeding 5 tons:
- - - Completely Built Up (CBU)/Other:
8704 31 21 - - - - Refrigerated vans:
8704 31 21 10 - - - - - Used 30
8704 31 21 90 - - - - - Other 20
8704 31 22 - - - - Refuse collection vehicles having refuse compressing device:
8704 31 22 90 - - - - - Other 15
8704 31 23 - - - - Tanker vehicles:
8704 31 23 10 - - - - - Used 22.5
8704 31 23 90 - - - - - Other 15
8704 31 24 - - - - Designed for the transport of concrete or cement in bulk:
8704 31 24 10 - - - - - Used 30
8704 31 24 90 - - - - - Other 20
8704 31 25 - - - - Other vans, pick-up trucks and similar vehicles:
8704 31 25 10 - - - - - Used 150
8704 31 26 - - - - Ordinary lorries (trucks):
8704 31 26 10 - - - - - Used 150
8704 31 26 90 - - - - - Other 80
8704 31 27 -
- - - Three-wheeled light trucks of a cylinder capacity not
exceeding 356 cc and a payload capacity not
exceeding 350 kg:
8704 31 27 10 - - - - - Used 150
8704 31 27 90 - - - - - Other 80
8704 31 29 - - - - Other:
8704 31 29 10 - - - - - Used 150
8704 31 29 90 - - - - - Other 80
- - - Completely Built-up (CBU)/Other:
- - - - g.v.w not exceeding 6 tons :
8704 32 54 - - - - - Refrigerated vans:
8704 32 54 10 - - - - - - Used 30
8704 32 54 90 - - - - - - Other 20
8704 32 55 - - - - - Refuse collection vehicles having refuse compressing device:
8704 32 55 10 - - - - - - Used 22.5
8704 32 55 90 - - - - - - Other 15
8704 32 56 - - - - - Tanker vehicles:
8704 32 56 90 - - - - - - Other 15
8704 32 57 - - - - - Designed for the transport of concrete or cement in bulk:
8704 32 57 10 - - - - - - Used 30
8704 32 57 90 - - - - - - Other 20
8704 32 58 - - - - - Other vans, pick-up trucks and similar vehicles:
8704 32 58 10 - - - - - - Used 90
8704 32 58 90 - - - - - - Other 60
8704 32 61 - - - - - Ordinary lorries (trucks):
8704 32 61 10 - - - - - - Used 90
8704 32 62 - - - - - Other:
8704 32 62 10 - - - - - - Used 90
8704 32 62 90 - - - - - - Other 60
- - - - g.v.w exceeding 6 tons but not exceeding 10 tons:
8704 32 63 - - - - - Refrigerated vans:
8704 32 63 10 - - - - - - Used 30
8704 32 63 90 - - - - - - Other 20
8704 32 64 - - - - - Refuse collection vehicles having refuse compressing device:
8704 32 64 10 - - - - - - Used 22.5
8704 32 65 - - - - - Tanker vehicles:
8704 32 65 10 - - - - - - Used 22.5
8704 32 65 90 - - - - - - Other 15
8704 32 66 - - - - - Designed for the transport of concrete or cement in bulk:
8704 32 66 10 - - - - - - Used 30
8704 32 66 90 - - - - - - Other 20
8704 32 67 - - - - - Other vans, pick-up trucks and similar vehicles:
8704 32 67 10 - - - - - - Used 90
8704 32 67 90 - - - - - - Other 60
8704 32 68 10 - - - - - - Used 90
8704 32 68 90 - - - - - - Other 60
8704 32 69 - - - - - Other:
8704 32 69 10 - - - - - - Used 90
8704 32 69 90 - - - - - - Other 60
- - - - g.v.w exceeding 10 tons but not exceeding 20 tons:
8704 32 71 - - - - - Refrigerated vans:
8704 32 71 10 - - - - - - Used 22.5
8704 32 71 90 - - - - - - Other 15
8704 32 72 10 - - - - - - Used 22.5
8704 32 72 90 - - - - - - Other 15
8704 32 73 - - - - - Tanker vehicles:
8704 32 73 10 - - - - - - Used 22.5
8704 32 73 90 - - - - - - Other 15
8704 32 74 - - - - - Designed for the transport of concrete or cement in bulk:
8704 32 74 10 - - - - - - Used 22.5
8704 32 74 90 - - - - - - Other 15
8704 32 75 - - - - - Other vans, pick-up trucks and similar vehicles:
8704 32 75 90 - - - - - - Other 30
8704 32 76 - - - - - Ordinary lorries (trucks):
8704 32 76 10 - - - - - - Used 45
8704 32 76 90 - - - - - - Other 30
8704 32 77 - - - - - Other:
8704 32 77 10 - - - - - - Used 45
8704 32 77 90 - - - - - - Other 30
- - - - g.v.w exceeding 20 but not exceeding 24 tons:
8704 32 78 00 - - - - - Refrigerated vans 15
8704 32 82 00 - - - - - Tanker vehicles 15
8704 32 83 00 - - - - - Designed for the transport of concrete or cement in bulk 15
8704 32 84 00 - - - - - Other vans, pick-up trucks and similar vehicles 20
8704 32 85 00 - - - - - Ordinary lorries (trucks) 20
8704 32 86 00 - - - - - Other 20
- - - - g.v.w exceeding 24 tons:
8704 32 87 - - - - - Refrigerated vans:
8704 32 87 10 - - - - - - g.v.w. exceeding 45 tons 0
8704 32 87 90 - - - - - - Other 15
8704 32 88 10 - - - - - - g.v.w. exceeding 45 tons 0
8704 32 88 90 - - - - - - Other 10
8704 32 91 - - - - - Tanker vehicles:
8704 32 91 10 - - - - - - g.v.w. exceeding 45 tons 0
8704 32 91 90 - - - - - - Other 15
8704 32 92 - - - - - Designed for the transport of concrete or cement in bulk:
8704 32 92 10 - - - - - - g.v.w. exceeding 45 tons 0
8704 32 92 90 - - - - - - Other 15
8704 32 93 - - - - - Other vans, pick-up trucks and similar vehicles:
8704 32 93 90 - - - - - - Other 20
8704 32 94 - - - - - Ordinary lorries (trucks):
8704 32 94 10 - - - - - - g.v.w. exceeding 45 tons 0
8704 32 94 90 - - - - - - Other 20
8704 32 95 - - - - - Other:
8704 32 95 10 - - - - - - g.v.w. exceeding 45 tons 0
8704 32 95 90 - - - - - - Other 20
8704 90 - Other:
- - Completely Built-up (CBU)/Other:
8704 90 41 - - - - Vans, pick-up trucks and similar vehicles:
8704 90 41 10 - - - - - Used 150
8704 90 41 90 - - - - - Other 80
8704 90 42 - - - - Ordinary lorries (trucks):
8704 90 42 10 - - - - - Used 150
8704 90 42 90 - - - - - Other 80
8704 90 49 - - - - Other:
8704 90 49 10 - - - - - Used 150
8704 90 49 90 - - - - - Other 80
8704 90 51 - - - - Vans, pick-up trucks and similar vehicles:
8704 90 51 10 - - - - - Used 90
8704 90 51 90 - - - - - Other 60
8704 90 52 - - - - Ordinary lorries (trucks):
8704 90 52 10 - - - - - Used 90
8704 90 52 90 - - - - - Other 60
8704 90 59 - - - - Other:
8704 90 59 10 - - - - - Used 90
8704 90 59 90 - - - - - Other 60
8704 90 61 - - - - Vans, pick-up trucks and similar vehicles:
8704 90 61 10 - - - - - Used 0
8704 90 61 90 - - - - - Other 20
8704 90 62 - - - - Ordinary lorries (trucks):
8704 90 62 10 - - - - - Used 0
8704 90 62 90 - - - - - Other 20
