Số:16/2007/NQ-CP |
Hà Nội, ngày 27 tháng 02 năm 2007 |
Căn cứ Luật Tổ chức Chính phủ ngày 25 tháng
12 năm 2001;
Căn cứ Nghị quyết số 08-NQ/TW ngày 05 tháng 02 năm 2007 của Hội nghị lần thứ 4
Ban Chấp hành Trung ương Đảng khoá X về một số chủ trương chính sách lớn để nền
kinh tế phát triển nhanh và bền vững khi Việt Nam là thành viên của Tổ chức Thương
mại thế giới;
Xét đề nghị của Bộ trưởng Bộ Thương mại và Bộ trưởng, Chủ nhiệm Văn phòng Chính
Điều 1. Ban hành kèm theo Nghị quyết này Chương trình hành động của Chính phủ thực hiện Nghị quyết Hội nghị lần thứ 4 Ban Chấp hành Trung ương Đảng khoá X về một số chủ trương, chính sách lớn để nền kinh tế phát triển nhanh và bền vững khi Việt Nam là thành viên của Tổ chức Thương mại thế giới.
Điều 2. Nghị quyết này có hiệu lực thi hành sau 15 ngày, kể từ ngày đăng Công báo.
Điều 3. Các Bộ trưởng, Thủ trưởng cơ quan ngang Bộ, Thủ trưởng cơ quan thuộc Chính phủ, Chủ tịch Ủy ban nhân dân các tỉnh, thành phố trực thuộc Trung ương chịu trách nhiệm thi hành Nghị quyết này./.
Nơi nhận: |
No: 16/2007/NQ-CP |
Hanoi, February 27, 2007 |
to the December 25, 2001 Law on Organization of the Government;
Pursuant to February 5, 2007 Resolution No. 08-NQ/TW of the fourth plenum of
the Xth Party Central Committee on some major guidelines and policies for rapid
and sustainable economic development when Vietnam becomes a member of the World
Trade Organization;
At the proposal of the Minister of Trade and the Minister-Director of the
Government Office,
Article 1.- To promulgate together with this Resolution the Government's program of action in implementation of the Resolution of the fourth plenum of the Xth Party Central Committee on some major guidelines and policies for rapid and sustainable economic development when Vietnam becomes a member of the World Trade Organization.
Article 2.- This Resolution takes effect 15 days after its publication in "CONG BAO."
Article 3.- Ministers, heads of ministerial-level agencies, heads of government-attached agencies and presidents of People's Committees of provinces and centrally run cities shall implement this Resolution.
Nguyen Tan Dung
(Promulgated together the Government's Resolution No.
16/2007/NQ-CP of February 27, 2007)
The fourth plenum of the Xth Party Central Committee adopted a resolution on some major guidelines and policies for rapid and sustainable economic development when Vietnam becomes a member of the World Trade Organization (WTO). This Program of Action defines the tasks of central and local state administrative agencies and enterprises of all economic sectors in implementing the Resolution of the Party Central Committee with a view to taking advantage of opportunities and surmounting challenges to take our country into a new, rapid and sustainable development period.
In order to achieve the above objectives, in the coming time, in addition to their regular tasks, ministries, ministerial-level agencies, government-attached agencies, People's Committees of provinces and centrally run cities, and enterprises should concretize and implement the following basic tasks.
a/ To organize thorough study of the Resolution among cadres, state employees and servants as well as the entire people to help them deeply perceive Party viewpoints on international economic integration, WTO accession, opportunities and challenges facing Vietnam as a WTO member, promote a sense of self-reliance and resilience, mobilize internal resources, take advantage of opportunities and surmount challenges to successfully perform socio-economic tasks determined by the Xth National Party Congress, thereby ensuring national rapid and sustainable development after Vietnam's accession to the World Trade Organization.
b/ To use various communication channels and media and hold training courses to disseminate information on opportunities and challenges when Vietnam becomes a WTO member and our specific commitments among relevant entities (state agencies, production and business entities and trade associations) with a view to raising their knowledge about these commitments and what to be done. To direct information in accordance with Party line and State policies, promptly correct erroneous information on WTO accession effects. To assist, through the mass media, enterprises in firmly grasping our socio-economic development policies and WTO rules and regulations.
c/ To provide training for state management agencies in charge of investment activities to ensure the investment evaluation and certification process in accordance with Vietnam's international commitments.
2. Legislation and institutional building
a/ To strictly implement Vietnam's accession commitments and other obligations as a WTO member; to identify commitments to be promptly materialized and those to be incorporated into national laws for elaborating a program on revision of laws, ordinances and sub-law documents.
b/ To review the legal system in force, abolish overlapping and inappropriate regulations; to promulgate clear, specific legal documents ensuring a favorable and open business environment for all entities participating in the market.
c/ To devise mechanisms in support of investment and product development in conformity with WTO regulations in replacement of export subsidization measures.
d/ To improve technical standards and food hygiene and safety standards in conformity with international regulations with a view to protecting the domestic market and consumers.
3. Establishment and development of all elements of a market economy
To improve institutions of a labor market; to build a system of regulations and policies conducive to development of the labor market; to fully comply with the market mechanism in paying wages to laborers.
b/ Real estate market:
- To make a general inventory of land in all localities and establishments; to make a general inventory of houses and working offices of state agencies and socio-political organizations; to recover, and make plans for efficient use of, land, offices and houses which are currently used for improper purposes or in contravention of law;
- To make a plan and roadmap for the application of market-driven land allocation prices and land rents, including land rents payable by state enterprises;
- To formulate mechanisms and policies for more effective participation of foreign investors in the real estate market;
- To formulate uniform, public and transparent real estate registration mechanisms and processes, creating conditions for making real estate transactions healthy and ensuring their legal safety, thereby boosting business and investment.
c/ Financial-monetary market:
- To revise and supplement regulations on business conditions in the domains of securities, banking, insurance, investment funds and other financial services in conformity with international standards and practice, contributing to raising the capability of forecasting, preventing and reducing possible risks and incidents, ensuring the healthy and effective development of the financial and monetary market;
- To develop systems of criteria and grounds for assessing the operational quality and efficiency of enterprises providing financial services; to promulgate regulations on enterprise supervision and monitoring, compulsory audit and information disclosure applicable to these enterprises;
- To comprehensively develop the system of credit institutions toward modernity, multi-purpose operation, diversity in ownership forms and types of credit institution, large-scale operation and sound finance; to create a firm premise for credit institutions to meet all international standards on banking operation and operate competitively in the region and the world; at the same time to ensure autonomy and accountability of state credit institutions on the market principles and for profit-making purposes.
d/ Price policy:
- To build a roadmap for the application of market prices for those goods and services the prices of which are still set by the State; to support and encourage trade associations and enterprises' organizations to work out a pricing roadmap for important products turned out in large quantities with a view to ensuring stable and sustainable development and harmonization of interests;
e/ Scientific and technological market:
- To promulgate a technology import policy to encourage the formation of technology import and export companies, especially in sectors and domains with great demands;
- To promulgate specific regulations to promote scientific and technological research, application and development institutions to switch to operate under the enterprise mechanism, and to form scientific and technological enterprises;
- To promulgate regulations on supports for research and development on a contractual basis between technological research enterprises and technological application enterprises;
- To set up a national technology renewal fund and a venture investment fund in the scientific and technological domain with a view to vigorously promoting technological development and renewal in all sectors and domains;
- To study and form mechanisms for closely linking higher education with scientific and technological development with a view to raising the scientific research and technological development capacity of universities and colleges, which is regarded as an important task of these universities and colleges in addition to the training task;
f/ To conduct a general review of other factors that are hindering the synchronous formation of a market economy, especially in the domains where state enterprises still hold monopoly or major shares and the domains and entities that are enjoying discriminatory supports, with a view to building a roadmap for elimination.
4. Renewal of investment and raising of investment effectiveness
a/ To promulgate mechanisms and policies to diversify investment capital sources; to create a special mechanism to attract foreign investors with financial capacity, technologies and management experience to invest in developing traffic infrastructure and energy;
b/ To promulgate regulations on decentralization of powers to make investment in infrastructure toward greater concentration with a view to ensuring overall effectiveness of the economy;
c/ To work out a scheme on adjusting the overall strategy on development of commodity production sectors; to build a system of service codes and formulate a strategy on development of services; to adjust the strategy on development of commodity products and services in response to the requirement of applying modern technologies and ensuring competitiveness as an investment guideline for enterprises;
d/ To promulgate policies of managing and encouraging indirect investment forms so as to create the possibility of diversifying investment sources, increase flexibility and connectivity of the domestic capital market with the international capital market while ensuring safety and stability of macro economy;
e/ To develop a competitive electricity market, diversify electricity supply sources and ensure sufficient electricity for production and business sectors and the people's consumption.
5. Raising of competitiveness
a/ To elaborate a scheme on raising competitiveness at national level; to synchronously develop a program on raising enterprise competitiveness and a program on raising the competitiveness of goods and services;
c/ To make plans on export development and plans on domestic market expansion until 2010 in accordance with the Scheme on export development in the 2006-2010 period, the Scheme on development of domestic trade and various programs on development of commodity sectors on the basis of analyzing the competitiveness of products, and formulating a program on raising enterprise competitiveness.