8704 90 69 - - - - Other:
8704 90 69 10 - - - - - Used 0
8704 90 69 90 - - - - - Other 20
- For vehicles of heading 87.01:
8706 00 11 00 -
- For vehicles of subheadings 8701.10 and 8701.90 (agricultural
tractors only) 10
8706 00 19 00 - - Other 10
- For vehicles of heading 87.02:
8706 00 21 00 - - For vehicles of subheading 8702.10 35
8706 00 22 00 - - For vehicles of subheading 8702.90 35
- For vehicles of heading 87.03:
8706 00 31 00 - - For ambulances 45
8706 00 39 00 - - Other 45
8706 00 41 00 - - For vehicles of subheading 8704.10 35
8706 00 49 00 - - Other 35
8706 00 50 00 - For vehicles of heading 87.05 10
8707 Bodies
(including cabs), for motor vehicles of headings
87.01 to 87.05
8707 10 - For vehicles of heading 87.03:
8707 10 10 00 - - For ambulances 45
8707 10 90 00 - - Other 45
8707 90 - Other:
- - For vehicles of heading 87.01:
8707 90 19 00 - - - Other 10
- - For vehicles of heading 87.04:
8707 90 21 00 - - - For vehicles of subheading 8704.10 35
8707 90 29 00 - - - Other 35
8707 90 30 00 - - For vehicles of heading 87.05 10
8707 90 90 00 - - Other 35
8708 Parts and accessories of motor vehicles of headings 87.01 to 87.05
8708 10 - Bumpers and parts thereof:
8708 10 10 00 - - For vehicles of heading 87.01 30
8703 10 20 10 - - - For cargo trucks of a gross vehicle weight exceeding 20 tons 3
8703 10 20 90 - - - Other 20
8708 10 30 00 - - For ambulances 20
8708 10 40 00 -
- For vehicles of subheadings 8703.21 to 8703.23, 8703.31 or
8703.32 (except ambulances) 20
8708 10 50 00 -
- For vehicles of subheading 8703.24 or 8703.33 (except
ambulances) 20
8708 10 60 - - For vehicles of subheading 8704.10 or heading 87.05:
8703 10 60 10 - - - For cargo trucks of a gross vehicle weight exceeding 20 tons 3
8703 10 60 90 - - - Other 20
8708 10 90 00 - - Other 20
8708 21 - - Safety seat belts:
8708 21 10 00 - - - For vehicles of heading 87.01 30
8708 21 20 00 -
- - For vehicles of headings 87.02 and 87.04 (except subheading
8704.10) 5
8708 21 30 00 - - - For ambulances 5
8708 21 40 00 -
- - For vehicles of subheadings 8703.21 to 8703.23, 8703.31 or
8703.32 (except ambulances) 5
8708 21 50 00 -
- - For vehicles of subheading 8703.24 or 8703.33 (except
ambulances) 5
8708 21 60 00 - - - For vehicles of subheading 8704.10 or heading 87.05 5
8708 21 90 00 - - - Other 5
8708 29 - - Other:
8708 29 11 00 -
- - - For vehicles of subheading 8701.10 or 8701.90 (agricultural
tractors only) 30
8708 29 12 00 -
- - - For vehicles of heading 87.01 (except subheading 8701.10
or 8701.90) (agricultural tractors) 30
8708 29 13 00 -
- - - For vehicles of headings 87.02 and 87.04 (except subheading
8704.10) 20
8708 29 14 00 - - - - For ambulances 20
8708 29 15 00 -
- - - For vehicles of subheadings 8703.21 to 8703.23, 8703.31 or
8703.32 (except ambulances) 20
8708 29 16 00 -
- - - For vehicles of subheading 8703.24 or 8703.33 (except
ambulances) 20
8708 29 17 00 - - - - For vehicles of subheading 8704.10 or heading 87.05 20
8708 29 19 00 - - - - Other 20
- - - Other:
8708 29 92 00 - - - - For vehicles of heading 87.01 (except subheading 8701.10 or 8701.90) (agricultural tractors) 30
8708 29 93 -
- - - For vehicles of headings 87.02 and 87.04 (except subheading
8708 29 93 10 - - - - - For under 16-seat cars 20
8708 29 93 20 - - - - - Hubs of cargo trucks 20
8708 29 93 30 -
- - - - Other, for cargo trucks of a gross vehicle weight exceeding
20 tons 3
8708 29 93 90 - - - - - Other 10
8708 29 94 00 - - - - For ambulances 20
8708 29 95 00 -
- - - For vehicles of subheadings 8703.21 to 8703.23, 8703.31 or
8703.32 (except ambulances) 20
8708 29 96 00 -
- - - For vehicles of subheading 8703.24 or 8703.33 (except
ambulances) 20
8708 29 97 10 - - - - - For under 16-seat cars 20
8708 29 97 20 - - - - - Hubs of cargo trucks 20
8708 29 97 30 -
- - - - Other, for cargo trucks of a gross vehicle weight exceeding
20 tons 3
8708 29 97 90 - - - - - Other 10
8708 29 98 00 - - - - Parts of safety belts 0
8708 29 99 00 - - - - Other 20
‑ Brakes and servo‑brakes and parts thereof:
8708 31 - - Mounted brake linings:
8708 31 10 00 -
- - For vehicles of subheading 8701.10 or 8701.90 (agricultural
tractors only) 30
8708 31 30 -
- - For vehicles of headings 87.02 and 87.04 (except subheading
8708 31 30 10 - - - - For cargo trucks of a gross vehicle weight exceeding 20 tons 3
8708 31 30 90 - - - - Other 10
8708 31 40 00 - - - For ambulances 10
8708 31 50 00 -
- - For vehicles of subheadings 8703.21 to 8703.23, 8703.31 or
8703.32 (except ambulances) 10
8708 31 60 00 -
- - For vehicles of subheading 8703.24 or 8703.33 (except
ambulances) 10
8708 31 70 - - - For vehicles of subheading 8704.10 or heading 87.05:
8708 31 70 10 - - - - For cargo trucks of a gross vehicle weight exceeding 20 tons 3
8708 31 70 90 - - - - Other 10
8708 39 - - Other:
8708 39 10 00 -
- - For vehicles of subheading 8701.10 or 8701.90 (agricultural
tractors only) 30
8708 39 20 00 -
- - For vehicles of heading 87.01 (except subheading 8701.10 or
8701.90) (agricultural tractors) 30
8708 39 30 -
- - For vehicles of subheadings 87.02 and 87.04 (except subheading
8708 39 30 10 - - - - For cargo trucks of a gross vehicle weight exceeding 20 tons 3
8708 39 30 90 - - - - Other 10
8708 39 40 00 - - - For ambulances 10
8708 39 50 00 -
- - For vehicles of subheadings 8703.21 to 8703.23, 8703.31 or
8703.32 (except ambulances) 10
8708 39 60 00 -
- - For vehicles of subheading 8703.24 or 8703.33 (except
ambulances) 10
8708 39 70 10 - - - - For cargo trucks of a gross vehicle weight exceeding 20 tons 3
8708 39 70 90 - - - - Other 10
8708 39 90 00 - - - Other 10
8708 40 - Gear boxes:
- - Not fully assembled:
8708 40 11 00 -
- - For vehicles of subheading 8701.10 or 8701.90 (agricultural
tractors only) 30
8708 40 12 00 -
- - For vehicles of heading 87.01 (except subheading 8701.10 or