6. Administrative reform, raising of effectiveness of foreign relation activities and international economic integration
a/ To rearrange state agencies to meet the requirement of multiple-sector and multiple-domain management, organize their apparatuses to meet the requirement and task of international economic integration, put an end to functional overlap and low effectiveness in the formulation and implementation of policies and laws;
b/ To improve the organization and operational mechanism of the agencies in charge of competitiveness administration, combat against subsidies and dumping and settlement of trade disputes, and market control forces;
c/ To continue reviewing administrative procedures in order to abolish unnecessary papers and procedures; to make public and transparent all management policies and mechanisms, operational processes, responsible persons and time limits for work completion in state agencies and public service-providing units for enterprises and people to know, carry out and supervise reforms of taxation and customs procedures and mechanisms, and step up the implementation of the e-customs roadmap;
d/ To promulgate a new system of decentralization under a general scheme of the Government, ensuring systematicality and compatibility between all sectors; to promulgate a mechanism of supervising the implementation of decentralization, and associate decentralization with examination and oversight;
e/ To build a mechanism of consultation with managed entities and enterprises in the process of formulating policies and laws in conformity with the WTO publicity and transparency principles;
f/ To improve state employees' criteria in response to integration requirements; to train and build a contingent of professional and modern state employees; to improve the law on state employees, attaching importance to increasing powers to heads of units, removing from the state apparatus those employees who harass and trouble people and enterprises and who are incapable and irresponsible while performing their duties;
g/ To strengthen overseas Vietnamese representative missions so that they can effectively implement the Party's and State's foreign relation and international economic integration line; to reinforce officials who are knowledgeable about economics and international trade, are dynamic and have a high sense of responsibility; to promote the proactive role of these missions in coordinating with domestic enterprises and relevant agencies in market development, export, tourism promotion and investment attraction; to assist enterprises in protecting Vietnam's interests in trade disputes;
i/ To re-assess the role and effectiveness of the National Committee for International Economic Cooperation after WTO accession, elaborate a scheme on mechanisms and organization of interdisciplinary coordination in international negotiations on bilateral and multilateral cooperation to ensure effectiveness and suitability to the new situation and tasks.
7. Education and training and human resource development
a/ To formulate an overall program on education reform, covering from program content, teaching and learning methods to examinations, in association with the campaign against negative phenomena in the education service and policies towards teachers;
b/ To develop a scheme on training and retraining teachers, first of all teachers of natural sciences and technology and vocational training;
c/ To promulgate mechanisms and policies to encourage all economic sectors, including foreign investors, to invest in developing higher education, collegial training, intermediate professional and vocational training, especially in the disciplines of technique - technology, international law, finance - accounting, business administration, etc., in the public, people-founded and private, and foreign-invested forms;
d/ To equitize on a pilot basis public schools;
e/ To make plans on training lawyers who are knowledgeable about international law, skilled in participating in international proceedings and proficient in foreign languages so that they can effectively deal with possible disputes in the process of implementing WTO commitments and other regulations; to train accounting, audit, business administration consultants and experts with international-level qualifications, and improve regulations on accounting, audit, finance and bankruptcy in conformity with international standards;
f/ To formulate and implement a national program on teaching English and other common foreign languages;
g/ To formulate and implement policies to attract, use and properly treat outstanding specialists and talented people at home and abroad, including foreigners, who contribute to national development.
a/ To study and supplement legal provisions to encourage various models of cooperatives, establish linkages among farmer households engaged in agricultural production, aquaculture and exploitation of marine resources and between them and processing establishments and trading enterprises with a view to forming large-scale commodity production areas in close combination with managing the growth process, managing quality and supplying market information to production entities;
b/ To study and formulate policies to accelerate the process of land accumulation in association with switching agricultural labor to other trades and sectors;
c/ To promulgate policies to encourage vigorous development of enterprises and joint-stock cooperatives engaged in agricultural and industrial production and provision of services in rural areas, develop trade villages and industrial and service clusters and form new townships and townlets in rural areas;
d/ To promulgate policies to encourage farmers to purchase shares in agricultural and marine product-processing establishments, thereby forming co-ownership by raw material producers in processing establishments, increasing farmers' incomes, and ensuring quality and stability in the supply of raw materials for the processing industry;
e/ To promulgate policies to encourage industrial production enterprises to employ untrained laborers so as to create jobs on the spot, contribute to reducing labor pressure in big cities; at the same time to promulgate policies to attract investment in opening vocational training establishments to train rural laborers in new job skills;
f/ To industrialize and urbanize rural areas along with implementing social policies to reduce poverty and improve living conditions for the people; to formulate a scheme on developing community tourism in combination with hunger eradication and poverty alleviation and rural economic restructuring;
g/ To review the implementation of the guideline on the association of the "four parties" and the signing of purchase and sale contracts with farmers under the Prime Minister's Decision No. 80/2002/QD-TTg, clearly identifying the reasons for its limited results so as to make adjustments and solutions to expanding this movement;
h/ To promulgate a mechanism to support investment in building warehouses and wholesale markets with a view to expanding rural markets and increasing the capability of regulating goods volumes on the market;
i/ To formulate and implement programs on comprehensive socio-economic development in difficulty-hit areas, mountainous and ethnic minority areas to assist local inhabitants in developing production and improving their living, travel and schooling conditions; to increase cultural benefits and information access for local inhabitants with a view to limiting and narrowing the development gap with other regions;
9. Implementation of social welfare policies
a/ To formulate and promulgate a package of social policies, including those on financial support, self-employment support, vocational training for job change, and provision of employment and market information counseling services for laborers who lose jobs when their enterprises cannot survive competition;
b/ To build mechanisms to ensure social welfare on the principle of joint contribution and share by the State, enterprises and laborers;
c/ To formulate a scheme on reform of social insurance benefits; to review the implementation of the campaign on voluntary social insurance for farmers who have passed the working age in localities when this campaign is implemented (farmer retirement benefits) in order to carry out this campaign on a wider scale;
d/ To elaborate a scheme on the unemployment insurance fund; to continue salary reforms till 2010;
e/ To study and promulgate a common minimum wage applicable to both foreign-invested enterprises and domestic enterprises and an implementation roadmap. To apply a common wage mechanism to enterprises of all economic sectors on the market principle;
f/ To adjust laws and policies on labor relations in accordance with realities, supplement and improve labor relation institutions so that the tripartite and bipartite mechanisms can effectively contribute to establishing sound labor relations;
g/ To devise a mechanism of periodical assessment and warning on WTO accession impacts that are and will be occurring in socio-economic domains based on criteria so as to work out appropriate policies; to review and evaluate the country's socio-economic situation after five years of WTO accession.