8701.90) (agricultural tractors) 30
8708 40 13 -
- - For vehicles of headings 87.02 and 87.04 (except subheading
8708 40 13 10 - - - - For cargo trucks of a gross vehicle weight exceeding 20 tons 3
8708 40 14 00 - - - For ambulances 10
8708 40 15 00 -
- - For vehicles of subheadings 8703.21 to 8703.23, 8703.31 or
8703.32 (except ambulances) 10
8708 40 16 00 -
- - For vehicles of subheading 8703.24 or 8703.33 (except
ambulances) 10
8708 40 17 - - - For vehicles of subheading 8704.10 or heading 87.05:
8708 40 17 10 - - - - For cargo trucks of a gross vehicle weight exceeding 20 tons 3
8708 40 17 90 - - - - Other 10
8708 40 19 00 - - - Other 10
- - Fully assembled:
8708 40 21 00 -
- - For vehicles of subheading 8701.10 or 8701.90 (agricultural
tractors only) 30
8708 40 23 -
- - For vehicles of headings 87.02 and 87.04 (except subheading
8708 40 23 10 - - - - For cargo trucks of a gross vehicle weight exceeding 20 tons 3
8708 40 23 90 - - - - Other 20
8708 40 24 00 - - - For ambulances 20
8708 40 25 00 -
- - For vehicles of subheadings 8703.21 to 8703.23, 8703.31 or
8703.32 (except ambulances) 20
8708 40 26 00 -
- - For vehicles of subheading 8703.24 or 8703.33 (except
ambulances) 20
8708 40 27 - - - For vehicles of subheading 8704.10 or 87.05:
8708 40 27 10 - - - - For cargo trucks of a gross vehicle weight exceeding 20 tons 3
8708 40 27 90 - - - - Other 20
8708 50 -
Drive‑axles with differential, whether or not provided with other
transmission components:
- - Not fully assembled:
8708 50 11 00 -
- - For vehicles of subheading 8701.10 or 8701.90 (agricultural
tractors only) 30
8708 50 12 00 -
- - For vehicles of heading 87.01 (except subheading 8701.10 or
8701.90) (agricultural tractors) 30
8708 50 13 -
- - For vehicles of headings 87.02 and 87.04 (except subheading
8708 50 13 10 -
- - - For cars of 16 seats or more and cargo trucks of a gross
vehicle weight not exceeding 5 tons 10
8708 50 13 20 -
- - - For cargo trucks of a gross vehicle weight exceeding 5 tons
but not exceeding 20 tons 5
8708 50 13 30 - - - - For cargo trucks of a gross vehicle weight exceeding 20 tons 3
8708 50 13 90 - - - - Other 15
8708 50 15 00 -
- - For vehicles of subheadings 8703.21 to 8703.23, 8703.31 or
8703.32 (except ambulances) 15
8708 50 16 00 -
- - For vehicles of subheading 8703.24 or 8703.33 (except
ambulances) 15
8708 50 17 - - - For vehicles of subheading 8704.10 or heading 87.05:
8708 50 17 10 -
- - - For cargo trucks of a gross vehicle weight exceeding 5 tons
but not exceeding 20 tons 5
8708 50 17 20 - - - - For cargo trucks of a gross vehicle weight exceeding 20 tons 3
8708 50 17 90 - - - - Other 10
8708 50 19 00 - - - Other 15
- - Fully assembled:
8708 50 21 00 -
- - For vehicles of subheading 8701.10 or 8701.90 (agricultural
tractors only) 30
8708 50 23 -
- - For vehicles of headings 87.02 and 87.04 (except subheading
8708 50 23 10 -
- - - For cars of 16 seats or more and cargo trucks of a gross
vehicle weight not exceeding 5 tons 15
8708 50 23 20 -
- - - For cargo trucks of a gross vehicle weight exceeding 5 tons
but not exceeding 20 tons 5
8708 50 23 30 - - - - For cargo trucks of a gross vehicle weight exceeding 20 tons 3
8708 50 23 90 - - - - Other 20
8708 50 24 00 - - - For ambulances 20
8708 50 25 00 -
- - For vehicles of subheadings 8703.21 to 8703.23, 8703.31 or
8703.32 (except ambulances) 20
8708 50 26 00 -
- - For vehicles of subheading 8703.24 or 8703.33 (except
ambulances) 20
8708 50 27 - - - For vehicles of subheading 8704.10 or heading 87.05:
8708 50 27 20 - - - - For cargo trucks of a gross vehicle weight exceeding 20 tons 3
8708 50 27 90 - - - - Other 15
8708 50 29 00 - - - Other 20
8708 60 - Non‑driving axles and parts thereof:
- - Not fully assembled:
8708 60 11 00 -
- - For vehicles of subheading 8701.10 or 8701.90 (agricultural
tractors only) 30
8708 60 12 00 -
- - For vehicles of heading 87.01 (except subheading 8701.10 or
8701.90) (agricultural tractors) 30
8708 60 13 -
- - For vehicles of headings 87.02 and 87.04 (except subheading
8708 60 13 10 -
- - - For cars of 16 seats or more and cargo trucks of a gross
vehicle weight not exceeding 5 tons 10
8708 60 13 30 - - - - For cargo trucks of a gross vehicle weight exceeding 20 tons 3
8708 60 13 90 - - - - Other 15
8708 60 14 00 - - - For ambulances 15
8708 60 15 00 -
- - For vehicles of subheadings 8703.21 to 8703.23, 8703.31 or
8703.32 (except ambulances) 15
8708 60 16 00 -
- - For vehicles of subheading 8703.24 or 8703.33 (except
ambulances) 15
8708 60 17 - - - For vehicles of subheading 8704.10 or heading 87.05:
8708 60 17 10 -
- - - For cargo trucks of a gross vehicle weight exceeding 5 tons
but not exceeding 20 tons 5
8708 60 17 20 - - - - For cargo trucks of a gross vehicle weight exceeding 20 tons 3
8708 60 17 90 - - - - Other 10
- - Fully assembled:
8708 60 21 00 -
- - For vehicles of subheading 8701.10 or 8701.90 (agricultural
tractors only) 30
8708 60 22 00 -
- - For vehicles of heading 87.01 (except subheading 8701.10 or
8701.90) (agricultural tractors) 30
8708 60 23 -
- - For vehicles of headings 87.02 and 87.04 (except subheading
8708 60 23 10 -
- - - For cars of 16 seats or more and cargo trucks of a gross
vehicle weight not exceeding 5 tons 15
8708 60 23 20 -
- - - For cargo trucks of a gross vehicle weight exceeding 5 tons
but not exceeding 20 tons 5
8708 60 23 30 - - - - For cargo trucks of a gross vehicle weight exceeding 20 tons 3
8708 60 23 90 - - - - Other 20
8708 60 24 00 - - - For ambulances 20
8708 60 26 00 -
- - For vehicles of subheading 8703.24 or 8703.33 (except
ambulances) 20
8708 60 27 - - - For vehicles of subheading 8704.10 or heading 87.05:
8708 60 27 10 -
- - - For cargo trucks of a gross vehicle weight exceeding 5 tons
but not exceeding 20 tons 5
8708 60 27 20 - - - - For cargo trucks of a gross vehicle weight exceeding 20 tons 3
8708 60 27 90 - - - - Other 15
8708 60 29 00 - - - Other 20
8708 70 - Road wheels and parts and accessories thereof:
- - Wheel centre discs, center caps whether or not incorporating logos:
8708 70 11 00 -
- - For vehicles of subheading 8701.10 or 8701.90 (agricultural
tractors only) 30
8708 70 13 -
- - For vehicles of headings 87.02 and 87.04 (except subheading
8708 70 13 10 - - - - For cargo trucks of a gross vehicle weight exceeding 20 tons 3
8708 70 13 90 - - - - Other 25
8708 70 14 00 - - - For ambulances 25
8708 70 15 00 -
- - For vehicles of subheadings 8703.21 to 8703.23, 8703.31 or
8703.32 (except ambulances) 30
8708 70 16 00 -
- - For vehicles of subheading 8703.24 or 8703.33 (except
ambulances) 25
8708 70 17 - - - For vehicles of subheading 8704.10 or heading 87.05:
8708 70 17 10 - - - - For cargo trucks of a gross vehicle weight exceeding 20 tons 3
8708 70 17 90 - - - - Other 25
- - Other:
8708 70 91 00 -
- - For vehicles of subheading 8701.10 or 8701.90 (agricultural
tractors only) 25
8708 70 92 00 -
- - For vehicles of heading 87.01 (except subheading 8701.10 or
8701.90) (agricultural tractors) 25
8708 70 93 -
- - For vehicles of headings 87.02 and 87.04 (except subheading
8708 70 93 10 - - - - For cargo trucks of a gross vehicle weight exceeding 20 tons 3
8708 70 93 90 - - - - Other 10
8708 70 94 00 - - - For ambulance 10
8708 70 95 00 -
- - For vehicles of subheadings 8703.21 to 8703.23, 8703.31 or
8703.32 (except ambulances) 10
8708 70 96 00 -
- - For vehicles of subheading 8703.24 or 8703.33 (except
ambulances) 10
8708 70 97 10 - - - - For cargo trucks of a gross vehicle weight exceeding 20 tons 3
8708 70 97 90 - - - - Other 10
8708 70 99 00 - - - Other 10
8708 80 - Suspension shock‑absorbers:
8708 80 10 00 -
- For vehicles of subheading 8701.10 or 8701.90 (agricultural
tractors only) 30
8708 80 20 00 -
- For vehicles of heading 87.01 (except subheading 8701.10 or
8701.90) (agricultural tractors) 30
8708 80 30 -
- For vehicles of headings 87.02 and 87.04 (except subheading
8708 80 30 10 -
- - - For cargo trucks of a gross vehicle weight exceeding 5 tons
but not exceeding 20 tons 5
8708 80 30 20 - - - - For cargo trucks of a gross vehicle weight exceeding 20 tons 3
8708 80 40 00 - - For ambulances 10
8708 80 50 00 -
- For vehicles of subheadings 8703.21 to 8703.23, 8703.31 or
8703.32 (except ambulances) 10
8708 80 60 00 -
- For vehicles of subheading 8703.24 or 8703.33 (except
ambulances) 10
8708 80 70 - - For vehicles of subheading 8704.10 or heading 87.05:
8708 80 70 10 -
- - - For cargo trucks of a gross vehicle weight exceeding 5 tons
but not exceeding 20 tons 5
8708 80 70 20 - - - - For cargo trucks of a gross vehicle weight exceeding 20 tons 3
8708 80 70 90 - - - - Other 10
8708 80 90 00 - - Other 10
‑ Other parts and accessories:
8708 91 10 00 -
- - For vehicles of subheading 8701.10 or 8701.90 (agricultural
tractors only) 30
8708 91 20 00 -
- - For vehicles of heading 87.01 (except subheading 8701.10 or
8701.90) (agricultural tractors) 30
8708 91 30 -
- - For vehicles of headings 87.02 and 87.04 (except subheading
8708 91 30 10 -
- - - For cargo trucks of a gross vehicle weight exceeding 5 tons
but not exceeding 20 tons 5
8708 91 30 20 - - - - For cargo trucks of a gross vehicle weight exceeding 20 tons 3
8708 91 30 90 - - - - Other 10
8708 91 40 00 - - - For ambulances 10
8708 91 50 00 -
- - For vehicles of subheadings 8703.21 to 8703.23, 8703.31 or
8703.32 (except ambulances) 10
8708 91 60 00 -
- - For vehicles of subheading 8703.24 or 8703.33 (except
ambulances) 10
8708 91 70 10 -
- - - For cargo trucks of a gross vehicle weight exceeding 5 tons
but not exceeding 20 tons 5
8708 91 70 20 - - - - For cargo trucks of a gross vehicle weight exceeding 20 tons 3
8708 91 70 90 - - - - Other 10
8708 91 90 00 - - - Other 10
8708 92 - - Silencers and exhaust pipes:
- - - Straight-through silencers:
8708 92 11 00 -
- - - For vehicles of subheading 8701.10 or 8701.90 (agricultural
tractors only) 30
8708 92 12 00 -
- - - For vehicles of heading 87.01 (except subheading 8701.10 or
8701.90) (agricultural tractors) 30
8708 92 13 -
- - - For vehicles of headings 87.02 and 87.04 (except subheading
8708 92 13 90 - - - - Other 20
8708 92 14 00 - - - - For ambulances 20
8708 92 15 00 -
- - - For vehicles of subheadings 8703.21 to 8703.23, 8703.31 or
8703.32 (except ambulances) 20
8708 92 16 00 -
- - - For vehicles of subheading 8703.24 or 8703.33 (except
ambulances) 20
8708 92 17 - - - - For vehicles of subheading 8704.10 or heading 87.05:
8708 92 17 10 - - - - For cargo trucks of a gross vehicle weight exceeding 20 tons 3
8708 92 17 90 - - - - Other 20
8708 92 19 00 - - - - Other 20
- - - Other:
8708 92 92 00 -
- - - For vehicles of heading 87.01 (except subheading 8701.10 or
8701.90) (agricultural tractors) 30
8708 92 93 -
- - - For vehicles of headings 87.02 and 87.04 (except subheading
8708 92 93 10 - - - - For cargo trucks of a gross vehicle weight exceeding 20 tons 3
8708 92 93 90 - - - - Other 20
8708 92 94 00 - - - - For ambulances 20
8708 92 95 00 -
- - - For vehicles of subheadings 8703.21 to 8703.23, 8703.31 or
8703.32 (except ambulances) 20
8708 92 96 00 -
- - - For vehicles of subheading 8703.24 or 8703.33 (except
ambulances) 20
8708 92 97 - - - - - For vehicles of subheading 8704.10 or 87.05:
8708 92 97 10 - - - - - For cargo trucks of a gross vehicle weight exceeding 20 tons 3
8708 92 99 00 - - - - Other 20
8708 93 - - Clutches and parts thereof:
8708 93 10 00 -
- - For vehicles of subheading 8701.10 or 8701.90 (agricultural
tractors only) 30
8708 93 20 00 -
- - For vehicles of heading 87.01 (except subheading 8701.10 or
8701.90) (agricultural tractors) 30
8708 93 30 -