10. Environmental protection and sustainable development
b/ To formulate and carry out schemes on environmental protection in river basins, nature and biodiversity conservation, marine and coastal environment protection, raising of environment observation capacity, and development of environmental technology and environmental industry;
c/ To study and promulgate policies to step up socialization of environmental protection work, establish environmental associations, build a system of environmental information and reports, and accelerate environmental communication work.
11. Protection and promotion of national cultural values
a/ To build and apply an early warning mechanism and work out sanctions against the penetration of unhealthy cultural products and services that are detrimental to national development with a view to preserving Vietnamese cultural traditions and people.
b/ To establish mechanisms that facilitate the development of cultural industries and services; to step up socialization of cultural activities; to support investment in, finance and place appropriate goods orders for the purpose of developing culture and protecting Vietnamese cultural diversity;
c/ To step up enforcement of the law on intellectual property rights protection, creating the most favorable environment for the creation of spiritual values of the society;
d/ To further consolidate and develop the mass media, attaching importance to the network of radio and television broadcasting, publication and distribution of cultural products; to raise the information quality of press agencies; to raise the effectiveness and improve the quality of information technology infrastructure; to amend and improve the Press Law.
12. Assurance of security and defense
a/ To closely direct the building of an all-people defense and people's security, firmly safeguard the national independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity in all circumstances;
c/ To develop mechanisms to effectively deal with cross-border and non-traditional security issues that tend to be on the increase.
1. On the basis of major tasks set forth in this Program of Action and their assigned functions and tasks, ministers, heads of ministerial-level agencies, heads of government-attached agencies and presidents of People's Committees of provinces and centrally run cities shall personally direct the formulation of programs of action for their respective ministries, branches and localities, and report them to the Prime Minister before September 30, 2007; then concretize these programs of action into tasks in annual work plans. For tasks that are not required to be performed under schemes or programs, they should be performed immediately in order to ensure timely and effective implementation of the contents of the Program of Action.
2. Ministers of line management ministries and presidents of People's Committees of provinces and centrally run cities shall coordinate with commodity sector associations in directing and guiding the formulation of programs of action of enterprises.
3. Ministers, heads of ministerial-level agencies, heads of government-attached agencies and presidents of People's Committees of provinces and centrally run cities shall direct and intensify the examination and urge the implementation of this Program of Action; to periodically report on the implementation to the Prime Minister.
4. In the course of implementation of this Program of Action, if finding it necessary to amend and supplement any specific contents of the Program, ministries, branches and localities should promptly report such to the Prime Minister for consideration and decision.
5. The Minister of Trade and the Minister-Director of the Government Office shall base themselves on their assigned functions and tasks to monitor and urge the implementation of this Program of Action by ministries, branches and localities and enterprises, periodically report and propose to the Government and the Prime Minister necessary measures to ensure the effective and coordinated implementation of this Program.
Ordinal number
Description of tasks
Responsible agencies
Coordinating agencies
Time of completion
Propaganda and dissemination of information on WTO
Ministry of Trade, Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Culture and Information
Ministries, branches, Government negotiation delegation, Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Training courses in localities
Throughout 2007
Providing training for investment management and licensing agencies to properly implement commitments
Ministry of Trade, Ministry of Planning and Investment and the Government negotiation team
Ministries, branches, localities
Training courses for investment management and licensing agencies
Carrying out radio and television programs on international economic integration and WTO accession commitments
Central Television Station, Radio Voice of Vietnam
Local radio - television stations, Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Radio and television programs
Throughout 2007
Directing the mass media to intensify propaganda and publishing of publications and documents on WTO and Vietnam’s accession, guiding public opinion to positively react to changes brought about by WTO accession
Ministry of Culture and Information and Ministry of Trade
Articles, radio addresses and publications on WTO
Throughout 2007
Note: [1] Depending on the nature of each issue, before it is enshrined in a law or a sub-law document, whether it should be reported to the Political Bureau or the National Assembly Standing Committee will be decided by the Prime Minister
Review of domestic laws and regulations
- Commitments to be promptly implemented and directly applied, which the Government will report to the National Assembly Standing Committee before promulgating a government decree or the Prime Minister promulgates a decision for implementation.