- - For vehicles of headings 87.02 and 87.04 (except subheading
8708 93 30 10 - - - - For cars of 16 seats or more 15
8708 93 30 20 - - - - For cargo trucks of a gross vehicle weight not exceeding 5 tons 10
8708 93 30 30 -
- - - For cargo trucks of a gross vehicle weight exceeding 5 tons
but not exceeding 20 tons 5
8708 93 30 40 - - - - For cargo trucks of a gross vehicle weight exceeding 20 tons 3
8708 93 40 00 - - - For ambulances 20
8708 93 50 00 -
- - For vehicles of subheadings 8703.21 to 8703.23, 8703.31 or
8703.32 (except ambulances) 20
8708 93 60 00 -
- - For vehicles of subheading 8703.24 or 8703.33 (except
ambulances) 20
8708 93 70 - - - For vehicles of subheading 8704.10 or heading 87.05:
8708 93 70 10 - - - - For cargo trucks of a gross vehicle weight not exceeding 5 tons 10
8708 93 70 20 -
- - - For cargo trucks of a gross vehicle weight exceeding 5 tons
but not exceeding 20 tons 5
8708 93 70 30 - - - - For cargo trucks of a gross vehicle weight exceeding 20 tons 3
8708 93 70 90 - - - - Other 20
8708 94 - - Steering wheels, steering columns and steering boxes:
8708 94 11 00 -
- - - For vehicles of subheading 8701.10 or 8701.90 (agricultural
tractors only) 30
8708 94 12 00 -
- - - For vehicles of heading 87.01 (except subheading 8701.10 or
8701.90 (agricultural tractors) 30
8708 94 19 - - - - Other:
8708 94 19 10 -
- - - - For cargo trucks of a gross vehicle weight exceeding 5 tons
but not exceeding 20 tons 5
8708 94 19 20 - - - - - For cargo trucks of a gross vehicle weight exceeding 20 tons 3
8708 93 19 90 - - - - - Other 20
- - - Steering columns and steering boxes:
8708 94 21 00 -
- - - For vehicles of subheading 8701.10 or 8701.90 (agricultural
tractor only) 30
8708 94 22 00 -
- - - For vehicles of heading 87.01 (except subheading 8701.10 or
8701.90 (agricultural tractors) 30
8708 94 29 10 -
- - - - For cargo trucks of a gross vehicle weight exceeding 5 tons
but not exceeding 20 tons 5
8708 94 29 20 - - - - - For cargo trucks of a gross vehicle weight exceeding 20 tons 3
8708 93 29 90 - - - - - Other 20
8708 99 - - Other:
- - Unassembled fuel tanks; engine brackets; parts and accessories
of radiators; aluminium radiator core, single
8708 99 11 00 - - - - For vehicles of heading 87.01 30
8708 99 19 - - - - Other:
8708 99 19 10 - - - - - For cargo trucks of a gross vehicle weight exceeding 20 tons 3
8708 99 19 90 - - - - - Other 5
8708 99 21 00 - - - - Crown wheels and pinions 30
8708 99 29 00 - - - - Other 30
- - Other parts and accessories for vehicles of subheading 8701.20
or 8701.30:
8708 99 31 00 - - - - Crown wheels and pinions 5
8708 99 39 00 - - - - Other 5
8708 99 40 00 -
- - Other parts and accessories for vehicles of subheading 8701.90
(except agricultural tractors) 5
- - - Other:
8708 99 91 - - - - Crown wheels and pinions:
8708 99 91 10 - - - - - For cargo trucks of a gross vehicle weight exceeding 20 tons 3
8708 99 92 - - - - Automotive liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) cylinders:
8708 99 92 10 - - - - - For cargo trucks of a gross vehicle weight exceeding 20 tons 3
8708 99 92 90 - - - - - Other 5
8708 99 93 - - - - Parts of suspension shock-absorbers:
8708 99 93 10 - - - - - For cargo trucks of a gross vehicle weight exceeding 20 tons 3
8708 99 93 90 - - - - - Other 5
8708 99 99 - - - - Other:
8708 99 99 10 - - - - - Springs 20
8708 99 99 20 - - - - - Chassis not fitted with engines 30
8714 Parts and accessories of vehicles of headings 87.11 to 87.13
‑ Of motorcycles (including mopeds):
8714 11 - - Saddles:
8714 11 10 00 - - - For motorcycles of subheading 8711.10, 8711.20 or 8711.90 45
8714 11 20 00 - - - For motorcycles of subheading 8711.30, 8711.40 or 8711.50 45
8714 19 - - Other:
8714 19 10 00 - - - Carburettor assembly 45
8714 19 20 00 - - - Clutch assembly 45
8714 19 30 00 - - - Gear assembly 45
8714 19 50 00 - - - Spokes or nipples 45
8714 19 60 00 -
- - Other, for motorcycles of subheading 8711.10, 8711.20 or
8711.90 45
8714 19 70 00 -
- - Other, for motorcycles of subheading 8711.30, 8711.40 or
8711.50 45
8714 20 - Of carriages for disabled persons:
- - Castors:
8714 20 11 00 -
- - Of a diameter (including tyres) exceeding 75 mm but not
exceeding 100 mm provided that the width of
the wheel or tyre
fitted thereto is not less than 30 mm 0
8714 20 12 00 -
- - Of a diameter (including tyres) exceeding 100 mm but not
exceeding 250 mm provided that the width of
the wheel or tyre
fitted thereto is not less than 30 mm 0
8714 20 19 00 - - - Other 0
8714 20 20 00 - - Spokes 0
8714 20 90 00 - - Other 0
‑ Other:
8714 91 - - Frames and forks, and parts thereof:
8714 91 10 00 - - - Frames and folks for cycles of subheading 8712.00.30 45
8714 91 20 00 - - - Other frames 45
8714 91 30 00 - - - Other forks 45
8714 91 40 00 - - - Other parts of frames 45
8714 91 90 00 - - - Other parts of forks 45
8714 92 - - Wheel rims and spokes:
8714 92 90 00 - - - Other wheel rims or spokes 45
8714 93 -
- Hubs, other than coaster braking hubs and hub brakes, and
free‑wheel sprocket‑wheels:
8714 93 10 00 - - - For cycles of subheading 8712.00.30 45
8714 93 90 00 - - - Other 45
8714 94 -
- Brakes, including coaster braking hubs and hub brakes, and
parts thereof:
8714 94 10 00 - - - For cycles of subheading 8712.00.30 45
8714 94 90 00 - - - Other 45
8714 95 - - Saddles:
8714 95 10 00 - - - For cycles of subheading 8712.00.30 45
8714 96 - - Pedals and crank‑gear, and parts thereof:
8714 96 10 00 - - - For cycles of subheading 8712.00.30 45
8714 96 20 00 - - - Chain wheels or cranks 45
8714 96 90 00 - - - Other 45
8714 99 - - Other:
- - - For cycles of subheading 8712.00.30:
8714 99 11 00 - - - - Nipples 45
8714 99 19 00 - - - - Other 45
8714 99 20 00 -
- - Other handle bars, seat pillars, carriers, control cables,
reflectors, lamp bracket lugs, mudguards 45
8714 99 90 00 - - - Other parts 45
8716 Trailers
and semi‑trailers; other vehicles, not mechanically
propelled; parts thereof
8716 10 00 00 -
Trailers and semi‑trailers of the caravan type, for housing or
camping 20
8716 20 00 00 -
Self‑loading or self‑unloading trailers and semi‑trailers for
agricultural purposes 5
‑ Other trailers and semi‑trailers for the transport of goods:
8716 31 00 00 - - Tanker trailers and tanker semi‑trailers 5
8716 39 - - Other:
8716 39 10 00 - - - Refrigerated trailers 20
8716 39 20 00 - - - Other, of a weight exceeding 200 tons 5
8716 39 90 00 - - - Other 20
8716 40 - Other trailers and semi‑trailers:
8716 40 10 00 - - Of a weight exceeding 200 tons 5
8716 40 90 00 - - Other 20
8716 80 - Other vehicles:
8716 80 10 00 -
- Carts and wagons, sack trucks, hand trolleys and similar
hand-propelled vehicles of a kind used in
factories or workshops
(except wheelbarrows) 25
8716 80 20 00 - - Wheelbarrows 25
8716 80 90 00 - - Other 25
8716 90 - Parts:
8716 90 11 00 - - - Wheels 15
8716 90 12 00 -
- - Other, for goods of subheading 8716.10, 8716.31, 8716.39
or 8716.40 15
8716 90 13 00 - - - Other, for goods of subheading 8716.20 15
- - For other vehicles:
8716 90 20 00 - - - For goods of subheading 8716.80.10 15
- - - For goods of subheading 8716.80.20:
8716 90 31 00 -
- - - Castors of a diameter (including tyres) exceeding 75 mm
but not exceeding 100 mm provided that the
width of the wheel
or tyre fitted thereto is not less than 30
mm 15
8716 90 32 00 -
- - - Castors of a diameter (including tyres) exceeding 100 mm
but not exceeding 250 mm provided that the
width of the wheel
or tyre fitted thereto is not less than 30
mm 15
8716 90 33 00 - - - - Other castors 15
- - - Other:
8716 90 91 00 -
- - - Castors of a diameter (including tyres) exceeding 75 mm
but not exceeding 100 mm provided that the width
of the wheel
or tyre fitted thereto is not less than 30
mm 15
8716 90 92 00 -
- - - Castors of a diameter (including tyres) exceeding 100 mm
but not exceeding 250 mm provided that the
width of the wheel or
tyre fitted thereto is not less than 30 mm 15
8716 90 93 00 - - - - Other castors 15
8716 90 94 00 - - - - Spokes 15
8716 90 95 00 - - - - Nipples 15
8716 90 99 00 - - - - Other 15
9032 Automatic regulating or controlling instruments and apparatus
9032 10 - Thermostats:
9032 10 20 00 - - Not electrically operated 0
9032 20 - Manostats:
9032 20 10 00 - - Electrically operated 30
9032 20 20 00 - - Not electrically operated 30
‑ Other instruments and apparatus:
9032 81 00 00 - - Hydraulic or pneumatic 0
9032 89 - - Other:
9032 89 10 00 -
- - Instruments and apparatus incorporating or working in
conjunction with an automatic data
processing machine, for
automatically regulating or controlling the
propulsion, ballast
or cargo handling systems of ships [ITA/2] 0
9032 89 20 00 -
- - Automatic instruments and apparatus for regulating or
controlling chemical or electrochemical
solutions in the
manufacture of PCA/PWBs [ITA/2 (AS2)] 0
9032 89 31 00 - - - - Automatic regulating voltage units (stabilizers) 5
9032 89 39 00 - - - - Other 0
9032 89 90 00 - - - Other 0
9032 90 - Parts and accessories:
9032 90 10 00 - - Of goods of subheading 9032.89.10 [ITA/2] 0
9032 90 20 00 - - Of goods of subheading 9032.89.20 [ITA/2 (AS2)] 0
9032 90 30 00 - - Of other electrically operated goods 0
9032 90 90 00 - - Other 0
9101 Wrist‑watches,
pocket‑watches and other watches, including
stop‑ watches, with case of precious metal
or of metal clad
with precious metal
9101 11 00 00 - - With mechanical display only 30
9101 12 00 00 - - With opto‑electronic display only 30
9101 19 00 00 - - Other 30
Other wrist‑watches, whether or not incorporating a stop‑watch
9101 21 00 00 - - With automatic winding 30
9101 29 00 00 - - Other 30
‑ Other:
9101 91 00 00 - - Electrically operated 30
9101 99 00 00 - - Other 30
Wrist‑watches, electrically operated, whether or not incorporating
a stop‑watch facility:
9102 11 00 00 - - With mechanical display only 30
9102 12 00 00 - - With opto‑electronic display only 30
9102 19 00 00 - - Other 30
Other wrist‑watches, whether or not incorporating a stop‑watch
9102 21 00 00 - - With automatic winding 30
9102 29 00 00 - - Other 30
‑ Other:
9102 91 - - Electrically operated:
9102 91 90 00 - - - Other 30
9102 99 - - Other:
9102 99 10 00 - - - Stop-watches 30
9102 99 90 00 - - - Other 30
9103 Clocks with watch movements, excluding clocks of heading 91.04
9103 10 00 00 - Electrically operated 30
9103 90 00 00 - Other 30
9104 00 Instrument
panel clocks and clocks of a similar type for vehicles,
aircraft, spacecraft or vessels
9104 00 10 00 - For vehicles
9104 00 30 00 - For vessels
9104 00 90 00 - Other
9105 Other clocks
‑ Alarm clocks:
9105 11 00 00 - - Electrically operated 30
9105 19 00 00 - - Other 30
‑ Wall clocks:
9105 21 00 00 - - Electrically operated 30
9105 29 00 00 - - Other 30
9105 91 - - Electrically operated:
9105 91 10 00 -
- - Marine and similar chronometers (other than clocks of heading
91.04) 10
9105 91 20 00 -
- - Public clocks for buildings; clocks for centralized electric
clock systems 30
9105 91 90 00 - - - Other 30
9105 99 - - Other:
9105 99 10 00 -
- - Marine and similar chronometers (other than clocks of heading
91.04) 10
9105 99 20 00 -
- - Public clocks for buildings; clocks for centralized electric clock
systems 30
9105 99 90 00 - - - Other 30
9108 Watch movements, complete and assembled
9108 11 00 00 -
- With mechanical display only or with a device to which a
mechanical display can be incorporated 30
9108 12 00 00 - - With opto‑electronic display only 30
9108 19 00 00 - - Other 30
9108 20 00 00 - Automatic winding 30
9108 90 00 00 - Other 30
9109 Clock movements, complete and assembled
‑ Electrically operated:
9109 11 00 00 - - Of alarm clocks 30
9109 19 00 00 - - Other 30