- Commitments to be implemented according to roadmap, which will be compared with current regulations before a program on amending and supplementing laws and ordinances is proposed to the National Assembly an its Standing Committee for approval.
Ministry of Justice
Ministries, branches, localities, Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Government decree, Prime Minister decision
June 2007
Mechanisms to support investment and product development in replacement of export subsidization measures.
Ministry of Planning and Investment
Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Trade, and other ministries, branches and localities
Government decree or Prime Minister decision
Conducting a general review of other factors that are hindering the synchronous formation of a market economy, especially in the domains where state enterprises still hold monopoly or dominant shares and in the domains and entities that are enjoying discriminatory supports
Ministry of Planning and Investment
Ministries, branches
Government decree or Prime Minister decision
Administrative reform, raising of effectiveness of foreign relation and international economic activities
Ministry of Home Affairs
Ministries, branches, localities
Scheme submitted to the Political Bureau, National Assembly resolution,decree
Reviewing administrative procedures, abolishing unnecessary papers and procedures (particularly licenses).
Making public and transparent administrative procedures
Ministry of Planning and Investment
Ministries, branches, localities, Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Program on reform of customs procedures and setting of a roadmap for implementation of e-customs
Ministry of Finance
Ministries, branches, localities, Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Decision of the Minister of Finance
Scheme on strengthening overseas Vietnamese representative missions
Ministry of Home Affairs, Ministry of Trade and other ministries and branches
Government decree or Prime Minister decision
Scheme on participation in the Doha negotiation round after Vietnam joins the WTO
Ministry of Trade
Ministries, branches, localities
Prime Minister decision
Renewal of investment and raising of investment effectiveness
Policies that facilitate wider and deeper participation of foreign investors in the real estate market
Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment and Ministry of Planning and Investment
Ministries, branches, localities
Government decree
Regulations on decentralization of powers to make investment in infrastructure toward greater concentration with a view to ensuring overall effectiveness of investment
Ministry of Planning and Investment
Ministries, branches, localities
Prime Minister decision
Mechanism to support investment in building warehouses and wholesale markets in rural areas
Ministry of Planning and Investment, Ministry of Trade
Ministries, branches, localities
Prime Minister decision
Education and training and human resource development
Policies to encourage development of people-founded and private schools, attract foreign investment in education and training and vocational training in the disciplines of technique-technology, international law, finance-accounting, business administration…
Ministry of Education and Training
Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs, other ministries and branches
Government decree
Ministry of Justice,
Ministry of Education and Training
Relevant ministries and branches
Prime Minister decision
National program on teaching English and other common foreign languages
Ministry of Education and Training
Ministries, branches, localities
Raising of competitiveness
Program on raising the competitiveness of goods and services
Ministries and branches managing production and service business
Other ministries, branches, localities, trade associations
Prime Minister decision
2007 - 2008
Scheme on analyzing the competitiveness of some specific products and enterprises
The Ministry of Planning and Investment shall formulate an analysis outline, line management ministries and commodity sector associations shall direct the analysis of some typical products and enterprises, serving as a model for enterprises to analyze on their own their competitiveness. On this basis, to formulate a plan on export development and a plan on expansion of the domestic market till 2010.
Ministries, branches and commodity sector associations
2007 - 2008
Comprehensive program on raising competitiveness in support of investment and product development
Ministry of Planning and Investment and ministries and branches managing production and service business
Other ministries, branches, localities
2007 - 2008
Renewal of management in some other domains
Uniform real estate registration mechanism and organization
Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment
Ministries, branches, localities
Prime Minister decision
New regulations on business conditions in financial services
Ministry of Finance
State Bank of Vietnam, State Securities Commission and other ministries and branches, localities
Government decree, Prime Minister decision, or decisions of ministries and branches
June 2007
System of standards for assessment of quality and business efficiency, regulations on enterprise examination and monitoring, compulsory audit, compulsory information disclosure applicable to enterprises providing financial services
Ministry of Finance , State Bank of Vietnam, Ministry of Planning and Investment
Ministries, branches
Regulations on supports for research and development on a contractual basis between technological research enterprises and technological application enterprises
Ministry of Science and Technology
Ministry of Finance and other ministries and branches
Prime Minister decision
Perfecting the system of environmental standards
Ministries, branches, localities
Government decree
Sanctions against the penetration of unhealthy cultural products and services
Ministry of Culture and Information
Ministries, branches, localities
Government decree
(Promulgated together with the Government’s Resolution No. 16/2007/NQ-CP of
February 27, 2007)
Ordinal number
Description of tasks
Responsible agencies
Coordinating agencies
Time of completion
Ministry of Education and Training and Ministry of Trade
Ministry of Home Affairs and other ministries and branches
Teaching program