9110 Complete
watch or clock movements, unassembled or partly
assembled (movement sets); incomplete watch
or clock
movements, assembled; rough watch or clock
‑ Of watches:
9110 11 00 00 -
- Complete movements, unassembled or partly assembled
(movement sets) 25
9110 12 00 00 - - Incomplete movements, assembled 25
9110 19 00 00 - - Rough movements 25
9110 90 00 00 - Other 25
9111 Watch cases and parts thereof
9111 10 00 00 - Cases of precious metal or of metal clad with precious metal 25
9111 20 00 00 - Cases of base metal, whether or not gold‑ or silver‑plated 25
9111 90 00 00 - Parts 25
9112 Clock
cases and cases of a similar type for other goods of
this Chapter, and parts thereof
9112 20 00 00 - Cases 25
9112 90 00 00 - Parts 25
9113 Watch
straps, watch bands and watch bracelets, and parts
9113 10 00 00 - Of precious metal or of metal clad with precious metal 25
9113 20 00 00 - Of base metal, whether or not gold‑ or silver‑plated 25
9113 90 00 00 - Other 25
9401 Seats
(other than those of heading 94.02), whether or not convertible
into beds, and parts thereof
9401 20 00 00 - Seats of a kind used for motor vehicles 30
9401 30 00 00 - Swivel seats with variable height adjustment 35
9401 40 00 00 -
Seats other than garden seats or camping equipment, convertible
into beds 35
9401 50 - Seats of cane, osier, bamboo or similar materials:
9401 50 10 00 - - Of rattan 35
9401 50 90 00 - - Other 35
‑ Other seats, with wooden frames:
9401 61 - - Upholstered:
9401 61 10 00 - - - Assembled 35
9401 69 - - Other:
9401 69 10 00 - - - Assembled 35
9401 69 20 00 - - - Not assembled 35
‑ Other seats, with metal frames:
9401 71 00 00 - - Upholstered 35
9401 79 00 00 - - Other 35
9401 80 - Other seats:
9401 80 10 00 - - Baby walkers 35
9401 80 90 00 - - Other 35
- - Of aircraft seats:
9401 90 11 00 - - - Of plastics 0
9401 90 19 00 - - - Other 0
9401 90 20 00 - - Of baby walkers 35
- - Other:
9401 90 91 00 - - - Of goods of subheading 9401.20.00 or 9401.30.00 20
9401 90 92 00 - - - Other, of plastics 35
9401 90 99 00 - - - Other 20
9402 Medical,
surgical, dental or veterinary furniture (for example,
operating tables, examination tables,
hospital beds with
mechanical fittings, dentists’ chairs);
barbers’ chairs and
similar chairs, having rotating as well as
both reclining and
elevating movements; parts of the foregoing
9402 10 10 00 - - Dentists’ chairs 30
9402 10 20 00 - - Parts of dentists’ chairs 30
9402 10 30 00 - - Barbers’ and hairdressers’ chairs and parts thereof 30
9402 10 90 00 - - Other 30
9402 90 - Other:
9402 90 10 00 -
- Furniture specially designed for medical, surgical or veterinary
surgical purposes and parts thereof 0
9402 90 90 00 - - Other 30
9403 Other furniture and parts thereof
9403 10 00 00 - Metal furniture of a kind used in offices 35
9403 20 10 00 - - Board used for checking-in at airports and stations 10
9403 20 90 00 - - Other 35
9403 30 - Wooden furniture of a kind used in offices:
9403 30 10 00 - - Assembled 35
9403 30 20 00 - - Not assembled 35
9403 40 - Wooden furniture of a kind used in the kitchen:
9403 40 10 00 - - Assembled 35
9403 40 20 00 - - Not assembled 35
9403 50 - Wooden furniture of a kind used in the bedroom:
9403 50 11 00 - - - Assembled 35
9403 50 19 00 - - - Not assembled 35
- - Other:
9403 50 91 00 - - - Assembled 35
9403 50 99 00 - - - Not assembled 35
9403 60 ‑ Other wooden furniture:
- - Dining and living room sets:
9403 60 11 00 - - - Assembled 35
9403 60 19 00 - - - Not assembled 35
9403 60 21 00 - - - Assembled 20
9403 60 29 00 - - - Not assembled 20
- - Board used for checking-in at airport and stations:
9403 60 31 00 - - - Assembled 10
9403 60 39 00 - - - Not assembled 10
- - Other:
9403 60 91 00 - - - Assembled 35
9403 60 99 00 - - - Not assembled 35
9403 70 - Furniture of plastics:
9403 70 20 00 - - Fume cupboards for use in medical laboratories 20
9403 70 90 00 - - Other 35
9403 80 -
Furniture of other materials, including cane, osier, bamboo or
similar materials:
9403 80 10 00 - - Bedroom, dining room or living room sets of rattan 35
9403 80 20 00 - - Bedroom, dining room or living room sets of other materials 35
- - Of a kind used in parks, gardens or vestibules:
9403 80 31 00 - - - Of worked monumental or building stone 35
9403 80 32 00 - - - Of cement, of concrete or artificial stone 35
9403 80 33 00 - - - Of asbestos-cement, of cellulose fibre-cement or the like 35
9403 80 39 00 - - - Other 35
9403 80 40 00 - - Fume cupboards for use in medical laboratories 20
9403 80 90 00 - - Other 35
9403 90 00 00 - Parts 35
9404 Mattress
supports; articles of bedding and similar furnishings
(for example, mattresses, quilts,
eiderdowns, cushions, pouffes
and pillows) fitted with springs or stuffed
or internally fitted
with any material or of cellular rubber or
plastics, whether
or not covered
9404 10 00 00 - Mattress supports 30
‑ Mattresses:
9404 21 00 00 - - Of cellular rubber or plastics, whether or not covered 30
9404 29 - - Of other materials:
9404 29 20 00 - - - Other, hyperthermia/hypothermia type 30
9404 29 90 00 - - - Other 30
9404 30 00 00 - Sleeping bags 30
9404 90 - Other:
9404 90 10 00 - - Quilts, bedspreads and mattress protectors 30
9404 90 20 00 - - Foam rubber bolsters, pillows, cushions, pouffes 30
9404 90 90 00 - - Other 30
9504 Articles
for funfair, table or parlour games, including pin-tables,
billiards, special tables for casino games
and automatic bowling
alley equipment
9504 10 00 00 - Video games of a kind used with a television receiver 30
9504 20 10 00 - - Billiard chalks 40
9504 20 90 00 - - Other 40
9504 30 -
Other games, operated by coins, banknotes (paper currency), discs
or other similar articles, other than
bowling alley equipment:
9504 30 10 00 - - Fruit machines or jackpot machines 40