2007 - 2008
Conducting propaganda on Vietnam’s WTO accession among overseas Vietnamese, thereby gaining their support for the national construction in the new era
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Commission for Overseas Vietnamese
Ministry of Trade, Ministry of Planning and Investment, Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Propaganda programs
Legislation and institutional building
Revision of the legal system under the registered program2
Ministry of Finance
Ministries, branches, localities
Draft law
Law on Personal Income Tax
Ministry of Finance
Ministries, branches, localities
Draft law
Law on Quality of Products and Goods
Ministry of Science and Technology
Ministry of Industry, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Ministry of Fisheries and other ministries and branches
Draft law
Note: 2 Contents 2.1 to 2.37 are presented according to the law- and ordinance-making programs already registered by ministries
Law on Health Insurance
Ministries, branches, localities
Draft law
Law on Land Use Tax
Ministry of Finance
Ministries, branches, localities
Draft law
Law on Administrative Procedures
Ministry of Home Affairs
Ministries, branches, localities
Draft law
Law on Public Duties
Ministry of Home Affairs
Ministries, branches, localities
Law on Procedures for Compulsory Purchase and Requisition of Properties of Individuals and Organizations
Ministry of Finance
Ministries, branches, localities
Draft law
Law on Promulgation of Legal Documents (amended)
Ministries, branches, localities
Draft law
Law on Public Investment
Ministry of Planning and Investment
Ministries, branches, localities
Draft law
Law on Farmers
Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development,
Vietnam Peasants’ Association
Ministries, branches, localities
Draft law
2007 - 2008
Law Amending and Supplementing a Number of Articles of the Penal Code
Supreme People's Court
Draft law
2007 - 2008
Law on Associations
Ministry of Home Affairs
Ministries, branches
Draft law
2007 - 2008
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Ministries, branches
Draft law
2007 - 2008
Law on Charges and Fees
Ministry of Finance
Ministries, branches, localities
Draft law
Press Law (amended)
Ministry of Culture and Information
Ministries, branches
Draft law
Law Amending and Supplementing a Number of Articles of the Law on Organization of the Government (2001)
Ministry of Home Affairs
Draft law
Law on Organization of People’s Councils and People’s Committees
Ministry of Home Affairs
Draft law
Ministry of Home Affairs
Ministries, branches, localities
Draft law
Law on Cooperatives (amended) and forms of cooperation in production and business in association with the promotion of cooperation in production and processing of agricultural and marine products in rural areas
Ministry of Planning and Investment
Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and other ministries, branches and localities
Draft law
Law on the State Bank of Vietnam, Law on Credit Institutions
State Bank of Vietnam
Ministries, branches
Draft law
Law on Deposit Insurance, Law on Supervision of Safety of Banking Operations
State Bank of Vietnam
Draft law
2008 - 2009
Law on Independent Audit
Ministry of Finance
Ministries, branches
Draft law
2008 - 2009
Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
Ministries, branches, localities
Draft law
Law on Minimum Wage
Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs
Ministry of Home Affairs, Ministry of Finance and other ministries and branches
Draft law
Law on Social Relief
Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs
Ministries, branches
Draft law
Law on Cinematography (amended)
Ministry of Culture and Information
Draft law
2007 - 2008
Law on Publication (amended)
Ministry of Culture and Information
Ministries, branches
Draft law
2007 - 2009
Ministry of Culture and Information
Ministries, branches
Draft law
2009 - 2010
Law on Libraries
Ministry of Culture and Information
Ministries, branches
Draft law
Law on Performing Arts
Ministry of Culture and Information
Ministries, branches
Draft law
2007 - 2009
Law on Advertisement
Ministry of Culture and Information
Draft law
2008 - 2009
Law on Intellectual Property (amended)
Ministry of Culture and Information and Ministry of Science and Technology are responsible co-agencies
Ministries, branches
Draft law
2009 - 2010
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Ministries, branches
Draft ordinance
Ordinance on State Employees (amended)
Ministry of Home Affairs
Ministries, branches, localities
Draft ordinance
Ordinance on Democracy in Wards, Communes and Townships
Ministry of Home Affairs
Ministries, branches, localities
Draft ordinance
Import duty tariffs, preferential import tax tariffs
Ministry of Finance
Draft resolution of the NA Standing Committee
Comprehensive development of all elements of a market economy
Labor market
Policies on development of the labor market, policies on minimum wages and wages in enterprises where the state holds dominant shares to ensure non-discrimination among enterprises of all economic sectors and foreign-invested enterprises
Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs
Government decree or legal documents of higher effect
2007 - 2008
Land and real estate market
General inventory of land, houses and working offices of state agencies and socio-political organizations
Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment responsible for land inventory, Ministry of Construction responsible for housing inventory, and Ministry of Finance responsible for inventorying land and working offices of state agencies
General Statistics Office, ministries, branches, socio-political organizations, localities and enterprises
Prime Minister decision
Scheme on application of market-driven land allocation prices and land rents
Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment and Ministry of Finance are co-responsible agencies
Ministries, branches, localities
Scheme submitted to the Political Bureau; Government decree, Prime Minister decision
2007 - 2008
Financial-monetary market
State Bank of Vietnam
Ministries, branches
Scheme submitted to the Political Bureau, National Assembly; Government decree
2007 - 2010
Scheme on increasing the convertibility of Vietnam dong, incrementally ending dolarization in the economy
State Bank of Vietnam
Ministry of Finance and other ministries and branches
Prime Minister decision
Policy on development of Vietnam’s capital market by 2010, with a vision toward 2020
Ministry of Finance
Ministries, branches
Prime Minister decision
Scheme on developing and raising the operation management effectiveness of non-bank credit institutions
State Bank of Vietnam
Prime Minister decision
Scientific-technological market
Technology import policies
Ministry of Science and Technology
Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Trade and other ministries and branches
Government decree
National technology renewal fund and venture investment fund
Ministry of Science and Technology
Ministry of Finance and other ministries and branches
Prime Minister decision
Policies to promote association between higher education and scientific and technological development
Ministry of Planning and Investment, Ministry of Education and Training are co-responsible agencies
Government decree
2007 - 2008
Other factors in order to accelerate the comprehensive formation of a market mechanism
Roadmap for application of market prices to goods items the prices of which are decided by the state
Ministry of Finance
Ministries, branches
Decisions of competent agencies at different levels
Renewal of investment and raising of investment effectiveness
Scheme on raising competitiveness to attract foreign investment with a view to promoting Vietnam’s advantages after WTO accession
Ministry of Planning and Investment
Ministries, branches, localities
Government decree
Ministry of Finance
Ministries, branches, localities
Government decree
Overall strategy on development of commodity production sectors
Ministry of Planning and Investment
Ministries, branches, localities
Prime Minister decision
Overall strategy on development of services, a system of service codes
Ministry of Planning and Investment
Ministries, branches, localities
Prime Minister decision
2007 - 2008
Scheme on building of a competitive electricity market, diversification of electricity supply sources
Ministry of Industry
Prime Minister decision
Administrative reform, raising of effectiveness of foreign relation activities and international economic integration
Scheme on improving the organization and operational mechanism of the agencies in charge of competitiveness administration, combat against subsidies and dumping and settlement of trade disputes, and market control forces
Ministry of Trade
Ministries, branches
Prime Minister decision
Overall scheme on a new system of decentralization, ensuring systematicality and compatibility between all sectors
Ministry of Construction, Ministry of Home Affairs and Ministry of Planning and Investment will be responsible for reviewing and reporting to the Prime Minister
Ministries, branches, localities
Decisions of ministries
Program on renewal of the direction and administration of administrative reforms
Government Steering Committee for Administrative Reform
Prime Minister decision
2007 - 2008
Improving the system of professional titles and criteria for state employees and servants
Ministry of Home Affairs
Ministries, branches, localities
Government decree or Prime Minister decision
Ministry of Home Affairs
Ministries, branches, localities
Prime Minister decision
Program on reform of public-service non-business units
Ministry of Home Affairs
Ministries, branches
Government decree or Prime Minister decision
Scheme on participation in groupings (G-groups) in WTO
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Government negotiation delegation, Ministry of Trade and other ministries and branches
Prime Minister decision
Scheme on promoting Vietnam’s role in regional and international organizations
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Prime Minister decision
2007 - 2008
Mechanism of inter-disciplinary coordination in international negotiations
Government Office
Ministry of Trade, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and other ministries and branches
Prime Minister decision
Ministry of Home Affairs
Ministries, branches, localities
Prime Minister decision
2007 - 2008
Education and training and human resource development
Overall program on educational reform
Ministry of Education and Training
Report to the Political Bureau, National Assembly resolution, Government decree
2007 - 2010
Scheme on training and retraining teachers
Ministry of Education and Training
Ministries, branches
Prime Minister decision
2007 - 2008
Ministry of Education and Training
Ministry of Home Affairs, Ministry of Finance and other ministries and branches
Prime Minister decision
2007 - 2008
Plan on training skilled workers for some potential production industries, especially in export
Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs
Ministries, branches
Prime Minister decision
Scheme on raising the quality and efficiency of the use of workforce
Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs
Ministries, branches, localities
Prime Minister decision
2007 - 2008
Scheme on job retraining for unemployed laborers
Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs
Prime Minister decision
Scheme on school fees in the national educational system
Ministry of Education and Training
Ministries, branches, localities
Government decree
Ministry of Education and Training
Ministries, branches, localities
Government decree
2007 - 2008
Agricultural modernization and rural development
Policies to accelerate the process of land accumulation in association with switching agricultural labor to other trades and sectors
Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
Report submitted to the Political Bureau; Government decree
2007 - 2009
Policies to encourage development of production and service business enterprises and cooperatives in rural areas
Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
Ministries, branches, localities
Government decree
2007 - 2008
Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Ministry of Fisheries
Ministries, branches, localities
Government decree
Policies to encourage industrial production establishments employing unskilled laborers to move to or invest in rural areas
Ministry of Planning and Investment
Ministries, branches, localities
Government decree
Policies to encourage participation in community associations of producers in the same commodity sectors
Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Ministry of Fisheries