9504 30 20 00 - - Pin tables, slot machines and the like 40
9504 30 90 00 - - Other 40
9504 40 00 00 - Playing cards 40
9504 90 - Other:
9504 90 10 00 - - Bowling requisites of all kinds 30
9504 90 30 00 - - Gambling equipment and paraphernalia 30
9504 90 90 00 - - Other 30
9505 Festive,
carnival of other entertainment articles, including
conjuring tricks and novelty jokes
9505 10 - Articles for Christmas festivities:
9505 10 10 00 - - Christmas crackers and sparklers 40
9505 10 90 00 - - Other 40
9505 90 00 00 - Other 40
9601 Worked
ivory, bone, tortoise‑shell, horn, antlers, coral, mother‑
of‑pearl, and other animal carving
material, and articles of
these materials (including articles
obtained by moulding)
9601 10 - Worked ivory and articles of ivory:
9601 10 90 00 - - Other 35
9601 90 - Other:
9601 90 10 00 -
- Worked mother-of-pearl or tortoise-shell and articles of the
foregoing 35
9601 90 90 00 - - Other 35
9602 Worked
vegetable or mineral carving material and articles of
these materials; moulded or carved articles
of wax, of stearin,
of natural gums or natural resins or of
modelling pastes,
and other moulded or carved articles, not
elsewhere specified
or included; worked, unhardened gelatin
(except gelatin of
heading 35.03) and articles of unhardened
9602 00 10 00 - Gelatin capsules for pharmaceutical products 10
9602 00 90 00 - Other 35
9608 Ball
point pens; felt tipped and other porous‑tipped pens and
markers; fountain pens, stylograph pens and
other pens;
duplicating stylos; propelling or sliding
pencils; pen‑holders,
pencil‑holders and similar holders; parts
(including caps and
clips) of the foregoing articles, other
than those of heading 96.09
9608 10 00 00 - Ball point pens 30
‑ Fountain pens, stylograph pens and other pens:
9608 31 00 00 - - Indian ink drawing pens 30
9608 39 00 00 - - Other 30
9608 40 00 00 - Propelling or sliding pencils 30
9608 50 00 00 - Sets of articles from two or more of the foregoing subheadings 30
9608 60 00 00 - Refills for ball point pens, comprising the ball point and ink‑reservoir 10
‑ Other:
9608 91 - - Pen nibs and nib points:
9608 91 10 00 - - - Of gold or gold-plated 10
9608 99 - - Other:
9608 99 10 00 - - - Duplicating stylos 30
9608 99 90 00 - - - Other 30
9610 Slates
and boards, with writing or drawing surfaces, whether or
not framed
9610 00 10 00 - School slates 35
9610 00 90 00 - Other 35
9611 00 00 00 Date,
sealing or numbering stamps, and the like (including devices
for printing or embossing labels), designed
for operating in the hand;
hand‑operated composing sticks and hand
printing sets incorporating
such composing sticks 35
9613 Cigarette
lighters and other lighters, whether or not mechanical
or electrical, and parts thereof other than
flints and wicks
9613 10 - Pocket lighters, gas fuelled, non‑refillable:
9613 10 11 00 - - - Of plastics 35
9613 10 19 00 - - - Other 35
- - Other:
9613 10 91 00 - - - Of plastics 35
9613 10 99 00 - - - Other 35
9613 20 - Pocket lighters, gas fuelled, refillable:
- - Pistol shaped or revolver shaped:
9613 20 11 00 - - - Of plastics 35
9613 20 19 00 - - - Other 35
9613 20 91 00 - - - Of plastics 35
9613 20 99 00 - - - Other 35
9613 80 - Other lighters:
- - Pistol shaped or revolver shaped:
9613 80 11 00 - - - Piezo-electric lighters for stoves and ranges 35
9613 80 12 00 - - - Cigarette lighters, of plastics 35
9613 80 13 00 - - - Cigarette lighters, other than of plastics 35
9613 80 19 00 - - - Other 35
- - Other:
9613 80 92 00 - - - Cigarette lighters, of plastics 35
9613 80 93 00 - - - Cigarette lighters, other than of plastics 35
9613 80 99 00 - - - Other 35
9613 90 - Parts:
- Refilled cartridges or other receptacles, which constitute parts of
mechanical lighters, containing:
9613 90 11 00 - - - Liquid fuel 25
9613 90 12 00 - - - Liquefied gases 25
9613 90 90 00 - - Other 25
9614 Smoking
pipes (including pipe bowls) and cigar or cigarette
holders, and parts thereof
9614 20 10 00 - - Roughly shaped blocks of wood or root for the manufacture of pipes 35
9614 20 90 00 - - Other 35
9614 90 00 00 - Other 35
9615 Combs,
hair‑slides and the like; hairpins, curling pins, curling
grips, hair‑ curlers and the like, other
than those of heading
85.16, and parts thereof
‑ Combs, hair‑slides and the like:
9615 11 - - Of hard rubber or plastics:
9615 11 10 00 - - - Hair slides and the like 30
9615 11 90 00 - - - Other 30
9615 19 - - Other:
9615 19 90 00 - - - Other 30
9615 90 - Other:
- - Decorative hair pins:
9615 90 11 00 - - - Of aluminium 30
9615 90 19 00 - - - Other 30
9615 90 20 00 - - Parts 30
- - Other:
9615 90 91 00 - - - Of aluminium 30
9615 90 99 00 - - - Other 30
9616 10 - Scent sprays and similar toilet sprays, and mounts and heads therefor:
9616 10 10 00 - - Sprays 30
9616 10 20 00 - - Mounts and heads of the sprays 10
9616 20 00 00 -
Powder‑puffs and pads for the application of cosmetics or toilet
preparations 35
9617 Vacuum
flasks and other vacuum vessels, complete with cases;
parts thereof, other than glass inners
9617 00 10 00 - Vacuum flasks and other vacuum vessels 35
9617 00 20 00 - Parts 35
;Quyết định 78/2006/QĐ-BTC sửa đổi thuế suất nhập khẩu ưu đãi của một số nhóm mặt hàng để thực hiện Nghị định thư gia nhập Hiệp định thành lập Tổ chức thương mại thế giới (WTO) của Việt Nam do Bộ trưởng Bộ Tài chính ban hành
Số hiệu: | 78/2006/QĐ-BTC |
Loại văn bản: | Quyết định |
Nơi ban hành: | Bộ Tài chính |
Người ký: | Trương Chí Trung |
Ngày ban hành: | 29/12/2006 |
Ngày hiệu lực: | Đã biết |
Tình trạng: | Đã biết |
Văn bản đang xem
Quyết định 78/2006/QĐ-BTC sửa đổi thuế suất nhập khẩu ưu đãi của một số nhóm mặt hàng để thực hiện Nghị định thư gia nhập Hiệp định thành lập Tổ chức thương mại thế giới (WTO) của Việt Nam do Bộ trưởng Bộ Tài chính ban hành
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