Ministries, branches, localities
Government decree
Reviewing the model of association of the “four parties” and signing of contracts on purchase of agricultural products with farmers and adjusting the program and expanding its implementation
Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
Prime Minister decision
Scheme on developing preservation and processing technologies to reduce post-harvest losses for agricultural and aquatic products
Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Ministry of Fisheries
Ministry of Science and Technology, Ministry of Industry and other ministries and branches
Prime Minister decision
2007 - 2008
Vietnam National Administration of Tourism, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
Ministries, branches, localities
Prime Minister decision
2007 - 2008
Policies to reduce farmers’ contributions
Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Ministry of Finance
Ministries, branches, localities
Government decree
Implementation of social welfare policies
Scheme on assessment of WTO accession impacts on labor, employment and social issues and recommended solutions
Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs
Ministries, branches
Draft scheme
Ministry of Home Affairs
Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs, and other ministries and branches
Scheme submitted to the Party Secretariat, National Assembly; Government decree
Scheme on assurance of social welfare in the sprit of joint contributions from the state, enterprises and laborers
Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs, Ministry of Finance
Ministries, branches
Government decree or Prime Minister decision
Scheme on development of voluntary social insurance
Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs, Ministry of Finance
Ministries, branches
Government decree
2007 - 2008
Scheme on setting up an unemployment insurance fund
Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs
Government decree
Regulations on organization and operation of social and charity funds
Ministry of Home Affairs
Ministries, branches
Government decree
Review and evaluation of the national socio-economic situation after 5 years since WTO accession
Ministry of Planning and Investment, Ministry of Trade
Ministries, branches, localities
Report submitted to the Political Bureau; National Assembly resolution; Government decree
2010 - 2012
Environmental protection and sustainable development
Environmental management policies
Ministries, branches
Government decree
2007 - 2008
Policies to encourage investment in natural resources and environmental protection
Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment
Ministry of Planning and Investment and other ministries and branches
Government decree
2007 - 2008
Scheme on environmental protection in river basins, nature and biodiversity conservation, marine and coastal environment protection
Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment
Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Ministry of Fisheries and other ministries and branches, localities
Prime Minister decision
2007 - 2008
Policies to encourage and promote socialization of environmental protection work
Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment
Ministries, branches, localities
2007 - 2008
Policies on development of the environmental industry
Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment
Ministries, branches, localities
Government decree
2007 - 2009
Criminal penalties on violations in the domain of environmental protection
Ministries, branches, localities
Penal Code (amended)
2007 - 2009
Policies on promoting the use and rational exploitation of natural resources and use of production waste
Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment
Ministries, branches, localities
Government decree
2007 - 2008
Protection and promotion of national cultural values
Policies to facilitate development of cultural industries and services
Ministry of Culture and Information
Ministries, branches, localities
Government decree
2007 - 2008
Mechanism of examination and oversight of enforcement of the law on intellectual property in culture
Ministries, branches, localities
Government decree
Regulations on bidding for provision of cultural services and products under orders placed by the state in specialized domains of culture and information
Ministry of Culture and Information
Ministry of Finance and other ministries and branches
Prime Minister decision
2008 - 2009
Policies on investment cooperation with foreign countries in culture and information
Ministry of Culture and Information
Ministry of Planning and Investment and other ministries and branches
Government decree
2007 - 2008
Policies on embellishment, conservation and promotion of historical relics and spots of beauty in service of socio-economic development along the line of further socialization
Ministry of Culture and Information
Ministries, branches, localities
2007 - 2008
Assurance of security and defense
Scheme on assurance of security in international economic integration and WTO accession
Ministry of Public Security, Ministry of Defense
Ministries, branches, localities
Scheme submitted to the Political Bureau
Anti-terrorism scheme
Ministry of Public Security
Ministries, branches, localities
Scheme submitted to the Political Bureau
2007 - 2008
Scheme on enhancing strategic intelligence in the new situation
Ministry of Public Security
Scheme submitted to the Political Bureau
2007 - 2008
Nghị quyết số 16/2007/NQ-CP về việc Ban hành Chương trình hành động của Chính phủ thực hiện Nghị quyết Hội nghị lần thứ 4 Ban Chấp hành Trung ương Đảng khoá X về một số chủ trương, chính sách lớn để nền kinh tế phát triển nhanh và bền vững khi Việt Nam là thành viên của Tổ chức Thương mại thế giới do Chính phủ ban hành
Số hiệu: | 16/2007/NQ-CP |
Loại văn bản: | Nghị quyết |
Nơi ban hành: | Chính phủ |
Người ký: | Nguyễn Tấn Dũng |
Ngày ban hành: | 27/02/2007 |
Ngày hiệu lực: | Đã biết |
Tình trạng: | Đã biết |
Văn bản đang xem
Nghị quyết số 16/2007/NQ-CP về việc Ban hành Chương trình hành động của Chính phủ thực hiện Nghị quyết Hội nghị lần thứ 4 Ban Chấp hành Trung ương Đảng khoá X về một số chủ trương, chính sách lớn để nền kinh tế phát triển nhanh và bền vững khi Việt Nam là thành viên của Tổ chức Thương mại thế giới do Chính phủ ban hành
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